59. Block the gates of hell!

“The Great Victory of the Federation of Humanity!”

“The main character of the great victory is the commander-in-chief of the eastern continent, Rokan Barçaille Ignit!”

“Roman, more than half of the troops are warriors”

“Many demon warriors, the whereabouts of the demon king are unknown and they are scattered!”

Everyone was delighted with the great victory of the Humanity Federation, but those who knew the truth had no choice but to be nervous.

That he had missed the Demon King and the Roman Emperor.

And in the end, he couldn’t stop the gates of Hell from opening.

Although Ignit is blocking the gates of hell, it was unknown how long they could stop it, and it was not known when those who escaped would come back to recapture the gates of hell.

Because of that, the heads of countries other than Ignit were in trouble.

On the other hand, Ignit’s main force blocking the gates of hell was calm.

“The numbers that come out are getting smaller and smaller.”

“That’s right.”

Lorkhan nodded slightly as he watched the number of anglers drop.

However, the worry did not disappear from his gaunt face.

‘Dividing the army into two.’

The meaning of this order by the emperor was simple.

It meant dividing the forces to deal with the existence of hell and the demons.

After repeating the battle several times already, the understanding of which unit is better against the army of hell and which unit is better against the demons is over.

The problem was Kariel.

Lokan, who was left alone after the lieutenants resigned, was in trouble.

“after… … I’m going crazy.”

The reason the gates of hell close so quickly is because of his emperor, Kariel.

The problem was that his emperor had the most overwhelming power over the army of hell.

Most of Roman’s army were brought from hell, and their core was overwhelming quantity rather than strength.

The bizarre appearance, poison, and the energy of hell that gnawed at his mental power were the problems.

On the other hand, the demons were strong in pure force.

So, how should we divide the army?

The answer was already out there.

“after… … If I told you to send only His Majesty and some troops to the allied forces, they would treat you like crazy.”

After muttering that, Rokhan sighed.

The most ideal form he thinks is to use most of Ignit’s main force to wipe out the demons, and create a special army centered on Kariel, the Red Ghost, and the priests of fire to defeat the hellish army by going around the defense line created by the allied forces. .

The problem is that the key figure in the special forces is their emperor.

Therefore, there was a possibility of organizing a special army by adding the Imperial Knights and Shadows.

But will it be easy?

“Are you pushing His Majesty the Emperor?”

“You dare to push Your Majesty to the forefront?”

“You have crossed the line!”

Even the reaction that comes to mind right now was enough.

Is it different from the military?

Their loyalty was stronger than that of the imperial people.

In particular, the anecdote of protecting the troops by jumping directly into the supply line operation moved many soldiers.

So Rokhan didn’t want to make that decision either.

“Still, it would make sense to follow His Majesty’s will.”

This decision could damage the reputation he had built up over the years, but he had to accept it.

This was not simply the emperor’s wish, but a reasonable decision from the commander’s point of view, so in the end, Rokhan signed the documents he had been putting off.

「Great hell battle special forces.

Composition of Special Forces: All Red Ghosts, 200 Fire Priests, All Shadows, All Imperial Knights, Eastern Army Special Brigade. 1 Central Army air unit.

Commander: Kariel Friedrich von Blaser.」

Through them, he checks the army of hell that will come along with Sandria and Roman.

In the meantime, the demons are dealt with only with the power of Ignit.

And after that, it was the ultimate goal of this plan to push out the army of hell and open all the gates of hell while advancing eastward.

* * *

“Did you sign it after all?”

“Are you sure you have to do this?”

A while after Lokhan signed, Kariel, who received the report, smiled with satisfaction. Tarion, on the other hand, felt a burning sensation in his stomach.

At least Tarion and Achelio are said to be going together, but most of Ignit’s main forces are missing.

It couldn’t have been, but it could be dangerous if a traitor occurred in the allied forces during the war with Roman.

“You have to do this much to deal with the demon king.”

At Kariel’s words, Tarion sighed.

“Until the Grand Master comes out, at least five people have to deal with the Demon King to be able to tie it down for a while.”

The demon king’s power that Glenn told him about in his previous life.

The current demon lord said that three or more masters would have to fight together with the knights to keep him bound.

I said that if the demon king finds most of his original strength, the five masters and the knights must unite to stop it even for a moment.

As long as Glenn has not yet crossed the wall, it is concluded that the majority of Ignit’s main force must be put in to stop the army led by the Demon King.

“Before the demon king comes back, tell them that we must ‘must’ clear up all the demon army.”

At least the demon army that had passed over had to be completely annihilated.

Tarion bowed his head and backed down at the repeated command.

-You made this decision because you know the demon king, but this guy named Lokhan is amazing.

“It’s not that I’m evaluated as the best commander in the empire for nothing.

Kariel is wary of knowing the mighty existence of the demon king that he experienced in his previous life, but Lokhan estimated the mightiness of the demon king based on what happened in the north.

And based on that, I made this decision.

His analysis and judgment on war were unmatched by anyone in the Empire. That’s why Kariel deliberately burdened Lokhan even though he could give orders himself. Rokan made a justification so that others in the Empire could not rebel.

– Still, it’s close to gambling. Isn’t that ignoring the army of hell too much?

“If it’s really dangerous, then you can go and call them in.”

Having said that, Kariel looked at the gates of hell.

He smiled contentedly as he watched the gates of hell gradually shrink in size.

“It’s dangerous, but it’s comfortable.”

Kariel said with a smile.

The gates of hell were getting smaller and smaller, but it was still dangerous.

This is because, if you made a mistake and incorrectly stimulated the gates of hell, great things could happen.

Nevertheless, I felt more at ease than when I was in the Imperial Palace.

-but… … After coming over here, the headaches have gone away.

Surt shook his head and said.

When I was in the imperial palace, there were many things that Kariel had to give direct orders every day.

But as I got stuck in the East Continent, that kind of thing drastically decreased.

Even when he was in the fortress, he used training as an excuse to leave most of the complicated paperwork to his subordinates, and even when he came over here, he only received reports and left most of the direct orders to Rokhan.

Of course, he had work to do as the head of a country, but it was heaven compared to when he was in the imperial palace.

-Honestly, isn’t this enough to make living as an emperor worthwhile?

“No way.”

Kariel shook her head resolutely as if it was nonsense at Surt’s coy words.

To be honest, if it was like now, even the position of emperor was worth trying.

However, the moment the war ends, peace may come to others, but a hellish life will begin for Kariel.

“As soon as the war ends, I will hand it over to my younger brother.”


“If you stay stuck in the East Continent, you’ll inherit the throne on your own.”

At Kariel’s words, Surt snorted and said.

-Won’t they try to occupy the entire eastern continent?

“The ministers aren’t such inconsiderate guys.”

Do you fight a war of conquest because of Kariel?

Due to the disposition of the substitutes, it did not make sense.

Rather, there were many days when Kariel was upset because he always tried to make a stable decision as much as possible.

-Well… … How about it?

While saying that, Surut was smiling with a meaningful smile.

Seeing him like that, Kariel felt something uncomfortable, but he tried to shake it off and concentrated on the gates of hell.

As Kariel continued to focus on the gates of hell, the number of demons that came over decreased. Thanks to that, the Empire’s main army, which had more room to spare, finally began to move to annihilate the fleeing demons.

“Your Majesty, everything is ready.”

At Rokhan’s report, Kariel nodded slightly.

“You must complete the mission until the Demon King comes over.”

“Yes! Peha.”

“And until the Grand Master is born, you must never fight the Demon Lord so clumsily.”

As if to keep in mind Kariel’s warning, Rokhan bowed his head deeply.

Candidates to become the current Grand Master included Glenn and Marquis Sicario.

Once either of them became a Grand Master, they would have a lot more room from then on, but until then, the Imperial side was at an absolute disadvantage.

“Proceed assuming that the demon king comes over with full power.”

After saying that, Kariel nodded with a look of faith and handed over the prepared order to Rokhan.

Then Rokhan bowed his head, treasured the orders, and withdrew.

* * *

After some time, Lokan, who finally received an official order, led all the main forces and moved toward the northern part of the eastern continent, and Kariel and other special forces for the Great Hell War quickly reorganized their units.

The troops composed of all the top powers moved together just in time for Kariel to completely close the gates of hell.

“The gates of hell are closing!”

A few days after the departure of Kariel’s special forces, the information that the gates of hell had been closed began to flow, and the allied forces and people, who were trembling with anxiety, expressed their happiness at that time.

However, for a short while, when the news that most of Ignit’s main army had left to annihilate the demons, they began to protest against the Empire as if their feet were on fire.

It was because it was difficult for them to keep Roman and Sandria’s army in check.

And their complaints became a reality.

“Sandria’s large army has appeared!”

“It’s Roman’s army!”

A large army appeared in the northeastern region.

But what was even more serious was that there were more monsters from hell coming than their number.

Gray pillars towered high into the sky behind the monsters of hell, which were far more numerous than before.

“Is that the rumored gate to hell?”

One of the allied commanders stared blankly at the gray pillar.

“Brigade commander! What should I do?”

“First, tell the headquarters that the gates of hell have opened.”


An adjutant rushes to the commander’s command.

They hoped that the main force of the allied forces would gather here immediately, but the situation did not.

It was because there was not one area where gray pillars appeared in the desert.

A grayish column that appears continuously every few days.

And there, without a doubt, the army of hell was appearing.

The army of hell, which is gradually increasing in number, rushed madly towards the Allied Forces only. Because of that, the Allied Forces, who could not concentrate their forces in one place, had no choice but to continue the difficult fight.

If this continues, the Allied Frontline itself will collapse.

Read at readwn.com

Just then, the imperial army, supposed to be in the northeast, appeared on the most dangerous battlefield.


A huge fire summoner that was summoned at the same time as the Empire’s air fleet appeared.

And soon, they began to swept away the army of anglers that seemed to occupy the fortress at any moment with flames.

The Fire Priests of the Empire show overwhelming compatibility to the point where the army of Hell, which is not easily killed by normal attacks, is knocked down.

And at the center of them, the Emperor of Ignit created a wave of fire and showed overwhelming majesty.

“Are you also an apostle of God?”

The emperor of Roman laughed when he heard about Kariel’s activities through the crows of hell.

As expected, the Emperor of Ignit appeared to close the gates of Hell.

You won’t find yourself until you close all the many gates to hell in the desert area.

In the meantime, he will achieve the great success he so longed for.

“mother… … .”

The great plan had to be completed without fail for the sake of her mother and her family, who would be suffering from being trapped in Nastrond.

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