52. It hurts, but stabbing again!

Where is the most painful place for Roman right now?

No matter what anyone said, it could be said that it was a place that opened the gate to the demon world.

The moment you get hit there, the great system may collapse.

“I’m going crazy.”

“Someone stop that madman!”

When the demon corps commander turned around because of Ignit’s shadow, warlocks were sent in to stop it.

The demons were just pretending not to know because their corps leader was afraid, so they had to stop the demon corps leader from running rampant.

But will they be able to stop the demon corps commander who has completely turned around?

– Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

How could the warlocks stop the demon corps leader who was running wild while making a roar of cows?

All they can do is guide the enemy in the direction of the enemy rather than the friendly formation as much as possible.

The problem occurred here.

– Where are you? Where are you!

Despite arriving at the goal of the cold canyon, not a single shadow was seen, and the demon commander’s anger completely exploded.

“Where have these bastards gone?”

“no way… … Did you miss me?”

“under! this crazy… … . Did you mean this?”

Even after searching through the mountains of giants, no shadows could be found.

That being said, I had to assume that this was intentional.

“What do we do?”

“I know… … .”

The Demon Corps leader is looking for shadows while slaughtering monsters in the Mountains of Giants.

At this rate, you will soon notice that there are no shadows here.

There were two options.

1. Beat the Cold Fortress.

2. Look elsewhere.

“Crossing the frigid canyon now… … .”

“No crowd. It will take a long time, and I don’t know what kind of trap Ignit might have set.”

They were warlocks who had inflicted enormous damage on Ignit, but that’s why they knew better.

If it were the current emperor, he would have prepared for the arrival of the demon commander.

So I had to be more careful.

“It is impossible to cross the road here.”

“Then I have to turn my attention elsewhere… … .”

The black magicians who had come to stop the demon leader looked north without realizing it.

Excluding Roman, an ally, the closest is only in the north.

“Send it to the north.”

“Then Roman will be in more trouble?”

“Isn’t the game over when the Demon King comes out anyway? Our top priority is to expand the Pandemonium Gate.”

“Um… … Still, if we go all the way to the north, the defense here will be more difficult.”

It was a difficult time for everyone.

Even while talking to convince each other as opinions diverged, the anger of the demon corps commander only piled up.

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Just then, a wizard appeared from one side with a black mist and approached a number of warlocks.

“Meet the elder.”

“Master has given an order. Guide the Demon Corps commander to the north right now.”

“I take orders.”

Recognizing that the situation was serious, the 3 elders came to give orders directly, and everyone rolled their heads to drag the demon corps commander to the north.

Except for the head of the black magician who moved to protect the fortress, all elders were currently concentrating on expanding the demonic gate.

In such a situation, the reason why the 3 elders moved directly was because the runaway state of the demon corps leader was unusual.

“Let’s drive well so that we don’t go to the empire and get killed.”


The 3 elders directly commanded the front line and persuaded the commander of the Demon Corps.

“It has been discovered that the shadows have moved to the north. It seems that they are trying to attract nomadic tribes.”

-Then we can destroy the nomadic tribes.

“Yes. The demonic gate is more urgent, so for now, destroy only the area near the border. For now, it would be better to stop on the line of destroying the intentions of the shadows and leave it to the demons.

At the persuasion of the 3 elders, the commander of the demon corps snorted as if he didn’t like it.

“I know you want to take revenge on the shadows yourself, but think about what comes first.”

– tt!

“For once, just destroying the intentions of the shadows doesn’t ruin their strategy? Maybe their operation is botched, so we can say that they suffered more damage than we did.”

At the persuasion of the 3 elders, the Demon Corps leader pondered and stood up.

I personally confirmed that there were no shadows in the Mountains of Giants, so there was nothing to be gained by sitting here.

Once the anger subsided, the Demon Corps commander, who was able to roll his head to some extent, made a decision.

– Go north.

Many of the black magicians and demons followed the decision of the demon commander.

Although he is the leader of the Demon Corps, who is called ‘Brave’ when he jumps forward when excited, he has been on the battlefield for a long time, so he knew that he should not cross the mountain range alone.

When excited, there is a high possibility of forgetting and rushing again, so I moved north immediately with a quick decision.

“A monster is a monster.”

“So you have to control it well. Even the slightest deviation breaks the system.”

At the words of a black magician, the three elders spoke in a tense tone.

Why was that demonic corps leader with overwhelming force committed to expanding the demonic gate?

Obviously, the Demon Corps commander with bull horns was much stronger than the Demon Corps commander on the Giant’s Path. But I am here because of my quick temper and simplicity.


Every time the spear made of bull horns was swung around, it shattered and blew away the cavalrymen who resisted.

A cavalry soldier who doesn’t even use demonic energy, but is shattered by an attack that is simply wielded with brute force.

Still, since they were nomadic peoples who had been strong for a long time, they used magic to use powerful dashes, but they were also blocked as soon as they used magic.

After that, it was just a simple massacre.

“It’s coming to an end.”

“Are you moving again?”

“The only way to calm that anger is to at least wipe out the whole area.”

At the words of the three elders, the black magician next to him sighed.

“Even nomadic tribes will become enemies.”

“Anyway, the moment I served the Demon King, mankind was my enemy.”

Having said that, the three elders patted the warlock on the shoulder, and then headed for the next destination.

* * *

As the northern region of the Eastern Continent began to be devastated by the attack of the Demon Corps Commander, this fact began to spread throughout the Eastern Continent.

Public opinion began to form among the surviving nomadic peoples that they should take revenge on the demons.

And after hearing this news, Kariel smiled.

“Finally, the Golan is moving.”


Nomadic tribes whose anger against the demons has risen to the top of their heads.

Then, as if waiting for this moment, the Golan stood up with a flag.

“All those who want to fight the demons, gather in the Golan!”

The Golan chieftain, Batu Golan, began to bring the furious tribes together.

Then many began to move on horseback to gather under the flag of the Golan.

However, the tribes with a certain degree of power did not dare to gather in the Golan. Because he knew very well that if we gathered in the Golan like this, we had to go under him.

The savvy ones knew that the Golan was trying to unify the nomadic peoples at this time. So, some powerful tribes formed alliances among themselves and tried to resist.

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Just then, an announcement followed.

“Golan tribe! Step into the process of joining the Human Federation!”

The Human Alliance, a force to oppose the demons.

The fact that the Golan tribe was going there spread throughout the eastern continent as soon as it was announced, and eventually the news spread to the northern plains.

The Golan tribe, already considered the strongest among the nomadic tribes, heard the news that they were even joining the Human League, and the rest of the tribes began to feel uneasy.

“The Empire respects the Golan’s decision to fight for humanity. From now on, I will support the Golan against the demons… … .”

The announcement of Emperor Ignit, who appeared as if he had been waiting for it.

The nomadic peoples, who were still hesitant about the announcement of the emperor of the Western Continent that he would support the entire nomadic people through the Golan, got on horses to gather around the Golan.

Of course, there were still those who were skeptical.

“It’s a conspiracy from the western continent to take advantage of us!”

“I will use the mounted people as my shield!”

“The Golan is the one who sold our great pride for money!”

Rather than providing proper support, opinions are that they will just use it as a shield to fight the demons.

The cry of the forces to prevent the unification of the Golan tribes until the end.

However, these arguments soon lost their power.

“It’s amazing.”

“I know.”

Ignit coming through the south and support supplies from the southern kingdoms.

As rumors began to circulate that the tribes that received it were roaming the plains with quality weapons in an instant, favorability towards the Golan tribe increased even more.

In such a situation, Golan chieftain Batu shouted.

“We must occupy even the western mountain range terrain! Ignit promised to provide even greater support! Gather if you want to receive their support! We will move westwards from now on!”

At Batu’s cry, all the people gathered in the Golan tribe got on their horses at once.

An incalculable number of armies began advancing toward the west all at once.

At the same time, the remaining tribesmen were sent down to the south and started working to raise new strongmen through huge support materials.

When this happened, the tribes who opposed the Golan unification could not wait any longer.

As they gathered in the Golan’s troops one by one, the whole nomadic people began to unite.

“In the end, the worst has happened.”

When the Roman emperor spoke as if he knew this, the ministers in front of him bowed their heads.

“I’m sorry!”

“It’s not your fault. How do you stop the madman from running rampant in the first place?”

Having said so, the Roman emperor ordered his servants.

“You prepare for the end. Jim will also move in preparation for that time.”

The Roman Emperor, who was sitting on the throne with a bored expression on his face, finally began to move. None of the ministers gathered here did not know that their emperor was hiding something.

But no one knew what it was.

At first, I thought it was a contract with the demons, but as the war progressed, I realized that it wasn’t.

And finally, when the emperor seemed to have decided to take out and show off ‘something’ he had prepared, everyone started to get excited.

* * *

“Roman’s movements are unusual.”

Tarion hurriedly reported it to Kariel, but the person listening to the report seemed to know that.

“Are you finally taking out the hidden tiles?”

After muttering like that, Kariel smirked.

“How have their movements changed?”

“Other places except the giant’s fortress quickly retreated to the vicinity of the Roman capital.”

“The east and south forts are the same, right?”


Most of Roman’s main force retreated to the center.

Although the eastern and southern forts remained, they were also the gateways to the capital in the first place, so it was virtually no different from declaring that they would give up other areas except for the central area.

It was a really absurd decision from the commander’s point of view.

“How about Sandria?”

“I was going to report it anyway.”

Having said that, the chief chamberlain posted a report.

“The movements of some tribes are unusual.”

“They are weak tribes?”

“That’s right.”

At the words of the chief chamberlain, Kariel’s eyes shone.


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