64. Last War! (2)

When the order was finally given to return, the airship he rode galloped westward with all its might.

Contrary to the expectation that a war would break out with the demons right away, the demon king did not move quickly.

As if waiting for the land of the gods to be completed and the remnants of the past to gather, he moved slowly and reorganized the demon army.

When it was confirmed over several days that the demon king would not immediately start a war, the human army also decided to reorganize.

“Heroes finally returned to their families”

The allied forces, who made many sacrifices, were able to return to the arms of their families after completing the Eastern Expedition.

That’s why I reported this fact extensively, but I couldn’t just be happy.

It is because it is meeting with the family ahead of a big battle that could be the final war.

Not only Ignit, but all the soldiers on the continent knew that this battle would be the last, so they did not leave their families for a moment.

short break.

But more than ever before, the leaders of each country moved more busily in a sweet rest.

Particularly busy was Ignit.

“Now there is no point in preparing for the eventuality.”

At Rufiel’s words, the ministers nodded.

Those who prepared for the contingency with Kariel’s order.

However, since the battlefield was moved to the Mountains of Giants, the existing plan to hit the wall around the Mountains of Giants was meaningless. However, the plan so far was not meaningless.

This is because all power was concentrated in the Mountains of Giants.

The highest peak of the Mountains of Giants, seen as the center of the continent.

The land of the gods, made up of huge floating islands around it.

Asgard, which was created by a level of power so high that one cannot even guess how it was made, proved that the remnants of the past are indeed fragments of gods.

“Is it the Second Coming of the Age of Myth?”

A scholar’s dissertation.

Based on ancient documents, it was written that only those who have risen to the ranks of gods can achieve strange phenomena that cannot be maintained by modern magic.

And that was the common opinion of other scholars as well.

He risked everything in humanity to defeat a half-god, but when Asgard, where many gods gathered, was created, everyone trembled with anxiety.

However, Ignit’s leadership was different.

“Even though it’s dangerous, the location is good because it’s in the Mountains of Giants.”

“That’s right.”

The chancellor smiled and nodded at Rufiel’s words.

The Mountains of Giants was the concentration of core strategies and technologies they had prepared.

Now, all that power had to be focused on the mid-air land called [Asgard], the center of the mountain range of giants.

「Logistics network for rapid transport of strategic materials」

“Numerous rear bases built near the Mountains of Giants”

「Traps installed throughout the Mountains of Giants」

All of these preparations are for the army of the demon king and the army of hell, but that’s all if you change the target to the remnants of the past.

The problem is the following.

“How can I formulate a strategy after that?”

In response to the Prime Minister’s question, Rufiel said as if asking what he was asking.

“From now on, all decisions will be made when His Majesty returns.”

The chancellor also smiled at Rufiel’s words, but at the same time he was worried.

“Your Majesty will not be angry… … .”

“What should I do? We must live… … .”

At his words, the minister smiled and nodded his head.

“By the way, how did you prepare?”

“The conversation with Commander Seriel and Commander Rokhan has already ended.”

Luffiel smiled brightly at the Prime Minister’s answer.

All that was left was for their emperor to arrive ‘there’.

“Tarion and Akelio are… … ?”

“I will keep my mouth shut.”

As if not to worry, the prime minister said firmly.

What if they misbehave and Kariel finds out and the operation fails?

If that happens, Rufiel’s anger that will happen later will be covered by them.

If Kariel retires, the next great emperor will be Rufiel, and they will live a life buried in paper hell so that they can’t even look outside.

Of course, I’m afraid of Kariel’s anger when I find out about this later, but since everyone did it deliberately, the pain can be shared.

“They know very well that risk must be divided.”

Rufiel and the ministers nodded at the chancellor’s words.

Everyone except Kariel is in the same room, so what are we going to do?

Kariel returns without knowing anything in the trap everyone has dug.

Normally, you might have noticed something strange, but before the final war, Kariel was completely focused on Asgard and the Demon King, so he didn’t notice at all.

“I know. You can’t do that if you want to live alone.”

Rufiel muttered that in the Daejeon where everyone left, and prayed that Kariel would arrive there as soon as possible as he touched the letter of resignation he cherished.

* * *

While Kariel returned at full speed in the wind of everyone, the continent was exceptionally peaceful.

Everyone hoped that this peace would last just a little longer.

However, the demon king’s patience did not last long.

[The Demon King finally moved! Will the war finally begin?]

The leaders of each country informed the people of all continents that the demon king had moved.

The reason is?

It was simple. It was because it was the justification to summon the soldiers who would have been soaked in peace again.

“Aww! Dad don’t go!”

Crying and hanging child.

A wife wiping tears with her sleeve.

A soldier carrying a weapon while weeping over them.

He didn’t want to go either.

But I had no choice but to go.

If we lose here, humanity will perish.

Soldiers returning to the frontlines to fight at the risk of their lives to protect their families.

While all the troops in the western and eastern continents were reconvened, Kariel finally crossed the continent and arrived at the giant’s fortress, the continent’s largest fortress.

A non-aircraft that landed in the center when all of Ignit’s main power was gathered.

When the door opened, everyone bowed their heads in unison and shouted.

“Meet Your Majesty!”

Cariel looked around quietly amid everyone’s shouts.

– Straighten your face.

Surut whispered a little while looking at Kariel, who had a wrinkled face.

‘It’s finally here.’

If it wasn’t for the situation, it would have been a bit more mundane.

Maybe he could catch a retirement angle secretly while he was dying in the East.

But in the end it came back like this.

“Should I consider myself lucky that I didn’t go back to the Imperial Palace?”

After muttering like that, Kariel gestured for him to stop saluting, and then quietly headed towards the center of the giant’s fortress.

This time, as before, Kariel was dying in the giant’s fortress, and when the battle started, he thought of moving.

However, the atmosphere was kind of cheap.

“Is something strange?”

Tharion and Akelio, who were walking behind them, flinched involuntarily at Kariel’s murmuring.

Fortunately, Kariel, who could not see it, kept tilting his head.

He kept saying that his tip should not go inside now.

“What… … .”

It was time to mumble like that.

“Meet Your Majesty!”

Familiar voices rang out.

Voices that should never be heard.

The moment he heard their voices, Kariel’s expression began to harden.

“You-all… … no! Luffiel! Why are you here?”

The moment Kariel looked at his younger brother with a bewildered expression, Seriel appeared while coughing.

“To you?”

The moment he said that, Cariel’s expression hardened when even Marquis Sicario appeared while he was in the middle of closed training.

My head was spinning faster than ever before, and I knew what the situation was like now.

“I don’t think it’s just a place to welcome me… … .”

When Kariel glanced back and glared at Tharion and Akelio, they hurriedly turned their heads and coughed.

Next to where the ministers and prime ministers were seated, a pile of materials was seen.

Seeing this, Kariel assumed the worst case scenario.

“after… … Thank you all for welcoming Jim back.”

As we walked around pretending not to know anything, the ministers and all the bureaucrats bowed their heads silently.

– I brought you to the throne.

Looking at the bureaucrats who even brought the throne, which should have been in the imperial palace, Surt laughed as if it were fun.

“Why is the throne here?”

“Isn’t His Majesty’s residence the imperial palace?”

At Luffiel’s words, Kariel said with an angry expression.

“How dare you disregard the customs that have been handed down since His Majesty the First Emperor!”

“I apologize.”

Luffiel hurriedly lowered his head.

However, he immediately opened his mouth.

“His Majesty the current emperor, Haona, has already crossed the shadow of the first emperor. Also, in the present situation of the continent’s crisis, it is judged appropriate that His Majesty, who overcame the threat of God, directly lead the empire.”

While saying that, Rufiel lowered his head and carefully took out the report from his bosom.

The old chamberlain, who carefully received it, brought it to Kariel.

“I’m… … city… … administration?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I would like to propose an exhibition administration.”

A temporary imperial palace built around Kariel’s location.

All the bureaucrats expressed their will to follow Kariel in the future.

“Are you kidding me! Abandon the capital, where all systems are concentrated, and what? Will you follow me?”

Even though Kariel is furious, the chancellor holds out the next report with a calm expression.

“By Your Majesty’s secret order, we have established a system to concentrate all supplies around the Mountains of Giants.”

“Also, just in case, we have prepared all the means to make important decisions in the Iron Walled Castle.”

Luffiel continues the Prime Minister’s words.

“The military department has also prepared to give orders to the entire army from the giant’s fortress.”

At Seriel’s words, Kariel sighed.

Ignit, who has intentionally developed the East.

The contingency plan became the basis for Kariel to be prepared to the extent that it would not be too much trouble for the wartime administration.

The main battlefield would be the Giant Mountains anyway, so there was no problem even if Kariel wandered around the battlefield.

“… … .”

“your majesty! Please guide your beliefs yourself with that wisdom.”

“Lead me!”

Everyone knelt at Luffiel’s dock and shouted.

Seeing it, Surt grinned as if it was funny.

– George. I can’t help but be buried in a paper hell.

As the small fireball smiled and spoke, Squall and Agni suddenly appeared and stroked the head with small hands as if comforting Kariel.

And the green light of Gareum, who became a newly summoned body, also created a small arm and patted my Kariel’s head.

“… … i get it.”

After being silent for a while, Kariel managed to accept the ministers’ request.

Then the ministers and officials cheered.

In the case of Luffiel and Seriel, even tears were shed.

Cariel frowned at the sight, and immediately began a meeting to deal with the main issues.

* * *

Kariel went to work as soon as he returned home.

Unlike him, the Demon King moved leisurely to the Giant’s Mountains.

The Demon King who wandered here and there as if on a cruise and moved to the place where the remnants of the past are.

– Is that there? It’s interesting.

It looked mysterious to see the islands floating around a particularly tall mountain.

But the excitement for it was very short-lived.

– What kind of people are waiting for you?

The demon lord who muttered like that blew out his jealousy.

His only concern is a duel with a stronger being.

Therefore, the Demon King was only going to move to fight the strong.

-If we are going to attack that place alone, the human army will strike behind us.

– I go there alone. You stop the human army.

– Hah… …

The demon with fox ears, who was about to say something to the demon king’s decision, quietly shut his mouth.

– Everything is according to the will of the Demon King… … .

The demon king nodded with a smile at the words of the fox woman who bowed his head and started climbing the mountain of giants alone.

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