57. I don’t know about war, let’s catch it first

After the demons and Romans collided in the northeast, the large army of the demons in the north and the entire army of Roman marched forward as if they had woven each other.

It was as if he was in a hurry as if he was trying to preoccupy it before Ignit came.

All of Roman’s main supplies moved eastward, and countless people moved eastward.

It was the same with the demons.

They poured all their energy into the east, pushing even the most important gate into second place.

Until either of the demons or Roman was decided, the rear had no choice but to be vulnerable.

And Ignit did not miss this gap.

“If you can’t even rob an empty house, the name Empire will be a waste, right?”

At Kariel’s question, Achelio and Tarion, who were by her side, bowed their heads.

There was no need to move even the Master to the Roman capital without the main force.

Kariel wanted to check the weapons of the empire that had developed while occupying the Roman capital, as was the new commander-in-chief of the Eastern Continent, Lokan Barçaille.


All the commanders moved in unison at the command of Rokan Barçaille.

The first to move were the airships.

Huge airships covered the sky, and small airplanes powered by magical power poured out from within.

Then Roman responded immediately.

Unless they were idiots, there was no way that development would ever stop.

“Is this the previous generation version?”

“I would like to.”

Tarion nodded and answered Kariel’s question.

Non-collinear ships that are slightly more advanced than the earlier version of Ignit.

Hundreds of them rose from Roman’s camp to oppose Ignit’s air force advancing.

At the same time, monsters with flaming wings flew up from all over the capital.

“Unexpectedly, the preparations are thorough.”

Kariel looked puzzled.

It was because it was judged that the capital had been abandoned at the point of moving most of the personnel, including the main force, to the east.

It is also true that the current Roman capital was besieged by Ignit and the Confederate army.

Besides, demons are now obvious enemies.

Therefore, it was determined that the capital, which had been the center of Rome for a long time, was abandoned and moved to Sandria.

“Start the second stage operation.”

Seeing Roman’s army resisting unexpectedly strongly, Lokan issued the following order.

Then the shelling started from the Ignit formation.

However, as the Romans started shelling, they tried to cut off the troops approaching the Roman capital.

“The magic grapes, the airships, and the weapons are all better than Ignit, but they hold up well.”

Roman’s weapons were many generations behind Ignit.

Despite this, he persevered with Lokan’s wave of waves.

Looking at it, Lokhan next to him bit his lip and said.

“It looks like there are some Ashtar left in the capital.”

“The commander-in-chief of Roman remains… … .”

If Ignit has Rokan, Romanen Eshtar is such a famous master.

He himself remained in the capital and was enduring it by commanding the front line.

But even that had its limits.

The forts located near the capital began to fall one by one as the front line was pushed back little by little by the attack of Rokhan, who was constantly attacking with an overwhelming force.

“Your defense is stronger than I thought.”

“I’m sorry.”

Lokhan lowered his head thinking that Kariel was reprimanding him.

Seeing him like that, Kariel shook her head.

“I’m not blaming you.”

Having said that, Kariel looked at the Roman capital in the distance.

“The commander-in-chief is doing well enough. It’s just that the opponent is holding up better than that.”

After saying that, Kariel looked at Lokhan.

“How long would it have taken if all the Masters had been put in?”

“We don’t know at this stage.”

After answering that, Lokhan looked at the Roman capital.

“It will depend on what is in there. but… … It is judged that he was held for at least a week or more.”

“The damage must have been greater since we didn’t attack as leisurely as we do now, right?”

“It will.”

“Then the army must have been dragged along by the wounded.”

At Kariel’s question, Rokhan silently bowed his head.

Roman’s operation was simple.

As much as possible, grabbing Ignit’s ankles and hanging out to save time.

For this very reason, Kariel operated a separate unit led by the Masters separately.

The masters from the southern kingdom, the pope, the master of the old holy kingdom, and the sun sword were bundled together and sent to the east first.

They hoped to join the Confederate Army, which started early with a quick eastward movement.

The detachment, made up of all the elite, joined the Confederate Army and attacked Roman’s main force, so Ignit had nothing to rush.

In the meantime, the rear side did not stand still.

This is because Duke David and Marquis Sicario ordered to deal with the gate of the demon world in the north.

“I sent the vanguard and even planned the safety of the rear. So there is no hurry.”

Having said that, Kariel gave an order to Locan Barsailles.

“There is no need to rush, so check the new weapons and reduce damage as much as possible. It’s enough to hit and run fast, even after occupying that place.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After giving the order to trample the Roman capital without damage as much as possible, he and Tarion escaped from the command post.

“How is the situation in the Northeast?”

“There have been no major battles yet. However, both the Romans and the demons are gathering their troops little by little.”

“Did you find it?”

Having said that, Kariel looked at Tarion with a firm expression.

“I don’t think I’ve found it yet.”

“Where is the location?”

“It is the Black Canyon.”

Kariel was lost in thought at Tarion’s report.

As reported several times already, the land of death was very wide.

In addition, traces of the old mythological age were also the most in the East Continent.

Among the many traces that the gates of hell could be asleep, the fact that they were driven to the black canyon meant that there was a high probability that the gates of hell were sleeping nearby.

“If you haven’t found it yet, I think you’ll have plenty of time to catch it.”

After muttering that, Kariel looked at Tarion with a smile.

“Operation Fishing Phase 1. Tell them to begin.”


Tarion bowed his head at Kariel’s command and disappeared.

Kariel, who was looking at him, turned his head to Achelio.

“I think I need to catch the timing for my move.”

“… … I will prepare it.”

Kariel nodded at Achelio’s words and quietly raised her firearm.

Then small balls of fire floated around Kariel.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

The fireballs with cute arms and big eyes looked at Kariel.

“It’s time to go wild. Are you ready?”

The three fireballs nodded at Kariel’s question.

“You have to run as fast as you can.”

At Kariel’s words, the three fireballs nodded their heads.

Looking at the fireballs showing confidence as if they were confident enough for that, Kariel smiled deeply.

“ruler! Then let’s go catch a big fish.”

After muttering like that, Kariel looked at the Roman capital in the distance.

Kariel’s operation was simple.

To give Roman and the demons the belief that Ignit will come while slowly advancing and devouring all territories except for Sandria and the Northeast.

In order to do so, Kariel gave several orders to the detached troops.

1. Advance while stabilizing occupied territory.

Not only the detached troops sent to destroy the demonic gate, but also the vanguard troops sent to join the Confederate forces advanced while firmly controlling the occupied areas.

Perhaps because of this, the speed of advance was slow even though it had started first.

However, it is difficult to reassure Roman and the demons with this alone.

2. Act as if you want the Demons and Roman to envision both sides.

To do this, he tricked the other nations of the Human Federation.

「Do not move until the war between the demons and Roman begins.」

A proposal that Kariel directly requested from other countries.

It was deliberately delivered only to the key leaders of each country, but there are bound to be traitors everywhere.

It was not only the heads of each country, but also the commanders, so this information was enough for Roman to enter.

However, if you were a suspicious Roman emperor, you wouldn’t be able to catch it with just this.

3. Build a fort near the Northeast.

As soon as the Vanguard and Confederate forces arrive, they will set up defenses and build fortifications.

At the same time, it will break through the desert area of Sandria.

Acting as if drawing a big picture to drive Roman and the demons into the Northeast.

This was the crux of this operation.

Of course, if you have a lot of doubts, you will still be suspicious.

In order to seduce them, the detached troops that occupied the demonic gate will be quickly moved to the northeast.

It would make it look as if the detached corps were aiming for gaps between the Demons and Roman, who had both plans.

So, what does Kariel really want?

It was simple.

“As soon as the Roman capital is occupied, it advances quickly.”

From the Roman capital to the northeast, it will strike at once.

You didn’t have to show all your strength to do that.

I will occupy Roman’s capital while hiding the ‘real power’ prepared by Ignit.

And at that moment, he intended to quickly head northeast while destroying the defense line prepared by Roman with real power.

The key is timing.

Thinking that Ignit’s main force would come late, they clashed with all their might and tried to decide quickly.

The main force arrives in the northeast and wipes out both armies at once!

That was the picture Kariel was drawing.

“In order to do that, in the process of occupying the Roman capital, Ignit will have to act as if he is pouring his full power into it.”

Kariel muttered that, thinking of Eshtar, who was in command of the Roman capital.

Certainly he deserves to be called a master.

There was no way he would just give up the Roman capital.

There must be something planned.

Contrary to his idea that holding Ignit down would greatly affect the direction of the great war, this battle was only a very minor one.

“Your Majesty, I am ready.”

Finally, word came from Rokhan that it was ready.

The Empire’s army advanced to the capital.

A letter from Tarion at the same time.

After reading the contents, Kariel said as if she didn’t have to wait any longer.

“Then shall we go?”

Having said that, Kariel slowly moved towards the capital.

All the surrounding fortresses of Roman have already been occupied, and now only the capital of Roman remains.

Even in the capital, a fierce battle was taking place as fires broke out everywhere.

“Are there any brothers left?”

The moment Kariel made an expression of surprise, Tharion and Akelio rushed out without anyone telling him first.

Even Brother Ivan, who was guarding the gates, was caught by the two masters, and the gates were opened in an instant, and numerous troops entered inside.

The armies of hell appeared as if they had been waiting for that very moment.


burning army.


Cursed Ghost.

All of this came out of the castle.

“In the first place, there were no ordinary imperial citizens left.”

Watching the army of hell filling the castle, Kariel raised her strength.

Then, huge summoning objects appeared.

“ruler! Then run amok.”

When Kariel’s permission was given, the summoned objects started rampaging as if they had waited.

At the same time, the priests of fire and warriors blessed with fire moved behind Kariel.

The forces of hell are dying quickly from the power of the beings of hell and their powers.

Kariel finally arrived at Roman’s palace by following the road he had pierced.

There, Ashtar, who was expected to become a wolf, was waiting alone.

“See the great emperor of the Western Continent.”

“Is this the end of the preparations?”

When Kariel spoke with a disappointed expression, Eshtar smiled.

“It can’t be.”

The moment I answered that, the entire capital began to shake.


Eshtar’s last move.

It was to explode the entire capital.

‘This is it.’

With that in mind, the moment I was preparing for the finale, I saw the smile on Kariel’s lips.

Instantly he recognized that the last move he had prepared was ruined, and a clear pattern appeared on Kariel’s forehead as if he was right.

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