Abduction 1. Who will win the retirement fight? (5)

Although she is a princess of the principality, she has risen to the top of the top 10 upper ranks of the empire with her own abilities.

Growing up at a rapid pace, she was a well-known woman, at least in Sanggye.

If you grow to this state, within a few years you will be in the top 10 of the world, not the top 10 of the empire.

What is the deal she proposes?

“Please marry me. Then, we will actively push for His Majesty’s plan.”

“It’s Jim’s plan… … .”

As if to say more, Ayla lifted her chin and smiled.

“After this election ceremony, His Highness the Crown Prince will be elevated to the throne.”

“… … therefore?”

Knowing his plans is surprising, but this is something only informed leaders can guess if they put their heads together.

“You must be away for a while after the wedding, right?”


“I will help with that.”

Those who knew Kariel well would be able to infer that she would leave the job to Rufiel on the pretext of going on a honeymoon and visiting her mother’s family.

Of course, Ayla could only infer this far, and did not know of any further plans.

However, she also had something prepared in her own way.

“… … what?”

“I just got a couple of important deals on top of me.”

The moment he heard Ayla’s words, Kariel’s eyes widened.

“Are you going to visit them on your honeymoon?”

“If Your Majesty permits it, I would like to do so.”

At Ayla’s words, the corner of Kariel’s mouth went up with a tearing momentum.


“And I have prepared another gift for you.”


“That’s right. Knowing that Your Majesty always thinks of the Empire, we intend to use some of the trade networks that our mercenaries have penetrated on their own as well as the Empire.”

Ayla, who seemed to have looked inside Kariel.

As a woman who had watched Kariel for the longest time in the empire, she knew exactly what Kariel wanted.

Beyond bringing the solution to Kariel’s immediate problem, she definitely took care of the gift.

“Could there be a better condition than this for His Majesty, who is more interested in retirement and serving the empire than love?”

At her confident words, Kariel tilted her head.

“Does Jim like dating too?”

“… … yes?”

Aila, who was confident at Cariel’s answer, put on a puzzled expression.

“like… … Even if it’s a woman you love… … .”

“ah! that’s not there Everyone was busy running away.”

As Kariel spoke with a bitter smile, Ayla breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her like that, Kariel smiled and asked quietly.

“Just ask me one thing.”

“Speak, Your Majesty.”

Cariel opened her mouth, staring intently at Isla who was speaking while bowing her head.

“Aren’t you interested in Jim’s younger brothers?”

What Kariel said when he left the Duchy.

Ayla’s eyes trembled at the sight of Kariel remembering that.

“ah… … There is not.”

“Hmm~ Is that so?”

“yes. I guess my eyes got too high when I only looked at His Majesty.”

Kariel smiled as she watched Ayla stick out her tongue.

“for now… … Think positively.”


He made a subtle expression of surprise and anxiety mixed in half, as if he knew he would accept his offer.

Looking at her like that, Kariel smiled and said.

“Shouldn’t we listen to other people’s suggestions as well?”

“ah… … .”

Ayla, who finally realized the intention of Kariel’s words, said with a smile again.

“Strain the top wine from Marnier Paul.”

“like… … Is this an alien?”

“Hmmmm! Rather, she has a crush on others.”

“It’s different… … . who?”

“This is Sir Glenn.”

At her words, Kariel tilted her head.

“Did Sir Glenn and Marnier have contact with the top stock?”

“It is said that they met by chance during the Iron Civil War.”

“Hoo… … ”

“I have met Sir Glenn several times since then, but… … .”

“I couldn’t confess my heart!”

Kariel said with a smile as if it was funny.

Marnier is tired of Glenn, who has no interest in anything other than the sword. Perhaps because of that, he was absorbed in the work of the top, thanks to which his genius quickly blossomed and he was able to reach where he is today.

Glenn, who is crazy about swords, has a heart that is frozen from exhaustion and has made her nicknamed the cold Sang-ju.

“Hmm… … Sir Glenn doesn’t care. Now that you know it, I’ll make sure to keep this going.”

After saying that, Kariel looked at Isla and said.

“Then what’s left is Saint Lundia? Why, who did she like too?”


“It’s fun. Is this someone I know?”

“He is someone you know well. It’s because he’s Commander-in-Chief Seriel.”

When an unexpected person appeared, Kariel tilted her head.

“Ceriel? No way.”

“Probably Commander-in-Chief Seriel doesn’t know.”

“ah… … .”

At Ayla’s words, Kariel nodded as if she understood.

Seriel also had a rather dull corner.

As a guy who pretends to be smart but is secretly oblivious to his work, there was a high possibility that it would be difficult to find out unless he was showing off to some degree.

“But you say that you like Seriel, and the appointment ceremony… … why?”

“The commander-in-chief Seriel was so dull that he gave up halfway. That’s why I turned my attention.”

“Is it different between me and Luffiel?”

Ayla smiled silently at Kariel’s question.

He was convinced as soon as he saw Kariel’s expression of astonishment.

‘Competitor elimination complete!’

Seeing Ayla smiling with an expression that she did it, Kariel lightly nodded.

“You won.”

Ayla hurriedly covers her mouth with both hands after cheering without realizing it, just like Kariel’s.

Looking at her like that, I smiled and asked as if I remembered something I was curious about.

“But how did you come here first? There must have been a lot of competitors.”

“ah… … I was lucky.”

After saying that, Ayla told me what had happened at the banquet hall.

After all the women who rushed at the gap ran out, women who couldn’t dare to follow easily even though Kariel withdrew.

Ayla was aiming for that gap.

In the case of Marnier and the Saint of Lundia, who were strong candidates for competition, there were times when they were a step behind when they looked at Seriel or Glenn.


Ayla smiles brightly at Kariel’s words.

“There is one thing I regret.”

“What do you miss?”

“yes. It’s good that there are no competitors, but there is a high possibility that the empress will be filled with people I don’t know.”

Marniena, whom I know well, like a teenage lord, and I was quite close to them because they were saints representing the kingdom.

Originally, one of them would have become the empress, and the rest would have become the empress.

She felt sorry for this because there was a high possibility that people she had no idea would become the empress now.

“Hmm… … You don’t intend to pay the empress?”


“One marriage is enough. What am I supposed to do with multiple empresses when I am about to step down from the throne?”

“ah… … .”

Ayla made a surprised expression at Kariel’s answer.

It was because he thought that according to the image of Kariel he had seen so far, he would spend a lot of money as an empress through an arranged marriage.

“Anyway, thank you for giving me valuable information. I’ll have to go get some ugly servants.”


“See you later at the Imperial Palace.”

Ayla smiles brightly when she says she will invite her to the Imperial Palace.

After saying goodbye to her, Kariel moved to find a mate for the ugly servants.

The first target was Glenn.

“Sir Glenn.”

“Yes. your majesty.”

“Sit here.”

Cariel forced Glenn into the side of the table, and then called Marnier’s top joe.

“1 hours. In the meantime, let the two of you talk. By the way, this is an order.”

Kariel, who forcibly woven Glenn, who had stood still while he was away, with Marnier Sangju Sangju, entwined Seriel and Saint Lundia this time.

“Brother, I… … .”

“Don’t regret it later, and listen quietly to your brother. Seeing what you do, it looks like you won’t be able to get married for the rest of your life.”

“no… … ”

“He’s a dull guy, so let’s talk about it with that in mind. I’m sorry for being a bad brother.”

“ah… … No.”

After weaving St. Lundia and Seriel in a hurry, everyone started to murmur.

The two strong candidates for the Empress had become entangled with the wrong people.

When two of the candidates for the Empress disappeared, some were looking for an opening, but some keen eyes knew that the situation was over.

“You have become a top-tier Ayla.”

“I know.”

The Marquis of Chardonnay remained, but those in the know knew that it was unlikely that she and Kariel would be married.

Most of the high-ranking officials, in particular, knew that a new couple would be formed through this banquet.

“The Marquis of Chardonnay!”

“Yes! your majesty.”

A woman who ran to Kariel’s call at once.

As she was nicknamed the world’s most beautiful woman, she showed a beautiful beauty that was breathtaking just by standing in front of her.

Kariel, who looked at her like that, glanced at a corner.

A person who doesn’t seem to be, but cares a lot.

“Tsk tsk! Sir Salvator! Don’t be nervous there, come out and confess confidently.”

“… … Yes?”

Salvator, who is said to be one of the most handsome men on the continent.

He was called Iron’s first sword.

His love for Chardonnay was known to all high-ranking officials in the military.

The reason Salvator came to like Chardonnay was simple.

‘I’ve never seen anyone prettier than me.’

For this simple reason.

At first, it was for this reason, but as we went to war together, the feeling of liking grew bigger, and as he often showed stupidity that he would not have known before, rumors spread to the extent that the majority of the military knew about it.

“The Marquis of Chardonnay.”

“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Does anyone like you?”

“There is not.”

“Then let’s meet again. I feel sorry for him because he has been stupidly doing that for years.”

Shardona turned her head and looked at Salvator at Kariel’s words.

Because she had always been running with only the mission in mind, seeing the restless Salvator didn’t really make her feel any different.

“… … If it’s an order… … .”

“Twice! Yes, it is an order. Starting today, the two of us will go on a date every day until the ceremony is over. Do you understand?”

“… … Yes.”

Shardona reluctantly bowed her head at Kariel’s command.

Cariel, who made another couple like that, visited each one of those who had been living a pitiful life due to work and married them with suitable women.

Then, as the election ceremony became a matchmaking place, numerous couples were born.

Among the couples born in such confusion and shock, Kariel made the last declaration.

“ah! By the way, the candidate for empress is the top of Ayla. Then everyone have a good time.”

Those who expected Kariel’s declaration nodded, but those who did not expect it opened their eyes wide and wondered when they met Ayla Sang Sangju.

Immediately after the banquet, which was surprising in many ways, newspaper articles spread throughout the capital.

“Isla’s upper rank! As a single candidate!”

「The empress candidates each found a mate?」

“Is His Majesty a matchmaker?”

Numerous articles poured out at midnight, and by the next morning, the news had spread throughout the continent.

It wasn’t shocking news because it was the empress position that was originally planned.

However, Kariel’s declaration announced the next day was disappointing to many who had come to the throne.

“One burden is enough for the Empress.”

It was a brief declaration, but it was bound to disappoint many people.

However, the women who took part in the ceremony were not greatly disappointed.

It was because she got a strong husband instead of the position of Empress.

The women who obtained decent husbands thanks to the emperor’s direct arrangement of matchmaking did not leave the capital despite the fact that the marriage ceremony was over.

Couples who travel around the capital on a date with their new lover.

Is it because so many couples were born in the banquet hall?

In the capital city, a wind of romance has blown.

Couples were born at parties held everywhere, and Kariel herself declared a festival for several days, as if to continue this atmosphere.

At the same time, he opened the imperial palace and held a banquet.

“Since you’ve worked hard, now you have to get married and date.”

At Kariel’s words, several ministers present in the conference hall cleared their throats and said,

“Hmmmm! Your Majesty, the only good thing about marriage is… … Maybe not.”

At the words of the Minister of Finance, the other ministers also nodded.

In response to their assertion that dating and married life are different, Kariel, who had never experienced it in her previous life, reluctantly, nodded and said,

“What… … you will know What are your next plans?”

“Perfectly prepared. I plan to make an announcement at the military department tomorrow.”

At the words of the military commander, Kariel smiled.

And the next day, an article appeared in the morning that confirmed Luffiel’s defeat.

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