44. An emperor stronger than you think?

The emperor who restored the great glory of the empire.

The greatest hero of the Empire, who overcame numerous crises and absorbed Iron and the Principality.

That was the image of the people of the Empire who thought of Kariel, the current emperor.


Legitimacy that revived the pattern of the imperial family.

It has an unknown power.

There is charisma.

Contrary to the many images he has, none of the people of the Empire thought that Kariel was strong by force. He was an emperor who had the image of destroying nobles and horse towers and overwhelming other countries, but that was not a force.

That is why the people of the Empire were always anxious wherever the emperor went.

This is because the present empire was virtually united around Kariel.

From small factions within the Empire to large alliances such as Iron and Principality, all of them were united around Kariel.

Therefore, not only the ministers, but also the knights put Kariel’s safety first.

“your majesty! All of a sudden, it’s training like a real battle.”

“You are not feeling well, but they say that it is right to refrain from dangerous training.”

Every time Kariel wants to do real-life training with the SS for the first time in a while, the ministers come to see where they heard the rumors and dissuade them.

‘I talked to the guards secretly, but… … What kind of guy are you? Is it Toto? if not… … .’

He told the guards that he wanted to train like a real battle, so he ordered them to come up with a plan to go to a place where monsters live nearby and train them. However, one of the guards secretly leaked it to the ministers.

From their point of view, if Kariel got hurt during training and fell ill, the work would double, so they had no choice but to do this.

However, it was not only the ministers who prevented Kariel’s training.

“Lung haha! Absolutely not!”

“no… … I have a few things to check.”

Cariel sighed as he looked at Tarion, who ran like Deukdal and stopped him.

“Can’t we just do it here? Try it against the guards or the imperial knights!”

“Surt needs a real battle… … .”

“We will stop such a situation from happening! It will never happen in practice!”

Cariel sighed at Tharion’s polarity and ordered him to leave, saying he would understand.

“… … You don’t think so?”

– Then train like this.

“after… … You know you can’t just practice.”

As Surt said, if I practiced all day, I could continue to grow.

However, we do not know when the gates of Hell will open, so we needed a faster growth. Above all, now is an important time

I couldn’t just practice all day.

Since we had already reached the limit of filling with elixir, a more fundamental solution was needed.

– So, you have to practice. If you control your fire in a situation that is driven to the limit, you can grow a lot more than you are now. Then your body will grow even more.

At Surt’s words, Kariel let out a small sigh.

Kariel was also aware of the need for actual combat.

The problem is that it is difficult to ignore the opposition of many people and go.

Even now, if she tried to sneak out with only the Royal Guards, the imperial palace knights would grab her by the crotch of her pants and prevent her from going.

The Royal Guard also secretly waited for the knights or Tarion to come.

Besides, it wasn’t just them.

Tarion is a person who always worries about himself, so an unexpected person came to Cariel to dissuade him.

“Your Majesty, think only about the safety of Okche.”

“after… … Are you going to do this until the end of the day?”

A person with his head bowed in front of him.

It was Achelio, one of the three pillars of the Empire and the leader of the Imperial Palace Knights.

“Your Majesty’s prison body is not alone. For the sake of the Empire, even the slightest risk is unacceptable.”

Not even the Crown Prince, but the Emperor of the Empire.

As a result, Akelio had no choice but to put the safety of the prisoner first.

– Did I tell you? Just do it once.

Kariel sighed at Surt’s words.

Considering the brief use of Surtur’s power in the West, he could not easily make a decision.

Kariel was much more powerful than it had been back then, and he had no idea what this guy would do if he summoned Surt.

But can I summon other guys?

It wasn’t either.

Agni, who was born from the fragments of the spirit king, showed a bad-tempered appearance, and the moment Squall is summoned, part of the imperial palace will collapse with his huge body.

“I just want to check it out.”

“I will prepare the elite knights.”

At Achelio’s words, Surt smiled.

– You have no choice but to commit?

Surt, excited at the thought of warming up after a long time, smiled brightly and said, and Skoll and Agni suddenly appeared.

I sighed when I saw the guys who suddenly started yelling at each other to summon them.

“Prepare the largest gymnasium in the imperial palace.”

“All right.”

“You’ll have to double-triple the barriers.”

“I will.”

Cariel sighed as he looked at Akelio who said not to worry.

In the end, Akelio, who blocked Kariel’s ‘practicing training plan’ and switched to fighting in the Imperial Palace, was treated as a hero by the ministers and started preparing for the emperor’s battle.

“You must not leave even a speck of scar on His Majesty’s prison body. Do you understand?”


As Akelio asked several times, the most elite of the Imperial Palace Knights were determined as Kariel’s opponents.

And only after the wizards made a barrier made of several layers and prepared to wait for the priest, Kariel finally entered the dance hall.

“Your Majesty, we have prepared the best. There will be no shortage against Dalian.”

At Achelio’s words, the elite knights looked at Kariel with nervous expressions and bowed.

“Who should I upload first?”

“I’ll upload everything.”

At Kariel’s command, Achelio put the elite knights in front of Kariel without a word.

“Kyung, prepare for an emergency. after… … These guys are the ones I can’t control… … . If possible, protect the imperial palace from being destroyed.”

“I will.”

Achelio smiled and answered Kariel’s request. Others nearby hurriedly covered their mouths or bowed their heads.

It was because he thought that Kariel was bluffing.

“after… … Everyone be careful.”


They were elite knights who responded loudly to Kariel’s request, but no one listened properly.

– You have to be right to know. Summon me first!

Kariel sighed while watching Surt who was excited to warm up.

Before anyone knew it, Agni and Squall also made a fuss about wanting to fight each other first.

Looking at the three objects that were typed enough to be seen by others, everyone looked at them as if they were cute.

“First of all, Surt. I beg of you, never make a fuss. If the building collapses even a little, the monsters won’t even be able to see it.”

Surt nodded repeatedly at Kariel’s request.

Seeing that, Kariel became more anxious, but she pushed all the firearms inside her body into a small fireball.

– Long time no see!

A small fireball with a deep smile as he watched the approaching fire exploded the condensed power.

At that moment, a giant appeared as it shattered the barrier with an intense light.


The imperial palace knights were shocked the moment the fire giant appeared.

But the confusion was only for a moment.

As befits the elites that Achelio picked and chose, he was embarrassed and immediately went out against the fire giant.

Seeing that, Surt became excited and started swinging his arms wildly.

“hey! Be alive! The Imperial Palace is collapsing!”

Kariel shouted, but Surt was already excited and was fighting the knights in a frenzy.

“Such crazy… … . kyung! Stop that bastard!”

Although it was the first time he summoned Surt, who knows how to talk, he didn’t listen to him because he was excited about the battle after a long time.

In the end, when he hurriedly asked Akelio to ask, he stepped forward with a bewildered expression.

Surtur was more excited when he blocked Surtur with his huge sword, and he started rioting.

Of course, since he couldn’t handle the Master, his huge body eventually disappeared as it was cut here and there, but it was too late.

“… … .”

The largest gymnasium in the imperial palace was broken here and there, and parts of the palace were melted or collapsed by Achelio’s sword.

Knowing this, I put several layers of barriers on it, but in the end it was broken miserably.

“I would have ordered you to prepare well… … .”

“… … I apologize.”

Achelio lowered his head as if he had nothing to say even though he had ten mouths.

“after… … Treat the wounded.”

Kariel let out a sigh and returned to his palace, leaving Achelio with his head bowed behind.


-Kuhm! mi… … sorry.

Surt hurriedly apologizes for the rampage.

-But thanks to me, you got a reason to go out.

“You can’t even watch monsters.”

Kariel said with his eyes wide open at Surt’s excuses.

Seeing him like that, Surt could not make any more excuses and bowed his head.

– Kicking?

Next, Scoll sneaks up as if it’s his turn and casts a booby booby on Kariel’s face.

Then Agni appeared and showed affection.

But Kariel wasn’t the one to fall for their aegyo.

“If you make a fuss like Surt, I won’t summon you again.”

Agni and Squall nodded hastily at Kariel’s words.

Cariel, who looked at them with an expression of disbelief, let Achelio inside after finishing cleaning up.

“I think we need to get out of the capital… … .”

“Let’s find a suitable place.”

“Try to find a place where there are as few people as possible.”

Achelio nodded with a firm expression at Kariel’s command.

“To a place with as many monsters as possible.”

“that… … .”

“There are two more. My safety will be fine.”

Achelio pondered for a while at Kariel’s words, and eventually nodded.

He decided that since he would follow anyway, there would be no problem.

And finally, a place was prepared where Kariel could practice like a real battle.

In order to subdue a forest in the north, the Imperial Palace Knights and the SS moved with Kariel.

“Don’t go out.”

“Are you planning on subjugating alone?”

At Akelio’s question, Kariel nodded.

I had to practice fire control in a situation where I was pushed to the limit, so I decided to go into the forest alone.

Then Akelio moved far behind the line of his senses.

thud! thud!

The moment Kariel enters the forest, the monsters flock to the scent of a human being hit after a long time.

Seeing that, Kariel said.

“Run wild.”

The moment he said that, a huge wolf appeared in the air.

At the same time, a lava golem wrapped in fire was created around Kariel.

– Focus.

Surt gives advice with a serious look on his face.

Following his advice, Kariel assisted Squall and Agni, who ran amok with firearms.

Occasionally, there were monsters that broke through them and attacked Kariel, but Surt took care of them lightly.

– Distribute firearms well. If you can’t distribute it, it will break right away.

Kariel broke into a cold sweat at Surtur’s words and nodded.

Monsters flocking from all sides and two summoned bodies slaughtering them.

And Surt defends against the monsters that attack from time to time.

Cariel’s concentration has increased more than ever, thinking that even the slightest mistake could lead to a dangerous situation.

Is it because of that?

His sluggish skills rose steeply.

-As expected, practice was the answer.

Murmuring that, Surt smiled.

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