In the video, Liu Zihan listed a large amount of evidence, such as the clothes she was wearing that day, the taxi receipt at the time, etc.

Su Zhe couldn't help but take the phone over, put it in his hand to watch the video over and over again, and sighed:

This stupid kid.

He clicked on the comments and found a lot of obscenities.

Countless Nie Ding's fans scolded her, saying that she was just trying to gain popularity and was shameless for the sake of fame.

Others say she is a shameless extra.

Or maybe she was hired by Su Zhe to refute the rumors, saying that neither she nor Su Zhe was a good person.

The most serious one even threatened her to go to school to find her.

These words are child's play to Su Zhe.

Although he seems to have a good reputation, there are always some people who are full of hostility in their hearts and slander every celebrity indiscriminately, including Su Zhe.

There is a saying: China is big enough and has enough people. As long as a person becomes famous, there will be people who like him and there will be people who hate him.

——Except for a certain guy, it’s really hard to find anyone who likes him.

So when Su Zhe faced some unfriendly remarks, he always laughed them off and never took them to heart——

Because he has top psychological qualities;

Because he relies on this industry to make a living, he will inevitably face slander, and he has been mentally prepared for it;

Because he has more fans to help him scold him back, he doesn't need to worry at all.

What does Liu Zihan have?

She has nothing.

She just has a sincere heart.

She didn't deserve this.

Su Zhe logged on to his Weibo and found that this video also caused quite a stir on Weibo.

For the first time in these days, he finally commented on this matter:

[Many years ago, I knew that it was difficult for the Qing Dynasty to defend itself, so I let you comment. Anyway, I am thick-skinned. If I were thin-skinned, I would have quit the circle long ago. 】

[But some words are too cruel to say to a little girl. If you have any problem, come to me. I'll answer your questions! By the way, fans don’t need to criticize, let’s be sincere. 】

Someone immediately asked him very directly:

[Is there a script? Are there any extras? Are you really that good or is it just an act? 】

Su Zhe was also unambiguous and answered him directly:

[There is no script and no extras. I'm not that good, but I think everyone will take the initiative to express themselves in front of the camera. There is no need for a script at all, and it is not worthy of praise. 】

A fan commented below:

[No, my brother is on a deserted island. I don’t know if there is a camera but he still performs well. He is the best person in the world. 】

Su Zhe did not answer the fan and looked at the second question:

[Then how do you explain that the program team found someone to arrange the script and extras? 】

Su Zhe stopped trying to cover up the show and answered directly:

[That was arranged for other guests... Forget it, let me tell you the truth, to prevent you from framing other innocent guests again! It was prepared for Cai Zifeng, but he backed out of the circle and the preparation was in vain. 】

His candid answer shocked all the passers-by:

[Can this be said? Can this really be said? Aren't you afraid of offending others? Isn’t the entertainment industry full of swords and swords behind the scenes, but smiling faces on the surface? 】

Su Zhe replied:

[Originally, I didn’t want to offend anyone. But I can't watch some people bullying little girls, right? 】

A fan commented below:

[Brother deliberately directed all the firepower on himself to prevent some idiots from disturbing Liu Zihan. 】

[Uuuuuuuuuah, brother is so gentle. But I remember Liu Zihan was a fan of Nie Ding. 】

[Why do you spoil other people’s fans by pampering them? 】

[But I don’t believe that Liu Zihan is still a fan of Nie Ding. 】

Su Zhe replied to them:

[It doesn’t matter whose fan you are. The important thing is that when someone is willing to stand up and speak for you, you must cherish it. Including Liu Zihan, including you, all the friends who trust me. 】

Su Zhe publicly responded to netizens on Weibo. Moreover, the content is unabashed and focuses on sincerity.

This immediately attracted the attention of netizens.

It also made Liu Zihan receive less criticism.

After all, those black men can attack Su Zhe directly and get his reply, so why would they embarrass a little girl? There is no sense of achievement at all.

There was even a shipment of sugar cane to support Liu Zihan and prevent her from falling into siege.

"You are right, he is really a good man."

My best friend exclaimed and instantly became a fan of Su Zhe:

"He will be my new brother from now on! He is handsome and kind, but it is a pity that he has never acted in a TV series."

Liu Zihan replied excitedly:

"Yes, Uncle Su is really, really good."

Best friend:......

Are you taking advantage of me?

The two of them were no longer so nervous, and they were playing and playing around when they suddenly heard the door open.

Liu Zihan's parents were frightened and hurried home. As soon as they entered the door, they asked Liu Zihan:

"Are you crazy? Why did you post that video? Delete it immediately!"

Liu Zihan said stubbornly:

"No, I can't betray Su Zhe."

The father felt extremely angry and yelled:

"What kind of betrayal? Are you chasing stars again? There are no good people among celebrities!"

His mother quickly stopped him to prevent him from scaring Liu Zihan, and carefully asked about the whole story.

Liu Zihan said it seriously.

As she told the story, her parents couldn't help but change their minds after hearing what Su Zhe had done:

"I didn't expect that there are good people among young idols."

After Liu Zihan finished telling the whole story, she looked at her parents expectantly:

"Mom and Dad, did I really do something wrong? Shouldn't I do the right thing?"

The mother felt troubled. She didn't want her daughter to be hurt, but her daughter asked this question. How could she deny it?

She thought for a while, patted Liu Zihan's head and said:

"No, you did nothing wrong, but you are too young, whether it is us or your idol Su... Su what?"

"Su Zhe."

"Yes, we don't want you to get hurt. You need to protect yourself first. I will talk to the teacher. You should also pay attention to your surroundings and don't get hurt by bad people."

"Let adults do the rest. Adults should do the right thing."


Su Zhe didn't know whether he handled it well or not. Anyway, he had been fighting with the black men all day long.

His behavior actually won the trust of passers-by.

But the disadvantage is that he offended the producer of "The Birth of Music" by naming the program team to prepare a script for Cai Zifeng.

"Asshole! You ungrateful guy! You just became popular with the show, so you want to burn bridges?"

The producer was furious and got angry in front of the entire show crew.

Cheng PD felt helpless and said silently:

"It's obvious that the show became popular thanks to Su Zhe, why do you act like you're kind to him?"

Some people are like this. It's obviously a cooperative relationship and mutual benefit, but they always feel that they are giving alms to others and are their benefactors. They want to ride on others' heads and shit.

In fact, the producer also felt guilty, but he must not admit his mistake, otherwise his future would be bleak.

Now his only way is to find someone else to replace Su Zhe, achieve better results, and prove that——

He deserves the credit for "The Birth of Music"! Not Su Zhe!

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