58. Hell Gate!

The moment he entered the collapsed canyon, he felt a wave of power enough to frown on Kariel’s forehead.

– One seems to be Magi, and the other is the power of Hell?

The moment Surt finished speaking, gray and black energy exploded while destroying the surrounding environment.

As I moved forward while blocking the aftermath of the explosion, I saw a scene where the Demon King was smashing down all the gray giants that gathered around the gate.

“The Emperor of Romans?”

From the upper part of the ruins, the figure of the Roman emperor was seen wielding a staff.

It wasn’t much of a shock, as he had assumed he could wield the powers of Hell.

It was surprising, however, to use a much more powerful force than expected.

“Are you this strong?”

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Just as Kariel uses a power close to that of a master with his unique ability, the Roman Emperor was also showing similar power by summoning the beings of Hell.

The problem wasn’t that.

As a unique wave spread to the ruins of the gate, the power of the ruins that had already been dormant was slowly waking up.

The fragments of the broken gate were being matched one by one according to the black wavelength, and the missing pieces filled the void as the stones of the canyon were sculpted by black magic.

– Do you think we should stop that?

When Surt pointed at the gate with a hand made of fire, Kariel, who was looking at the Roman Emperor, turned her eyes to it.

“That… … .”

A jewel that exudes demonic energy was embedded in the ruins that seemed to be the traces of the gate.

Encroached by demonic energy, the entire gate was dyed black, but it seemed that the Roman Emperor was also injecting power into the gate as the gray light drifted between them.

“Should I observe the situation for now?”

While muttering like that, I thought about what to do.

It’s best to wait for both sides to come to terms with this, but I’m worried that the gates of hell might not be fully opened.

At the same time as they were talking about Surt without being able to do this or that, the Demon King and the Roman Emperor stopped the battle at the same time and turned their heads to Kariel.

– Do you think this will be a one-on-one fight?

“Are you lucky that the Demon King’s power is weaker than expected?”

If the Demon King had only restored the power of his previous life, he would not have even dared to stop it.

“Thank you for that,” said Kariel to Surt.

“Can you face the Demon King by yourself?”

-of course.

Cariel nodded at Surt showing confidence and sent Squall and Agni to the Roman Emperor. After that, he landed on Surt’s hand and sent him to the Demon King.

The battle began in earnest as the fire giant rushed towards the demon king.

“that’s interesting.”

As if in a strange way, Kariel threw a fireball towards the waves that spread around him.

Then, I could see that the power that spread the strange wave by the magic was disappearing.

When it was confirmed that it was changing into a form of pure mana as it turned into bright light powder, Kariel began to use his power in earnest.

Although the battle was being done by the summoners, that did not mean that they had nothing to do.

When the pattern on the forehead was revealed and a wave of fire was created, the pieces that had gathered in the center of the ruins lost their strength and fell one by one.

-… … .

“… … .”

The demon king and the Roman emperor, seeing the power Kariel used, shut their mouths and glared at Kariel.

Although the paths of the Demon King and the Roman Emperor were different, the goal of opening the gates of hell was the same.

However, that goal is being thwarted by Kariel.

– It was difficult to open properly.

When he felt that some of the power of the ruins had already been completely lost due to Kariel, the Demon King distorted his expression.

And it was the same with the Roman Emperor.

“Have you properly inherited the power of ‘he’? My head hurts.”

For the first time, the emperor of Roman frowned completely at the power he had inherited more powerfully than he had expected.

The existence of Kariel was more difficult than he expected.

If he continues to grow like this, there is a possibility that he will not be able to maintain it even if his great line is completed.

Above all, I was embarrassed for the first time because the plan to open the gates of hell through the ruins to buy time itself was canceled.

Even now, the bodies of the infernal beings he created were collapsing in real time under Kariel’s waves of fire.

‘It doesn’t look too good with me.’

It was when the Roman emperor thought so.

When I glanced at the demon king, he also looked at the Roman emperor.

‘It’s hard to have everything in the current situation.’

-then… … .

The moment they reached that point, they both nodded as if they had the same thought and quickly ran to the center of the ruins.

Then Kariel’s summoned bodies quickly followed.

– What crazy!

Anticipating that he would come after him, the emperor of Roman sent several monsters from Hell to Kariel.

Then Surt panicked and stopped chasing and tried to turn around.

-It’s okay, stop them!

Kariel’s voice echoed in Surt’s head.

Then the fire giant who turned his head and looked at Kariel turned his gaze back to the Demon King and Roman Emperor.

In the meantime, I have been training the power of fire, but at the same time I have also learned martial arts.

Kariel’s martial arts, based on the ancient Werewolf’s strong body technique, was effective against the monsters by adding powerful flame power.

Then, convinced that he would not be taken lightly at this level, Surt threw a huge fist at the two.

As if to destroy it at once, the arms wrapped in a storm of flame flew at the two.

But his attempt was doomed to failure.

– It’s blocked?

Even with the most powerful blow he could deliver at the moment, his fist was blocked in the middle and did not advance at all.

The gray barrier that was created before I knew it was activated to protect the ruins, and because of that, Surt could not advance further.

– Break that one!

Saying that, Surtur tried to destroy the ruins with all his might.

Then Agni and Skoll also swung their arms and tried to destroy the light-emitting ruins.

thud! thud!

Cracks appeared in the gray shield that seemed sturdy from the fists of the three giant summoned bodies.

Since all three summoned objects were summoned by Kariel’s power, the gray barrier created in the center of the ruins began to crumble in real time.

-I don’t have time.

“… … okay.”

The emperor of Roman, who frowned at the words of the demon king, searched the center.

“I have enough of this.”

-Is the purpose to wake up ‘her’? Would that be difficult?

“Did you think we’d just hang out for thousands of years?”

The demon king laughed at the words of the Roman emperor and spoke in a sarcastic tone.

– It’s just reviving the remnants of the past… … . They are abandoned people.

At that, the Roman emperor glared at the demon king. Then the demon king also glared at him without losing.

They only temporarily held hands because each other’s intermediate destination was the same, but the two were no different from long-standing enemies.

“Then you don’t look like you’ll be able to fully achieve your goal either.”

Having said that, Roman Emperor raised the corner of his mouth as if mocking, then swung his staff. Then, a gray storm began to form in the half-completed building.

Crispy! Crispy! Crisp!

As the Roman emperor’s bone bracelets, necklaces, anklets, and belts shattered one by one, the gray storm gradually stabilized, and finally, the door was completed with an enormous amount of hellish energy.

“I want you to achieve even half success.”

Although he said it mockingly, the Roman emperor sincerely hoped that the demon king would achieve his goal.

It was because it was already difficult for him or her to completely succeed, so the power of the demons was absolutely necessary to buy time and disperse Ignit’s power.

That is why he completed the Gates of Hell, albeit imperfectly, by sacrificing divine objects that were not originally planned.

The moment the emperor of Roman, who conveyed his heartfelt words, swung his staff once again, a winged being from hell took the emperor of Rome and flew high into the sky.

It was not Surtur to leave it alone.

He stretched out his mighty arms to catch the fleeing Roman emperor, but a gray storm raged from the imperfectly opened Hell Gate, pushing Surt back.

-… … is it a gift? The price must be paid by the entire demon tribe.

Having said that, the Demon King looked at the ceiling where Roman Emperor had disappeared.

Originally, the goal was to completely open the gates of hell and awaken the new powers of the entire demon tribe.

In the meantime, he wakes up the ‘Demon God’ and gains more power.

Even the Roman emperor would have wanted to lay the groundwork for awakening the goddess of hell here.

In the end, both failed.

So, at least it had to be done.

– I’ll play with your wishes.

The Demon King, who murmured while thinking of the Roman Emperor, grabbed the necklace with one hand.

-Drink… … Guide me to the place where you are buried.

The moment he murmured, a black light shot straight toward the gates of hell.

It was a door wrapped in a gray storm, but the Demon King flew to it without any hesitation.

In that moment, Surt’s gigantic fists broke the gray barrier, while Squall’s and Agni’s gigantic arms knocked at the gates of hell made of gray storms.

– It’s beyond our power.

Surt said while watching Skoll and Agni pounding as they got hurt ignorantly.

The gates of hell, which had already been opened, could not be closed by their own power.

The door was not completely open, so if you try to close it forcibly, you can do it. But to do that, he needed at least 10% of his strength in his prime.

That meant that even with the power of the Grand Master, it was nearly impossible to close it alone.

“What are you doing without breaking it?”

In response to Kariel’s question, who had approached the center of the ruins, Surt shook his head, saying that it was difficult on their own.

“So you want me to leave it alone?”

– Originally, that would be the only way. Fortunately, it’s not completely open, so when that structure breaks down, it will disappear naturally.

Surt speaks while looking at structures that crack little by little.

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Judging by the speed at which it broke, I didn’t know how many years it would take.

-But with you, I can accelerate more.

The moment he heard those words, Kariel radiated strength with all his might.

The pattern on his forehead radiated light as if it were about to explode, pushing away the gray storm.

However, Kariel’s power was not enough to completely extinguish the hellish energy coming out of the open door.

– In order to be able to completely close this door with your own strength, it must be enough to receive ‘recognition of the teacher’.

At Surt’s words, Kariel’s expression hardened.

“Then why is there no sign of separation?”

Kariel tilted his head as if strangely. When Surt and summoned creatures were facing the Demon King and the Roman Emperor, Kariel spread his power as wide as possible.

It was to find a way to respond to his own power.

However, he could not find any traces of him.

-It’s most likely here… … . I don’t know either.

It was when Surt mumbled that.

As the power of Kariel and the power of Hell collided violently, a vibration began to be felt at the bottom of the ruins.

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