The program team lost contact, and the character of Desert Island Live was reversed

Chapter 201 The zombies dance and it’s all about knives

As the prelude drum beat sounded, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

Although "Do You Want to Dance" is not highly regarded in rock music, and some people even think it is a saliva song, it must be said that its rhythm is extremely magical and brainwashing.

It's the kind of song that, even if you think it sucks, once you listen to it a few times, the lyrics will play over and over in your head, as if you've been brainwashed.

【Whenever the wave comes

Will you be sad too?

in a crowded lonely room

I can't breathe anymore]

When Su Zhe sang the lyrics, Danmu laughed dumbly:

[Haha, these lyrics are so apt, couldn’t they have been written by Su Zhexian? 】

[Surrounded by a group of zombies, can you not be crowded or lonely? 】

【It’s really hard to breathe hahaha! 】

Su Zhe stepped on other effects to make the guitar sound drier, and sang loudly:

【In this cold and heartless city

In a modern and decadent party

Whenever the guitar noise comes again

Electricity passes through me and you]

The zombies all stood up involuntarily. No one could remain calm in this kind of music.

Su Zhe finally sang the most magical part of this song——

【You you you want to dance】

After repeating it several times, he simply let go of the guitar and pointed at the "zombies" outside the fence:

"You you you you want to dance?"

The audience saw a group of "zombies" waving their arms together under the agitation of the music, dancing wildly, and twisting their bodies crazily. They were all dumbfounded:

[Fuck, this is the most magical rock scene I have ever seen in my life. 】

【crazy! All crazy! If it breaks, I will go crazy too! 】

【Ah, my legs! It's out of control and moving! 】

【Do you want to dance too? 】

Next, Su Zhe basically repeated the lyrics and sang "You, you, you, you, do you want to dance" constantly.

If it were an officially released single, some people would definitely criticize him for exhausting his talents, but as a temporary song, everyone is tolerant and thinks he only wrote half of it:

[It’s so happy. I look forward to Su Zhe perfecting this song and releasing it as a single. I will definitely buy it! 】

【joy? Don't make trouble, I clearly heard the sadness! Crowded, decadent, lonely... Faced with these, we can only temporarily forget them through dancing. 】

[Su Zhe is getting more and more powerful, covering up his deep despair with joy, which makes people feel sadder and sadder. 】

[I can imagine that when Su Zhe perfects this song, it will definitely be a particularly sharp and dark song. 】

[Tear-jerking singer is well-deserved! Looking forward to the same. 】

At this time, Su Zhe was also watching the show. When he saw the barrage on the screen, he was dumbfounded:

"Perfect? ​​That's it for this song!"

What are these viewers thinking about?

I've traveled through time, where can I find new pants to "perfect" this song?

When he started singing "Do You Want to Dance", he just thought it was fun and didn't expect it to be broadcast.

Later, the program team thought this segment was too cool and strongly recommended that it be broadcast. He reluctantly agreed and was worried that he would be scolded——

After all, the first rock song, not only copied from Cui Jian, but at least copied from Dou Xianer.

Copying "Do You Want to Dance" wouldn't embarrass the copywriter?

As a result, he never expected that because it sounded like a live improvisational song, the audience not only did not criticize it, but also expected him to seriously polish the inspiration and write the song into a classic rock song.

Isn't this nonsense?

Su Zhe decided not to sing this song again to avoid disappointing fans.

But he didn't expect that this song would become popular again!

One is because the lyrics and melody are so magical, and the other is because the one-man band he performs live is so cool.

[Su Zhe One Man Band] has been on the hot search list.

Compared to the impromptu rock song that wasn’t very good, more netizens were discussing Su Zhe’s amazing performance:

[JB is so cool! I watched Su Zhe show off his strange skills all day long, and I almost forgot that he is even better in music! 】

[My bandmates asked me why I was kneeling on the keyboard watching variety shows? 】

[Except for the drum set, Su Zhe plays every instrument at the top level. 】

[Everyone, I am not only responsible for all the instruments myself, this is not difficult, I can do it, but he actually achieved it through loop! There can be no mistakes in the addition of every instrument! 】

[I must have tried it many times, I just played the most successful one. 】

[("Escape Room") Xiao Escape guarantees success with his personality! Our program team was all shocked, and the post-production staff discussed it for a long time. Even if it would affect the atmosphere of the program, we still insisted on cutting it into the main film. 】

【Well done! Isn’t this more exciting than breaking through levels? 】

In addition to admiration, some people are also sighing:

[Don’t say that you can’t pick up girls. I dare say that even if a man is old and ugly, as long as he performs like Su Zhe in a bar, he can choose any girl in the place! 】

[Even if Su Zhe is not a star, he still kills people randomly in school. 】

[Do you still need Su Zhe himself? The low-end version can kill indiscriminately! [Video of the K-room of X university grassroots XXX nicknamed "Little Su Zhe" was exposed]]

[Brother, you can’t open this link. Please give me a video! 】

【Private. 】

Su Zhe scrolled through his cell phone, watching some people quickly turn around, and angrily cursed in a trumpet:

"A good man lives a safe life and seeks selfishness."

Ding dong!

He immediately opened the link out of curiosity and found that this school sweetheart looked a bit like him in terms of face shape, but his facial features were far different. She was just dressing up like him on purpose, and she also knew how to play guitar, so she was a super low-end version.

He looked at it again and found that there were a lot of female stars, and he cursed secretly for some reason. After further research, he found that the quality was not bad, but far inferior to the female stars he had met, and he immediately felt balanced:

"Hmph! Are you worthy of being called 'Little Su Zhe'?"

After sighing, he skillfully deleted the video, clicked to report it, and finished it in one go.

Reason for reporting:

【writer of sensational headlines! Her appearance is too different from Su Zhe's, so I suggested changing her name to "Xiao Cai Zifeng". 】(Cai Zifeng is the low-profile Su Zhe)

It seems that everyone is discussing Su Zhe's amazing performance, and no one is paying attention to the content of "Escape Room".

However, Su Zhe thought about the plot setting of the entire show and had to admit that it was well written.

Although everyone writes scripts, H Province Satellite TV's variety show scripts are the most exciting. This is a matter of ability.

In the show, a group of guests went through various mechanisms and found a reversal:

Jia Fenghou followed Jia Fugui not for his own glory and wealth, but because he had witnessed the fall of the country and the misery of the people since he was a child. He wanted to change but had no power, so he wanted to inherit Jia Fugui's power and save China after becoming a warlord.

If this setting were replaced by a time-travel novel, it would be a satisfying story about the establishment of the Chinese Empire in the late Qing Dynasty.

However, this is not a happy story. After Jia Fenghou left his mother, her mother disappeared and was suspected of death. After he endured the humiliation and took over his father's power, he found that his ambition was difficult to achieve and he was hampered by everything.

Even foreigners who severely punish crimes will be suppressed by many parties, and eventually they will be assassinated, drugged with "cruel drugs", and become an extremely cruel reactionary warlord, flattering externally and suppressing internally.

Some viewers who watched the show seriously felt very sad when they saw this scene.

The cutest plot is not death.

Instead, he watched helplessly as a young man who wanted to be a hero lost his beloved mother, had his lofty dreams shattered, became the most hated person, and was eventually denounced as a devil by everyone.

After they broke into Jia Fenghou's bedroom on the fourth floor, Su Zhe was finally rescued.

And after the final series of puzzles, they finally obtained the final truth——

Jia Fenghou's mother Wu did not die, but lived in seclusion after her death, unwilling to see her son again, and lived in confusion every day.

But she learned that Jia Fugui was dead and her son had become a warlord. After living in the Generalissimo's Mansion, she still returned to her son.

Jia Fenghou was ecstatic, and after seeing his mother, his mind controlled by the [Cruelty Drug] miraculously broke through a crack.

There is hope that he can resist the influence of [Cruelty Drug]!

As long as he returns to normal, he can quietly lie dormant, contact the revolutionary party in the south (which at this time still represents advanced, not reactionary forces, anyway, the textbook says so), and overthrow the decadent warlord rule in one fell swoop!

After reading the above information, all the guests were very excited. Will this book have a happy ending?

My mother is still alive, her mind has returned to normal, and she has contacted the revolutionary party for the Northern Expedition. Family ties, ambitions, and the future are all so beautiful.

Su Zhe couldn't help but pour cold water:

"That's not right. I remember saying at the beginning that Warlord Jia is dead and we are here to investigate the cause of death."

At this time, the program team announced:

"The investigation team has found all the clues. Please restore the cause of Jia Fenghou's death. If you succeed, you can pass the level."

Everyone was stunned:

Restore the cause of death? Have you found all the clues?

At this time, Wu Peipei stepped forward with an ugly expression and said:

"This is the clue I found in the third-floor restaurant. Take a look..."

The relevant clues were not shown to the audience, and they could only see the expressions of the guests changing from surprise to sadness, anger, and helplessness.

Finally, the guests said in a low voice:

"I probably understand, let's restore it."

"Su Zhe, restore Jia Fenghou; Zhou Jiamin, restore the Wu family."

If it were normal, Zhou Jiamin would definitely joke that she was not old enough to play her mother, but Wu Peipei is a little girl, so she can't be allowed to play, right?

Moreover, the plot was too heavy, and Zhou Jiamin was not in the mood to joke.


The show has entered the end, and the suspense of the plot at this time has attracted the attention of the audience, and the number of viewers has stably maintained a very high level.

On the screen that attracts the attention of countless viewers——

Su Zhe was sitting at the desk in the bedroom, holding a pen in his hand. His expression was uncertain, sometimes ferocious, sometimes struggling, with veins popping out on his forehead and big beads of sweat dripping down.

[Shit, it’s just a variety show, do you want to be so good? 】

[One close-up swayed me! Is Su Zhe really not going to act in movies? 】

[Excuse me, can clips from variety shows be selected as best actors? 】

"Damn...imperialism..." Su Zhe gritted his teeth, and the cruelty in his eyes faded little by little, "I must..."

Gritting his teeth and saying this, he seemed to be affected by the [Cruelty Drug] again, and his tone became cruel:

"Kill them all!"

【good! that's all! 】

[Haha, I support being cruel to the enemy! 】

I originally wrote a very long plot for "Escape Room", but because I thought it would be easy to criticize, I just wrote this outline, otherwise it would have been tens of thousands of words.

Also, are we still allowed to write time travel stories about the late Qing Dynasty? I really want to see it.

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