41. War with the Magic Tower

The war of the Mage Tower began with the return of the emperor.

The first to move was the Inspection Department.

He pushed through the evidence he had gathered and investigated all the merchants who dealt with the wizards. Of course, the merchants weren’t fools, so they didn’t take it lightly.

Since they recruited people who were proficient in the law first, they tried to take their time while resisting as much as possible.

It was because he believed that if he endured like that, the Magic Tower would take care of it.

“If this is the case, you have made a deal with the Mage Tower. First of all, go to the magic tower… … .”

“I have found evidence that this company has done business with other countries.”

When I said while holding the evidence, Sangju Sang-joo said with a smile.

“here… … This is a request from the tower. We only transacted at the request of Mato.”

“The wizards of the tower are also scheduled to be summoned.”

“No, because we are innocent!”

“Your crimes are also listed in the evidence investigated by the Inspection Department. If you resist any longer, I will take you by force.”

The Inspection Department did not budge at the words of the CEO of the giant top, and began to seize the items on the top.

“this… … Look!”

“Take it away. If you resist, I will knock you out and take you away!”


When I tried to drag it half-forcibly, the upper class owner was quietly dragged away, as if he didn’t want to get hit.

Others who saw it also did not resist any longer and were taken to the inspection department.

Then the magic tower started to move.

* * *

“Your Majesty, it is said that the supply of magic cannons is difficult due to problems with the upper level in the central magic tower.”

“Leave it.”

Kariel replied as if she didn’t care about the report from the chief of staff.

As expected, the mage tower was trying to show off its guts by using the war as a hostage, but it didn’t matter.

“Speak to the Minister of the Military, set a period, and if delivery is not made by that time, tell him to cut off the deal. And get the reparation money.”


When the chief of staff went straight to the military department and gave the order, the military minister immediately sent an official letter to the central mage tower.

Then the magic tower came out stronger.

“your majesty!”

This time, the Minister of Finance personally visited Kariel.

“this… … .”

I smiled while reading the letter Kariel sent from the Mage Tower.

“Is there a disruption in the production of large magic tools? Do you want to investigate, but release it first?”

“That’s right.”

“Leave it.”

This time, Kariel also ignored the Mage Tower’s request.

“If you refuse, we will not deliver products from this month.”

“Does it matter?”

The Minister of Finance smiled wryly at the emperor’s question.

“The moment you stop delivery, freeze the funds.”


The Minister of Finance handed over another report while bowing his head.

“It is a means of putting pressure on the Mage Tower along with freezing funds.”

“You’re thinking of robbing all the merchants related to the Mage Tower?”

“That’s right. Also, I plan to use the funds to buy everything related to the Mage Tower.”

Looking at the Minister of Finance as if it were Kariel’s recipe, he lowered his head as if embarrassed.

I was thinking of buying everything related to the Mage Tower with the money that had to be paid to the Mage Tower and completely isolating it.

Not even Kariel could have thought of completely isolating it beyond simply blocking funding at the government level and making it difficult to import raw materials provided for the Mage Tower.

“A legal review?”

“it’s over. The fault lies with the Mage Tower, so the justification is sufficient.”

When the Minister of Finance spoke confidently, Kariel smiled and nodded.

“great. I’ll push you as far as I can, so go ahead. If I get stuck, I can sell my name.”

The Minister of Finance, who bowed his head and smiled at Kariel’s words, immediately went outside.

And after a while, the Ministry of Finance sent an ultimatum to the Mage Tower.

After the announcement of the freezing of funds, now everyone in the empire knew the battle between the mage tower and the imperial family.

As soon as the emperor got up from his sick bed, the war with the tower broke out, and the nobles also started to help.

While it was rumored that Kariel was lying on a sick bed, he quickly devoured the realm of the nobles and summoned the king.

So from the point of view of the aristocrats, they had to take it back.

Of course, if it wasn’t just for this, not all members of the aristocracy would have unanimously supported it.

There are many reasons why they are so active.

“If you actively help me, I will give you back what was stolen from the tower.”

Cariel secretly summoned the main nobles of the aristocratic circle and proposed it.

In response to this word, the next day, the nobility house unanimously voted to legalize all measures against the horse tower.

No matter how strong the power of the horse tower, there was no way that the imperial family, bureaucrats, and nobles could resist the combined attack.

Of course, Mato was also not an idiot, so he was expecting this worst situation to some extent.

“Your Majesty, this is the appeal of the local nobles. It is said that it is difficult to deal with the raw materials that will be delivered to the horse tower.”

“The tops of the North have sent in a group. This is also due to the sale of raw materials.”

“These are the tops of the central area. It is said that the workshops working under the tower are protesting as a group.”

Treasury officials came in groups and brought complaints and appeals from people related to the Mage Tower.

No matter how powerful Kariel was as an emperor, he could not ignore them and proceed with his work.

Even if it can be said that they are forced to proceed a few times, in the end, they have no choice but to accept their words to some extent.

The war against the Magic Tower was not something that could be ended in a short fight.

That’s why he deliberately induced the mage tower to cross the line and waited to build justification.

“The time has come.”

“I would like to.”

The Chancellor, who had entered with the Treasury Department officials, lowered his head and said.

It’s not perfect yet, but it’s close enough to be open to the public.

“Are the officials ready?”

“That’s right.”

“great. We will reveal the secret plan immediately.”


At Kariel’s order, the secret plan was officially revealed.

The start was to respond to complaints or complaints sent to the Ministry of Finance.

“Magic? What is this?”

“I know. Was the Ministry of Magic established? Haven’t you heard of such a thing?”

After seeing the letter from the Treasury, some merchants tilted their heads.

“Please forward any related issues to the Ministry of Magic in the future.”

When the Ministry of Finance delivered a letter stating that the matters related to the Magic Tower were transferred to the Ministry of Magic, everyone began to focus on the newly established Ministry of Magic.

When everyone was curious about the Ministry of Magic, Kariel held a meeting in person.

The first Daejeon meeting held since it was rumored that he collapsed from overwork.

At the Daejeon meeting attended by all the high-ranking nobles in the center, Kariel made the official announcement.

“The Ministry of Magic was officially established in the central ministry. This is because I felt the need for a mechanism to check the tower.”

At Kariel’s words, all the nobles bowed their heads.

“A new organization will be established to manage the Mage Tower, which has been doing arrogant things, taking the freedom and rights they enjoy for granted! Also, I felt the need to develop magic engineering, which had been dependent only on the magic tower, by dividing it into several areas.”

The moment those words were finished, the light came on the huge video sphere and Kariel’s plans were reflected.

“I will create a Ministry of Technology together with the Ministry of Magic and release all sanctions related to workshops. In addition, we will also lift all sanctions regarding alchemy, which has been considered special. Those who are dissatisfied with this, come forward.”

The nobles bowed their heads in silence at Kariel’s question.

Everyone agreed because they knew that this measure was a means to put pressure on the Magic Tower.

“In addition! As of today, all restrictions imposed on the magic family will be lifted out of consideration for the wizards. Also, since a new magic group directly under the imperial family is established, we will name it the ‘Imperial Palace Magic Tower’.”

The moment Kariel finished speaking, the inside of the building located inside the imperial palace came out through the video sphere.

There, from countless magic tools to those wearing robes, they were busy moving.

There were alchemists there, and there were also those who specialized only in magic engineering.

In addition, as we went further inside, there was even a workshop.

It was seen that craftsmen were making something while consulting with magic engineers.

As if they had been waiting for this day, a lot of things were already being researched and created in the Imperial Palace Magic Tower.

This revealed that he did not just speak to keep the mage tower in check, but even had a mind to replace the mage tower itself in case of emergency.

“Also, if nobles want to build a mage tower, make an official request through the ‘House of Nobles’. If it passes certain standards through screening, it will be allowed.”

Kariel, who nailed that certain standards had to be passed, briefly explained the standards.

First of all, there had to be a certain number of wizards, and there had to be funds to maintain the mage tower or skills to build the mage tower.

If it exceeded that standard, it was reviewed by the House of Nobles, secondly reviewed by the Ministry of Magic, and finally, the emperor had to give his ashes.

It was complicated, but since most of the important issues currently being dealt with in ministries were like this, nothing much has changed.

It was important that he released the restrictions imposed on the nobles.

“Are there any complaints about this!”

“No! May your Majesty do as you wish!”

Of course, there was no objection from the imperial officials, and the nobles all bowed their heads in agreement.

Even the restrictions of the nobles were released, but there was no opposition.

* * *

As soon as the Daejeon meeting was over, the news was immediately spread throughout the capital.

“Does the Ministry of Magic really look like this?”

“In addition, the Imperial Palace Magic Tower was created. Looking at the facilities, are they in good shape?”

The people of the empire were in awe as they watched the Imperial Palace Magic Tower reflected on the huge video sphere installed in the plaza.

It showed plausible workshops, equipment I had never seen before, and numerous wizards researching, making me aware that something great had been created.

The nobles were equally excited.

“All the restrictions placed on nobles are gone.”


When the old aristocrats said this announcement with an expression of disbelief, the friend next to them smiled and nodded.

Both were commoners, but both became nobles.

However, from the moment he became a noble, he became a force opposite to the Mage Tower.

A situation where there were only two choices: to become a noble and live a stable life, or to enter the Mage Tower.

With the help of the military, he became a battle mage, so he had no choice but to become a nobleman.

At least the old nobles became nobles.

The friend next to him couldn’t enter the Mage Tower because he lacked skills, and he couldn’t become a noble.

This is because the mage who became a noble was not accepted by the Mage Tower just because he was a friend.

I wanted to do something for my friend, but there was no way to help with all kinds of restrictions. This announcement was welcome to the old aristocrat who had been through such a period.

“Let’s try again right now!”

“Yeki! At this age?”

“I will help!”

The old man smiled at his friend while smiling brightly.

At the suggestion of a friend who had always been by his side even though he had become a noble, the old man looked at the huge video sphere installed in the plaza.

“It’s the Imperial Palace Magic Tower… … .”

The old man muttered the new imperial palace mage tower and his eyes shone after a long time.

When his eyes, which had been dead for decades, shone for the first time in a long time, the old nobleman smiled heartily.

It felt as if I had gone back to the time when I dreamed of being a child.

“By the way, do you want to accept nobles into the Imperial Palace Mage Tower?”

The noble old man muttered that and moved to find a way to enter the Imperial Palace Mage Tower with his friend.

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