49. Making public enemies (2)

Kariel’s next move after enticing the pirate king was the press.

There were already many people in the empire who knew the details of the demons’ movements, but it was common for people to not be interested even if they went to the places where the old southern kingdoms were.

With the rapid reform, they are busy caring about their own lives, but can they afford to care about things far away?

Therefore, they had to be clearly informed that the existence of demons could be a threat to their lives.

““Open the danger zone! Otherwise, we will treat you as the enemy of mankind!” Ignit who gave an ultimatum to Roman”

“The mainstream opinion of scholars is that Roman, in fact, is likely to have an alliance with the warlocks.”

“If Roman ignores the opinion of the Empire, there is a high probability that a Continental War will occur.”

Officially, he issued an ultimatum to Roman and at the same time informed everyone through the media.

There’s a good reason, so there’s no way for Roman to refuse.

It wasn’t just this.

There is a high possibility that you will not understand how serious this is if you just say it, so I applied intense pressure.

As the iron-walled fortress began to quickly gather the empire’s airships and military supplies, it announced to the outside world that war was imminent.

“Is this a real war?”

“If it’s the demons, it can’t be helped.”

It was only when the signs of war appeared once again that Southerners could clearly see just how serious the situation was.

Now that you have recognized the seriousness, how to move on to the next step.

「The demon tribe that tried to destroy the entire continent in the past! Are they coming over again?”

Historians all at once began to publicize the danger to the demons.

Through the past cases, if the gates of the demon world were opened, the continent was constantly informed that it would be destroyed, and Roman, who joined hands with the warlocks, slowly made the enemy of mankind.

As the entire western continent began to have this perception, this perception began to seep into the eastern continent little by little.


“Because it is. Rumors are already circulating that Ignit will go to war with Roman!”

“her… … So, shouldn’t it be time to clear up the position here too?”

As the news of Ignit began to spread by merchants, the countries of the eastern continent also began to argue.

There was a conflict between the opinion that Roman would really go that far and the side that we should attack Roman together with Ignit even now.

As the sense of crisis gradually escalated around the countries on the eastern continent adjacent to the sea, news of signs of war came again from the western continent.

“You really are preparing for war.”

“I know.”

The area of the former Southern Kingdom that was destroyed by Ignit.

There was a major construction going on there.

Numerous buildings built to rebuild the southern part of the collapsed continent were renovated so that they could produce munitions at any time, and the railroad was also the first to be connected to the west rather than the center.

This was clearly a construction project with war in mind, and it was a matter of seconds for news of this to spread across the eastern continent.

Then, it was Roman who became urgent.

Roman was considered stronger than Ignit, but now the situation has changed.

After Kariel ascended to the throne, it was evaluated that his strength would be similar to that of Roman as he made rapid progress.

That’s why the East Continent moved to attract the countries of the East Continent to their side while selling their sentiments that they should unite.

And, of course, this fact also reached the ears of the Empire.

* * *

“your majesty! It seems that Roman is trying to formally form an alliance with the countries of the continent.”

Cariel, who nodded slightly at Tarion’s report, looked at the chieftain.

“What about that situation?”

“There is no movement.”

“The more you do, the more you have to be careful. It’s so quiet, it seems like there’s a plan.”

As a result of monitoring the area where the Warlock might be from afar through the Secret Guard, there was no significant movement.

However, they could think that they were preparing something because Ignit was quiet in a situation where they might hit them right away.

‘What are they preparing?’

After thinking about it for a while, Kariel frowned and asked the chieftain.

“Is there a possibility that the demon legion has completely crossed over here?”

“It’s 30%.”

Tarion’s expression hardened at the report of the chamberlain.

“Is it worth 30%?”

“Yes, it is possible that you have already started working on opening the gates of hell.”

Cariel sighed at the words of the chief chamberlain, who assumed the worst.

“How about Sandria?”

“Not yet.”

At Tarion’s report, Kariel looked at the chamberlain.

“Isn’t this a bit strange too?”

“Yes, it is also doubtful that it was the technique they used in the first place.”

The Sandria Empire, which worships the desert god.

Each region believed in different gods, so there were as many gods as there were many tribes.

One strange thing is that the power they use is magic. However, the problem is that, according to the investigation of the Secret Guard, the magic is similar to the magic of the shamans used in the West Continent in the past.

Among them, it was similar to the magic series of blood and darkness.

A unique technique in which you gain power while making a sacrifice or pay a price to activate power.

“They are also related to the demons… … .”

“The worst may have to be seen as the apostles who made a covenant with the gods of hell.”

At the words of the chieftain, Kariel’s expression darkened.

“Still, one curious thing is that the Sandria Empire doesn’t really like warlocks.”

“It was amazing.”

The tribes of Sandria didn’t like the warlocks who made a contract with the demons.

That means you can take advantage of this situation.

“For now, I’ll have to hide as much as possible about hell and focus on driving out the demons.”


Even some of Sandria’s tribes had to do that to get cooperation.

Strangely, even though Sandria was called a desert empire, it did not have a great influence on the eastern continent, and the biggest reason was that each tribe had its own autonomy.

There was an emperor in Sandria, but he didn’t have as much power as the Empire or Roman.

The biggest tribal chief in Sandria.

The power to summon tribes.

The power to mobilize forces in situations that threaten the Empire.

Except for this extent, the authority to touch each tribe was extremely limited.

That’s why Kariel thought to take advantage of this situation.

Of course, before attacking Sandria, it was necessary to divide the eastern continent first.

“The Pirate King?”

“Not yet.”

At Tarion’s answer, Kariel put on a sad expression.

Now was the right time for him to make a secret deal, he thought. Now, a situation is created where the two Koreas split into the North and South, which they aimed for only by signing a secret agreement and shaking the eastern continent.

“It’s a little sad.”

“You will be contacted soon. Even the Pirate King knows what this opportunity is like.”

Kariel nodded slightly at Tarion’s words.

Now was the only opportunity to solidify the Aysa Islands’ position as a neutral nation.

Perhaps we could take this opportunity to maintain our position as a neutral nation for the next few decades to a hundred years or more.

There are some pirates who have already heard from Kariel in Salem, so they will try to gather all his contacts.

“Let’s wait patiently.”


* * *

But unlike those conversations, they were very busy.

The foreign minister formally protested against Roman, and Tarion sent a spy inside Roman to form public opinion.

At the same time, the chieftain pressured Roman by continuously informing the outside of the evidence about the demons brought through the Secret Guard.

Then, even within Roman, opinions began to diverge.

“Is this correct?”

“Why should we be enemies of mankind?”

Even though Roman was a centralized state, he could not control all the nobles.

There must have been people who were dissatisfied with the current situation.

Not all nobles knew that Roman’s high-ranking class had joined hands with the demons.

That’s why the feeling of betrayal was greater.

Wouldn’t it be unfair if you knew this from the beginning, or if you didn’t know at all and then you were accused of being enemies of mankind?

It would have been better if it was only the nobles, but complaints were pouring out from the military, which was famous for its loyalty.

As a result, a crack occurred in the center of Roman.

The southern countries of the eastern continent, which had been watching this situation, began to shake their heads.

“Roman is over.”

“In a situation where even if we gather our strength as one, it won’t be enough… … .”

The southern countries of the eastern continent, which had been agonizing until the end, finally made a decision.

He delivered a letter to the pirates who secretly approached him, and it came straight to Kariel.

“The time has come.”

Finally, the moment we had been waiting for came.

The hesitant southern countries of the eastern continent made a decision, so it was as if half had come.

“Tell the pirate king to set a date.”


Tarion bows his head at Kariel’s command and leaves.

Cariel said that he wanted to keep the number of attendants to a minimum because he had to move secretly, so only the entire SS, Archelio, and Glenn decided to accompany them.

The problem was that Tarion started insisting that he wanted to follow, saying that he was also a member of the SS.

“Your Majesty, I am also a member of the SS, so why are you leaving?”

“No, you are the head of the intelligence department, so you have to protect the capital.”

“It is more important to escort His Majesty.”

“hey! Are you kidding me?”

When Kariel shouted at the absurdity, Tarion lowered his head with a sullen expression.

“Are you giving up your beliefs just because you have a Master?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Then let me follow you. Honestly, I’d be better at identifying assassins and agents.”

Kariel, who put her head on her head with a troubled look at Tarion’s words, finally agreed with a sigh.

Then, saying that we should collect information about going, he selected only the elite of the shadows to accompany him.

“your majesty.”


“The knights of the imperial palace are disappointed.”

Achelio came abruptly and said that the knights in the imperial palace were disappointed.

“Are you upset?”

Kariel tilted her head at Achelio’s words.

“I am complaining that you only trust the shadows too much. I know they’ve been together since the time of the crown prince, but please tell them to believe in them as well.”

At Achelio’s words, Kariel tried to say what bullshit he was talking about, but kept his mouth shut.

It could have been something that had been piling up for a while, and it could have been triggered by this incident, so I had no choice but to let out a sigh and allow them to accompany me.

Instead, it was firmly nailed that it would be possible to perform only with ten people.

Then, from that day on, the knights of the Imperial Palace went into order.


The last tenth knight to enter, clenched his fists and screamed.

Even though her body was covered with wounds, Kariel shook her head as she cheered.

“Do I really have to do this?”

“The enemy is coming. To be honest, I think this is not enough.”

At Akelio’s words, Kariel sighed.

This is because it did not make sense to say that the two masters and the guards who reached level 6 were not enough together.

However, since it was heading to the pirates’ base, Akelio had no choice but to worry.

* * *

In the end, the plan to move in a small airship was abandoned as the ten strongest of the Imperial Palace Knights, the most elite shadows, two masters and some rather grandiose members who moved together were abandoned.

The airship, covered with all kinds of magic, took advantage of the night and ascended to the sky.

As the new airship with all kinds of new magic quickly headed east, they were able to reach Salem in an instant.

“Meet Your Majesty.”

“Sorry for being late.”

As the pirate officer lowered his head and spoke, Kariel gave an apologetic expression.

Even if you go by boat, it will take a considerable amount of time to reach the Aisa Islands, so the time for the appointment was close.

“Don’t worry, I have enough time.”

“Can you afford it?”

“Yes, the promised place comes to a small island located in the Bay of Isar. It’s half a day away, so you can go slowly.”

At the words of the pirate chief, Kariel put on a puzzled expression.

“Half a day?”

“Yes, what Your Majesty believes in us is infinite glory, but others will not. So, for the sake of trust, we have prepared a meeting place not far from the empire’s territory.”

Kariel’s eyes widened at the pirate’s words.

Now this meant that other heads of state also agreed.

The distance within which the Imperial Navy can immediately move if something happens. Achelio and other members of the Empire smiled and nodded towards the pirates who had met there.

“Thank you.”

Kariel said thank you for the unexpected gift and slowly got on board.

And like the pirates said, they were able to reach the island where the antique buildings were built in just a few hours.

“Meet the Emperor of the Western Continent.”

The leaders of the eastern continent finally seen.

They bowed to Kariel, the unified emperor of the Western Continent.

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