On the stage, Su Zhe suddenly showed a sarcastic smile and sang to the climax:

[Namahu didn’t know he was a donkey

That bird doesn't know he is a chicken

Goulan always acts elegant

Since ancient times, my father-in-law has had a good reputation]

By this sentence, some keen listeners had already noticed that something was wrong.

They raised questions:

[Is it a mockery? What allusion was used? I didn’t catch it! 】

[Looking at the expression, it seems to be mocking. 】

At this time, the sugarcanes were also washing the ground:

[My brother is a pioneer in music. When exploring music, I never care whether it sounds good or not, you idiots! 】

[Music genius, of course you don’t understand! 】

Various barrages were mixed together, but no attention was paid to them.

The mainstream barrages are still saying:

【Not nice. 】

【A bit strange. 】

【Can't understand. 】

Seeing this scene, the producer finally felt relieved. He expected that Su Zhe would be criticized by public opinion and no longer wanted to beg Su Zhe to stay. He smiled and said confidently:

"Su Zhe, thank you for your self-destruction. This will give you a reason to eliminate you, and it will also attract a wave of attention and promote the show!"

He was making calculations very loudly, but it was a pity that Su Zhe couldn't hear him.

After a while of accompaniment, Su Zhe continued to sing:

[A young man came from the west/His ​​name is Ma Ji

Beautiful and graceful/young and suave/children of China

Just for other people's sea rafting/fighting against the wind and waves

Longyou in the dangerous shoal/wandering in the bad land]

After hearing these lyrics, Gu Yifei felt a little familiar and murmured to himself:

"Ma Ji? Rakshasa Haishi? I feel like I've seen it somewhere before."

It is a pity that although he is an old-timer, his cultural background is not very deep and he did not think of Pu Songling.

Not to mention other people, to put it bluntly, the total amount of ink in the stomachs of these people is not enough for one bottle.

In other words, Song Hui still has some knowledge, but not much. He may know a little bit about talents and beauties, but he also has a blind spot in fantasy novels.

But after all, Pu Songling is a person who has studied in textbooks. Naturally, there are viewers who know about it, and they immediately posted the barrage:

【I see! "Rakshasa Sea" is a novel written by Pu Songling! 】

【right! I also remembered that Ma Ji is the protagonist in the novel. 】

【novel? What did you say? 】

[The love story between Ma Ji and the Dragon Girl, it’s a common fantasy story in ancient times, where a poor scholar marries a fairy, a dragon girl, a vixen, etc. 】

[This is not the key, is it? Why do I remember that in the first half, ugliness is considered beautiful? 】

There were many barrages and the audience had no time to distinguish them, so they heard Su Zhe continue singing:

[He saw that the country of Rakshasa was often turned upside down

Ma Hu likes to listen to the song of Youniao

The rooster crows in the middle of the night in the morning

True sentiments framed on half of the lintel]

The irony became stronger, and the barrage became more and more exciting.

Understanding the sarcasm implicit in literary and artistic works is actually a very pleasant experience, it's that kind of...

The sense of superiority that "no one is as smart as me, only I understand you";

There is also the sense of justice of "facing the darkness together".

[Go find the original text! Su Zhe definitely meant something! 】

【Getting excited! What did Su Zhe want to say? 】

It just so happens that Su Zhe's lyrics are becoming more and more explicit:

[It has red wings, black painted skin, green embroidered cockscomb, and golden hooves.

But coal eggs are always black when they are born.

No matter how you wash it, it’s still a dirty thing]

"That's a dirty thing too"!

From this sentence on, each sentence became more cruel than the last, until finally, Su Zhe sang:

[That mahu bird is the fundamental problem for us humans]

Some of the barrage finally understood what Su Zhe was satirizing, but the topic of "making ugliness beautiful" was too big to accurately target the satire.

But there are still many barrages insisting:

【Not nice! 】

[What does this have to do with classmates? 】

Unlike the barrage that got into arguments, there was no timely communication through the barrage, and there was no time to search online. Most of the judges and the audience did not understand the meaning of the lyrics.

So many judges felt relaxed and thought:

"It is indeed off topic, and it does not sound good. The insider information is correct! Then the low score is justified."

After scoring, the host interviewed Su Zhe:

"Teacher Su, I'm so sorry. I didn't understand the relationship between the lyrics and [classmate]. Can you explain it to everyone?"

After Su Zhe finished singing, his expression became relaxed. He was not bitter and resentful, but very relaxed. He reminded:

"Junior high school textbooks."

The host nodded and went to interview the professional judges.

Professional judges have said:

"The explanation is too forced. The song is a good song, but it is off topic, so it cannot get high marks."

“I heard an exploration in the music, but it didn’t feel like it was polished and commercial.”

"It feels like Mr. Su's recent songs don't pay much attention to the melodiousness. Is it a little too radical?"

The microphone gradually passed to Zhou Ziyun's hand.

He couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

Due to the live broadcast just now, he saw the barrage's analysis of "Rakshasa Sea". Although he didn't understand it, he was instinctively a little in awe.

Before Mingming came, the external producer told him to give Su Zhe a low score as much as possible, but at that time he felt nervous, and under the witness of the live broadcast, he still gave a high score.

Now holding the microphone, he hesitated and decided to follow his intuition:

"Teacher Su, I like this song very much and gave it a high score, but I'm afraid your total score won't be very high."

Su Zhe glanced at him in surprise and smiled:

“Being scored low is what makes the song complete.”

That's more ironic and story-telling.

Zhou Ziyun still didn't understand, but for some reason, he intuitively breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the microphone was handed to Hu Zhendong.

The host asked:

"Teacher Hu, what do you think of this song?"

Hu Zhendong picked up the phone, sighed and said:

"I know why you hate "Nan Shan Nan"."

The implication is that Su Zhe only likes the so-called avant-garde music that is obscure and difficult to listen to.

Unexpectedly, Su Zhe shook his head helplessly, spread his hands and said:

"Who says I don't like "Nan Shan Nan"? I like it very much, I just object to the mindless mythology of it."

He further elaborated:

"In deconstruction, readers have the right to understand and deconstruct the work in any way, regardless of the author's original intention. It is even said that once the work is completed, the author is 'dead'."

Obviously, Hu Zhendong did not understand what Su Zhe said, and his expression was a little confused.

Su Zhe continued to explain:

"But this does not mean that readers can make up behind-the-scenes stories for the author. They can have different understandings, but they cannot make them up for the sake of traffic."

Hu Zhendong understood this sentence and immediately found the loophole triumphantly:

"How do you know you are making it up? There is a touching story behind "Nan Shan Nan"!"

Su Zhe looked at him and suddenly the general said:

"Teacher Hu, why are you so sure?"

Hu Zhendong still did not "admit" that he was a poet in a nursing home, but the voice of "because he is the author" rang out from the audience, and he acquiesced.

Su Zhe:......

Damn, this old fox is so cunning!

After the chat, the points were drawn.

The public review score is 283, which is pretty good, but from Su Zhe’s point of view, it’s low.

The average score of professional reviewers was 2.2 points, and the score was only 55 points.

This rating is horribly low!

Even though the judges had said it in advance, it was because Su Zhe went off topic, which still caused an uproar on the scene.

The entire concert hall was buzzing, and even the guests backstage were stunned:

"2.2 points? Lower than Zou Yongmei?"

"The total score is only... 338 points! The lowest score?!"

"Only Zou Yongmei has the hope of scoring lower than this!"

"But if Zou Yongmei doesn't perform normally, won't Su Zhe be eliminated?"

Zou Yongmei:......

Although she was also surprised and worried about Su Zhe, she was really hurt when she heard these words.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Zou Yongmei came on stage in confusion. Her performance was average, but she still scored 352 points, surpassing Su Zhe.

This means that Su Zhe must be the last one!

At this time, Su Zhe had returned to the backstage with a very calm expression and joked:

"Why are you panicking? Just eliminate them if you eliminate them! It's a pity that Teacher Zou has no way to escape."

No one could laugh:

How can the main star of the show be eliminated?

Su Zhe comforted them in turn:

"Since there are winners and losers in the competition, it's normal for anyone to be eliminated. On the contrary, I am disappointed by the people who criticized me. They have always said that I am the default champion."

Su Zhe was also helpless about this. He obviously never got any help from the program team, but was always held back. He relied entirely on his own performance to get out of the circle, but he was still considered to be the default choice by the pink-eyed Heizi.

The other guests didn't know what to say, and the backstage was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

As the guests took the stage one by one, the show gradually came to an end, and Su Zhe also confirmed the countdown.

Logically speaking, the warm-hearted approach in the past should wait for the next theme before letting Su Zhe serve as the music introducer and introduce Hu Zhendong as the new guest to replace him.

But the producer couldn't wait, and Su Zhe didn't want to waste time recording another episode, so he simply announced:

Su Zhe was eliminated and Hu Zhendong took the place.

The host interviewed Su Zhe and asked him to express his thoughts on elimination.

He had expected this, and stood on the stage calmly, but looking at the audience, he suddenly felt a little melancholy:

At one point, he really regarded this place as his own show.

But unfortunately, it can be reflected from some small details that the program team did not regard him as the most important guest from beginning to end and did not give him the respect he deserved.

"This has been a dreamy 50 days. In the past two months, I have gone from being a young idol who has just become popular to being supported and welcomed by so many friends. It feels like a dream."

Some people in the audience had red eyes.

The barrage was very unified at this time. Regardless of whether they liked "Rakshasa Sea" before, they all said the same:

[Su Zhe is the soul of Yin Dan! 】

[I really didn’t expect that this show would lose him, and I may not follow him in the future. 】

[Suddenly recalling many famous scenes of Su Zhe, he really contributed a lot of laughter and tears. 】

【Goodbye Su Zhe! 】

Su Zhe turned to face the other guests and continued:

"This was also a pleasant 50 days. I spent time with the teachers day and night and formed a deep friendship..."

Xing Bingyan consciously turned sideways and looked at the other guests, finding that they were all very moved.

Su Zhe looked at each one:

"We create together,"

Song Hui couldn't help but nodded and sighed in his heart:

Although he didn't say it, he had never admired a colleague's creative ability so much.

"We live together."

Zou Yongmei wrung her hands together, this will be the best memory in her life.

"We play together,"

Gu Yifei sighed.

"We sing together."

Lin Shaner couldn't maintain her business smile.


Xue Mo looked around and consciously stood behind Xing Bingyan:

My role is so small, I don’t deserve to be in the front.

Su Zhe accidentally talked too much and couldn't help laughing at himself:

"Am I being too pretentious? It's just being eliminated. It's like being separated for life and death. I'm going to be laughed at."

No one laughed at him, only warm applause.

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