"We have to try to join up with the other group, at least get out of the room first. Let's search the room and see if there are any clues."

Su Zhe took Zhou Jiamin and Guan Chunjie to search for clues and found a locked box.

Zhou Jiamin said with great experience:

"The key must be hidden in a hidden place, such as in a flowerpot, inside a book, on the back of a drawer, under a table leg, etc. Don't worry, leave it to me! I'm the king of secret room evidence searching!"

Guan Chunjie cheered from the side and said:

"Of course! Zhou Jiamin is the most thorough in collecting evidence. Maybe we will be faster than the other group!"

Zhou Jiamin made a determined gesture towards the camera:

"Haha, just look at me!"


Su Zhe threw the lock aside and made a loud sound, interrupting Zhou Jiamin's self-motivation and Guan Chunjie's loud flattery.

The two turned to look at Su Zhe and were shocked to find that he had opened the box:

"Did you open the lock? Where did you find the key?"

"No, I remembered it. Su Zhe seems to be able to pick locks!"

Su Zhe turned to look at them and shrugged:

"This is just a toy lock. You can open it with any piece of iron. It's much simpler than the lock on the door just now..."

The two looked at each other:

"Why do you feel so sorry?"

"It's not challenging!"

The two of them were a little confused. They had never seen such an unusual decryption method. They watched him find a piece of red paper and a walkie-talkie in the box.

Su Zhe couldn't help but fiddle with the walkie-talkie, and found that the channel had been adjusted, so he pointed it and spoke directly:

"This is Su Zhe, Zhou Jiamin and Guan Chunjie. Is there anyone across the way? Is it Wu Peipei's group?"

No one answered.

Su Zhe had no choice but to put down the walkie-talkie and read the words on the red paper with the other two:

"For six years in Beiyang, the people were in dire straits..."

Through reading, Su Zhe slowly understood the background of this secret room. It took place during the Beiyang Government, and the building they were in was the Marshal's Mansion of Warlord Jia.

According to the text, compared with other warlords, Warlord Jia can be called kind. At least he treated civilians well and did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, which was very good in that era.

But for some reason, a sudden disaster struck the Marshal's Mansion, causing everyone in the Marshal's Mansion to die mysteriously.

Su Zhe and others were Beiyang employees who came to the Marshal's Mansion to investigate. However, after entering the Marshal's Mansion, they lost their memory. Only by solving the mystery of the Marshal's Mansion can they find the truth and regain their memories.

"I see."

Suddenly, the three of them opened the red paper and found that there was an architectural drawing of the Marshal's Mansion on the back. There were four floors in total. They were in the eastmost room on the first floor.

Su Zhe pointed to the middle of the fourth floor of the map, where there was the most conspicuous room labeled "Warlord Jia's Bedroom" and said:

"It seems we have to solve the mystery all the way to this room to find the truth."

"Where are Peipei and the others?" Zhou Jiamin asked quickly.

Su Zhe shook his head and stared at the map:

"It's not marked. I guess it's either in a nearby room and we can meet up after we walk out of the room, or it's going to be troublesome..."

Just as he was about to tell his guess, he was interrupted by the intercom:

"Su Zhe, Su Zhe! I'm Peipei! Can you hear me?"

Hearing the familiar voice on the walkie-talkie, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Zhou Jiamin immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"There are three of us here, are there three of you there?"

"Yes, the three of us were led to a temple. After we took off our blindfolds, we discovered that the person holding Zeng Qisheng's shoulders turned out to be a monk (NPC)! We were scared to death! Then a group of monks (NPC) suddenly rushed out of the temple, We were so scared that we hid in a room..."

Su Zhe listened carefully to Wu Peipei's words and found that their experiences were similar to the three of them, except that they were not in a cemetery, but in a temple.

After the three of them hid in the room, they also found a box and were looking for the key when they heard Su Zhe's voice coming from inside.

Ge Yunbin couldn't help but marvel:

"You guys acted so fast! Before we even found the key, you actually opened the lock and got the walkie-talkie. Zhou Jiamin, you are worthy of being the strongest evidence collector!"

He flattered her and slapped her on the leg. Zhou Jiamin blushed and said helplessly:

"Don't open any pot and lift it."

Ge Yunbin:? ? ?

Su Zhe was too lazy to show off, so he interrupted them and asked:

"Did you see the red paper?"

"Red paper? It's yellow paper!" Wu Peipei said strangely.

Color is not the same?

Forget it, the key is words and maps!

"Look at the map on the back of the paper. Where are you?"

Su Zhe asked immediately.

After a moment of silence on the other side, Ge Yunbin's voice immediately came:

"We are on the westernmost side of the first level."

Su Zhe slapped his thigh and sighed:

"It's just as I guessed! Looking at the map, things are completely symmetrical. The central axis is the wall. Only Warlord Jia's bedroom on the fourth floor is connected."

Ge Yunbin understood what he meant and said in surprise:

"In other words, our two groups must fight separately until we reach the last room before we can join together?"

"That's right." Su Zhe looked at the walkie-talkie in his hand, "That's why we were equipped with walkie-talkies. I guess some of the decrypted information may be in the other party's room. We can only successfully decrypt it if we cooperate with each other."

"Yes, that must be the case, otherwise there would be no need to separate." Ge Yunbin admired him very much and said thankfully, "Fortunately you are in that group."

Zhou Jiamin:? ? ?

"Lao Ge, are you trying to yin and yang me?"

Ge Yunbin:......

You didn’t respond to flattery, but Yin Yang, you responded very quickly!

"Stop chatting and tell us the words on the yellow paper first."

The other side said:

"For six years in Beiyang, the people were in dire straits..."

The background information at the beginning was exactly the same, but when Warlord Jia was introduced, it was completely different.

The red paper here written by Su Zhe said that although he was a warlord, he sympathized with the people, was upright and passionate, and was a new patriotic warlord.

But on the yellow paper written by Wu Peipei, Warlord Jia was actually a "traditional" warlord who was murderous, cruel, greedy and vulgar, and brutalized the people!

what happened?

After both parties proofread the words on the paper, they were both a little confused.

Ge Yunbin guessed:

"Could it be that Warlord Jia was a good warlord when he was young but turned evil when he got old?"

This is normal. Many wise rulers have turned into dim rulers in their later years. It is also normal for a mere warlord to change before and after.

Su Zhe felt something was wrong because "Beiyang Six Years" was written on both pieces of paper!

But at this time, there is no use arguing about this, let’s crack the secret room first!

"Look for any other evidence in the room."

The two groups searched for each other in the room and found that if they wanted to leave the room, they had to open the code lock at the door.

Su Zhe was studying the combination lock, and Zhou Jiamin finally used his strongest evidence-finding ability and touched some small raised dots under the drawer.

She quickly pulled out the drawer, handed it to Su Zhe, and asked:

"What's this?"

Su Zhe took a look:

"Morse code. You are so quick to collect evidence!"

"Can you figure it out?" Zhou Jiamin asked him.

"I know a little bit about it," Su Zhe said humbly.

He has top-level decryption ability, and all kinds of puzzles on the desert island can't stump him. Morse code is just the simplest.

He wrote a string of letters according to Morse code, then wrote the corresponding numbers according to the order of the alphabet, and finally calculated a number quickly according to the calculation rules prompted:


Exactly six digits, it should be the password.

Su Zhe walked to the door, pressed the password one after another, and then pressed the # key.


Password lock error.

"No?" Su Zhe was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Try 121144!"

"Did you find the clue? So fast?" Wu Peipei was shocked and shouted, "Ge Yunbin, aren't you a dog-headed military advisor? Why are you so slow?"

"I haven't found any clues yet." Ge Yunbin replied helplessly, walked to the combination lock, pressed the numbers in sequence according to the numbers given by Su Zhe, and then pressed the # key.


The lock is open!

Wu Peipei and the three of them were shocked:

"Really open?"

"You are so awesome! It is indeed our password!"

Listening to the voice from the walkie-talkie, Zhou Jiamin was very proud:

"Haha, we win this time! Don't keep us waiting too long."

Ge Yunbin was very aggrieved:

"Don't worry, we'll find it soon."

However, after waiting for a while, they still found no clues.

Su Zhe and the other three were bored with waiting. They each searched the house, but could not find any other clues.

At this time, Su Zhe walked to the code lock and thought for a while. After pressing the code lock, he heard:


The password lock is open!

Su Zhe showed an expected expression and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"No need to look for it. I've opened the code lock. Let's go to the next room."

Wu Peipei and the other three were dumbfounded:

"Opened it? But we haven't found the password yet! Can you find it by just trying it?"

Zhou Jiamin and Zhou Jiamin also came over in surprise, looking puzzled:

"Can you try out all six digits of the password?"

Su Zhe shook his head, pointed at the combination lock and said:

"This kind of password lock is very common. Just press # 123456 # ​​to enter the management mode, and then press 22 # to reset the password. I set 123456 casually, and finally pressed # to reset the password. Set up."

As he spoke, he reset the password lock again and looked at the two people:

"It's pretty simple."

Both the two people here and the three people on the other side of the intercom were all in shock:

Can you still play like this?

Can't find the password? Reset the password lock?

There seems to be nothing wrong with playing the game this way, but when I think about it carefully, I feel like something is wrong.

"I don't want this either. Who told you to find clues so slowly?" Su Zhe complained into the intercom, "Actually, it's quite interesting to solve the puzzles arranged by the program team."

Ge Yunbin looked very hurt:

My dignified secret chamber intelligence officer, the famous Gou Dao military advisor, turned out to be a hindrance?

He is not a big star, but he did play a decisive role in "Escape Room" and had highlight moments in many issues.

Because of his timid personality, he calls himself Gou Daoliu Military Advisor, and is nicknamed Dog-headed Military Advisor by others, but in fact, they all trust his decryption ability.

It was rare for them to see Ge Yunbin so frustrated, so they all laughed:


"Although you are very smart, don't compare with Su Zhe. He is invincible on desert islands and grasslands, but he is nothing in the secret room!"

"The name of the most powerful brain in the secret room has changed hands!"

Su Zhe felt embarrassed after listening to their compliments:

"You're welcome, it's just some low-level skills, nothing to show off."

After a while of flattery, the two groups opened the door and walked into the corridor inside the Marshal's Mansion.


As soon as Su Zhe stepped out of the room, the door behind him slammed shut. He pushed it casually, but it didn't move at all.

If he pushed hard, he would definitely be able to push it away, but since he was here to play games and record shows, he definitely couldn't destroy the props.

So he just shook his head and said:

"The road back is blocked. It seems we can only move forward."

The other two people nodded fearfully and still had to form a formation.

At this time, Zhou Jiamin had already discovered that Su Zhe was the most hidden tank. Without any fear during the whole process, he placed him at the back of the line:

"According to experience, the most dangerous thing is behind you. We all let the boldest and most capable people stay at the end of the team. Please!"

Guan Chunjie sighed silently, but did not dare to refute. He secretly picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Ge Yunbin:

"We share the same problem, I understand you."

"You stand at the front!" Zhou Jiamin immediately interrupted him, "Give me the walkie-talkie. I'll stand in the middle and rely on you two to protect me!"

The three of them walked towards the corridor and found that the corridor was very narrow, with thin plaster walls on both sides and dim light bulbs above their heads, creating a dim and cramped atmosphere.

This made both Guan Chunjie and Zhou Jiamin nervous, and they walked forward cautiously, not daring to take another step.

Su Zhe followed them, watching them shrinking like quails, and almost laughed out loud. He tried hard to suppress his laughter, but he really couldn't understand:

This seems to be a deliberate design to scare the guests. Why not pass quickly? I was less frightened.

But he was at the end of the line and couldn't get past the two of them, so he randomly studied the plaster walls on both sides, tapped with his knuckles, and found that they were very thin, thinking about something bad:

"This should be a temporary wall made to make the corridor narrower. I should be able to easily kick it open and find other paths."

The program team shouldn't have expected that someone would solve the problem like this, right?

Although Su Zhe thought so in his heart, he couldn't really do it.

——The purpose of recording a program is to let the audience see the exciting moments, not just to "win".

Going a little off the beaten track can bring better program results; but if you completely ignore the rules, leading to the disappearance of the exciting parts of the program and the audience not liking to watch it, you are putting the cart before the horse.

Su Zhe was thinking wildly in his mind when he suddenly heard the sound of sizzling and sizzling.

He looked up and found that the light bulb above his head flickered a few times and then suddenly went out.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound of smashing on the plaster walls on both sides.

There are NPCs behind the wall!

Su Zhe felt lucky that he didn't kick the wall in advance, otherwise it would have been embarrassing to meet the NPC behind him!

He was also lucky that the two people in front of him were frightened and screamed.

Under the screams, the banging on the wall got louder. Just as Su Zhe wanted to remind them to leave quickly, he felt Zhou Jiamin in front of him suddenly turned around and threw herself into his arms, trembling.


The airbag is really soft.


The key now is not big...

Su Zhe was very surprised and asked in a weird tone:

"I was in front, and you jumped forward; I was in the back, and you jumped back again? Were you scared?"

Just like a young couple watching a horror movie together, the girl is so scared that she crawls into her boyfriend's arms, which makes the boy feel proud.

As everyone knows, girls are the main audience for watching horror movies. When they don't have boyfriends, they can watch them with great enthusiasm.

It’s not clear who is the prey and who is the hunter!

Faced with Su Zhe's question, Zhou Jiamin ignored it and just screamed, holding Su Zhe's waist with both hands and grabbing randomly.

Su Zhe couldn't help it any longer, so he grabbed Zhou Jiamin's hand that almost fell on Hua Xia's nice butt, and whispered:

"Don't go too far! (very low voice) Old woman!"

Ten thousand words tonight, wishing everyone a happy holiday. By the way, celebrate the fact that this book has become a high-quality product! happy.

By the way, the plot in the variety show "Escape Room" is my own original creation. I did not copy the show, but made reference to some famous scenes.

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