62. demon lord

In the end, what Kariel was so worried about happened.

The demon king who went to hell and returned to the demon world eventually set foot on the continent again.

To prevent this, Ignit’s main force pursued them to the snowfield, but in the end they failed.

“Damn it.”

“In the end, it was big that I couldn’t finish off the warlocks.”

At the Sunsword’s words, Duke Pyres calmly analyzed the situation.

The black magicians, who were called artisans who made secret bases in the West Continent, evaded the pursuit of Ignit’s main force by making secret bases in the same way in the snowfields.

Above all, the torn armies of the demons were tormenting the main Ignit army from all directions.

As the time dragged on because of them, who took the time to sacrifice one demon commander and two master-level demons, the rest of the demon army completely outrun the pursuit.

In the end, due to the extreme cold of the snowy field and insufficient food and supplies, the demon king descended from being unable to pursue a long-term pursuit.

“Still, you killed one demon commander and two master-level demons.”

“Is it meaningful? He’s the commander of the demon corps, and it’s enough to bring him back from the demon realm.”

The Duke of Pirès sighed and said at Duke Cleta’s words.

Then the pope, who had been listening quietly, shook his head heavily. As he said, from the point of view of the demon army, it was no problem for the demon corps commander and two master-level demons to die.

This is because there were many demon commanders in the demon realm. Above all, it was most important for the Demon King to recover his strength to some extent.

“It’s urgent! It is said that many demon kings appeared in the snowy field.”

“How big is it?”

“It is said to be the highest level of the main force of the past.”

Upon hearing from his subordinates, Duke Cletta smashed his desk while grinding his teeth.

It was only a few months ago that the near-extinction damage was done. However, the opponent was appearing again, leading an army of that size.

“What is their direction?”

“It’s on the side of the canyon of frigidity. It is said that the main forces of the Empire are already heading there.”

“Then we go there too.”

Upon the officer’s report, the masters hurriedly got up and came out of the barracks to move the army.

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Just then, another officer rushed over and said,

“It’s a big deal! One of the Holy Knights who went out to search has been annihilated!”

“What? What do you mean!”

The moment the sunsword became contemplative and tried to ask, an unknown, powerful force pressed them down.


“You must run away!”

“What… … .”

At the urgent words of Duke Pyres, the sun sword tried to scream as if it were nonsense.

“Did you forget His Majesty’s request?”

Sunsword’s expression hardened at Duke Pyres’ words.

The momentum that suppressed them was a kind of power that could not come from a master class.

What frightened him more than anything was that this power came from far behind the mountain.

A realm of unbelievable power.

“Still, I didn’t even try to fight… … .”

The Pope shook his head at the words of the Sunsword.

In my heart, the Pope himself wanted to fight. However, those who are presumed to be demon kings who openly reveal their strength behind the mountain and provoke them will want that.

In the end, Ignit’s main force, which decided to retreat, quickly began moving south.

– Sissy.

Despite the open provocation, he clicked his tongue while watching the humans who decided to retreat.

The demon king, who had crossed the mountain while single-handedly destroying the imperial search party and knights, hurriedly retreated and looked at the remnants of the human camp.

A slightly stronger level than when 10% of the past was usable.

I was thinking of trying to seduce him to exactly that level.

Even though he only released his power to the level that he might be able to win on the human side, he ran away.

It was unknown at this point whether this was simply a frightening run away, or whether there was something else left behind.

– I wish it was the latter.

The Demon King who muttered like that smiled brightly and slowly moved to the south.

Is it because of the focus on restoring power in the Demon Realm?

As the Demon King who had recovered more than 40% of his power, he could afford to survive whatever came out. So I was looking forward to it even more.

– What do you want to show as the last effort?

As long as the continent has set foot on the continent again, mankind will be doomed.

All that is left now is to fight here with the ‘gods’ who have restored the power of the past in hell.

– Here, too, I will rise to the ranks of God.

The demon king who declared that way moved leisurely.

I finally found a human fortress in a boringly empty land.

But that’s all, an empty fortress with no life, let alone humans.

Disappointed, the Demon King erased the entire fortress with his powerful force.

woo woo woo!

– I don’t know what you prepared, but I hope it’s not boring.

The Demon King, who was boiling with anger from boredom, went south to warn the humans, destroying the empty fortresses at will.

And the morale of the Ignit army who saw it fell rapidly.

The fortresses in the old Roman territory disappeared without a trace.

Ignit has no hesitation in giving up the fortresses of Roman that had been occupied, whether he was trying to properly obey Kariel’s orders.

Fortress of the North Wales – Balon, the center of logistics

Even these two huge fortresses were abandoned without hesitation.

In fact, the Pope and other masters even thought of fighting in Balon.

I was thinking of tying up even the demon king’s feet through the numerous weapons installed there.

But Roccan Barçaille adamantly rejected their request.

“Soon the ‘Demon King’ will arrive at the giant’s fortress.”

Lokan nodded his head slightly at the report of his subordinate and sighed.

Although he ordered not to oppose the demon king, he had to delay the time the demon king descended as much as possible.

So, the bombing in the air was chosen.

A large-scale bombardment of the demon king who had entered the interior of Wales dragged the time.

But it was successful only the first time.

It was just a moment of fun, and in the second bombing, all the airships used in the bombing fell relentlessly.

The same goes for balon.

Even though he used explosives to destroy the entire fortress instead of air bombardment and even used large-scale magic, the Demon King walked out without a single scorch.

Truly a monstrous deity.


Lokan woke up from his thoughts at the shouts of the officers and gave orders to all the commanders.

“From now on, we will carry out the operation to stop the demon lord.”

At Rokhan’s command, all troops moved in unison. The giant magic cannons in the fortress aimed at the demon lord, and a huge number of airships flew all at once.

The small planes from the airship also burned the wizard so that they could attack at any time.

The demon king, who had been walking with a bored expression while watching it, finally smiled.

-like… … Is it different this time?

It seemed like he was trying to fight a proper battle, not a simple trap or bombardment like the fortresses he had passed.

As if to prove it, the beams of light from the Magic Cannon hit the Demon King directly at a level different from before. And starting with that, countless bombs fall from the air.

At the same time, the magic bombs and magic falling from thousands of small planes flying in the sky aimed only at the demon king.


huge explosion! However, a sense of despair lingered on the faces of the soldiers who had hoped just in case for the madness bursting out of it.

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Just then, a huge spear of light fell from the sky.

– Ha ha ha ha! That’s it!

A demon king who laughs and shatters a huge spear in spite of the pope’s magic.

The Masters rushed towards him in earnest.

The first thing to rush at was the sun sword. His sword of light flew heavily, followed by the swords of Duke Pires and Duke Cleta.

-okay! That’s it! wanted this!

The demon lord who said so, mingled with the four masters, and radiated great power.

But the difference in power was too stark.

Although as many as four Masters rushed to face the Demon King alone, they were unable to compete.


“Is this just this?”

Duke Cletta, whose chest was pierced in the arm of the demon king, spit blood and lowered his head.

Then, the Duke of Pires was furious and rushed at him, but as if it had been nothing more than entertainment to play with, he immediately blew up the Duke of Pires.


Looking at the half-crushed Duke of Pyres, the sun sword blew holy power with all its might.

A huge white holy sword flew towards the demon king as if punishing it, but it failed to cut him.


– My excitement has cooled. Are there any more?

After saying that, the demon king looked around.

– Where is he?

A genius who did great damage to himself.

The Demon King, who remembered him, opened his spirits.

-There you are!

Having said that, the Demon King looked beyond the huge fortress.

It was the time when the demon king, who had reached the fortress of iron walls beyond the canyon of giants, was about to kill the sun sword and move right away.

The white thunderbolt, the maximum magic that the pope can use, fell and tied the demon king’s feet, and in the meantime blew the sun sword backwards.

At that moment, the half-crushed Duke of Pyres thrust his sword into the demon king with all his might.

-go away!

As if the pope and the Duke of Pires were bothering him, he opened his powers with full force for the first time.

Then, powerful speculation scattered in all directions, turned the rushing Duke of Pires into a mass of flesh and grabbed the decrepit pope by the neck.

“Turn it off… … .”

“His Holiness!”

Hearing the voice of the Sunsword calling him from afar, the pope smiled and said with his eyes that he begged for the diocese.

At that very moment, his throat was cut off and he was turned into a corpse.

-I’ll have to play with him until the gods come!

After saying that, the demon king tried to blow up the giant’s fortress with all his might, as if he had no interest in the fortress anymore.

At that moment, the mage’s storm flew in and tied the demon king’s feet again.

Then, as if he had waited, the sun sword struck out.

“Calm down.”


The woman who let go of the demon lord’s attack, which seemed to be annoying, calmed down the sun sword.

When Chardonna, who had to protect the iron wall, protected the sun sword, the Duke of Wilkshire’s magic flew into the sky and poured down on the demon king.

“Hold on.”

“Is it meaningful?”

In response to Chardonna’s question, the Sunblade said there was no hope.

“He woke up.”

The sun sword with eyes wide open at her words.

At that moment, the angry demon king opened his powers again and provoked it. Nevertheless, this time the Sunblade was not excited.

It just meant that he was going to waste time thoroughly, and he focused on tying the demon king’s feet together with the other troops of the fortress.

Then, as if it was bothersome to play, the Demon King released his power with all his might.

– Just disappear together.

A huge black sphere that I showed you in the north the other day.

The moment it flew into the giant’s fortress, the space shook and split the demon king’s black sphere into two.

Koo Goo Goo!


The demon king, who saw the identity of the man who cut off his power, opened his eyes wide and let out a mad light.

-okay! it should be You’ve crossed the wall!

The demon king, who burst into madness, burst into laughter even louder as if he was having fun, and opened up his power.

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