39. The winds of change blowing from the empire even to Iron? (2)

Assuming that the Western Continent is fully occupied by the Empire, there is room for the Empire to intervene in the Eastern Continent.

‘I can’t wait for Roman to eat the entire East Continent.’

Kariel thought so inwardly and fell into trouble.

As the principality came under the shadow of the empire, it became much easier to intervene in the eastern continent, but there were still limitations.

So it was necessary to have a closer relationship with the pirates.

“Should I work slowly?”

The southern kingdoms were on a path that was openly hostile to the empire, so there was no hesitation.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Call the intelligence department and ask the pirate king to set up a communication.”


The time has come to keep the promises made while in the East.

At the same time as keeping his promise to make a country of pirates, he was planning to check the southern kingdoms.

“I wish I could do what I thought… … .”

Cariel, who murmured in anticipation, drew up a big picture that would haunt the southern kingdoms.

Rather than relying on the Aisa archipelago alone, I thought of making deals in various ways.

Criminal groups weren’t just pirates.

Criminals ranged from gangs of bandits and bandits to black traders who smuggled themselves.

As the Empire dealt with smaller countries, most of the criminals who established themselves there were hiding near the borders of the Empire and the southern kingdoms.

“There’s no law that says criminals can only be used by them.”

When the empire was in turmoil, just as the southern kingdoms used the Minor Alliance to support criminals, Kariel also planned to harass the southern kingdoms by supporting criminals.

* * *

While Kariel was looking for a way to use his criminal organization to harass the Southern Kingdoms, they too were looking for ways to harass the Empire.

The first method was to block off Salem’s port.

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Just making the eastern port of the empire useless would be a huge blow.

Although the army was strong, the navy was relatively weak.

To raise the navy of the east, it was not easy to bring in the western border.

“What do you think the empire will look like if Aesarman is blocked?”

“It will be difficult to respond right now. One has to be prepared. The Empire can do the same with Talos as it did with Iron.”

“Um… … .”

In response to King Talos’ question, the Marquis of Altane cautiously gave his opinion.

It was difficult to invade Talos as most of the main force went into the principality due to the Roman invasion.

Aside from Marquis Cleta, the first sword of Talos, Marquis Altan is the most talented person to be chosen.

But his real value was in being a strategist.

The Marquess of Altan, who has a high level of military knowledge, is said to have had Marquis of Altane in Talos, if the empire had a southern Marquis.

When he warned, King Talos let out a sigh.

The Marquis of Wilsingham, who was next to the king, also cautiously opened his mouth.

“The problem is that even if you blockade it, it’s hard to give a big blow to the empire.”

Salem was not yet complete.

That’s why most of the large merchant companies still had a high proportion of overland routes.

Looking at the entire empire, it was not a big blow.

Nevertheless, the reason Talos ponders the containment policy is because of the symbolism of Salem.

“I still need to break my spirits once in a while.”

“That’s right.”

To the King’s words, the Marquis of Wilsingham nodded and replied.

For Talos, who wanted to solidify the caste system, Salem was a thorn in the eye.

That’s why it was necessary to stop their progress at least once.

The development of Salem alone was causing the cities near the border to be shaken. However, as the empire began to bring revolutionary forces to the center, chaos was spreading more and more.

This wasn’t just Talos’ problem. The Roteon was also experiencing the same problem, so he took a risk and went to war with the Empire.

“If you don’t have to worry about the imperial invasion right now, the problem is with the pirates… … Is there any way to stop them?”

“It is difficult at the moment. In order to completely subdue them, the Talos Navy needs to invest 70% or more. Then lockdown becomes impossible.”

“What if we give up the lockdown and focus only on the Aisa Islands?”

When King Talos thoughtfully asked the question, the Marquis Altan shook his head again this time.

“Still, it’s difficult.”

“what is the reason?”

“The Southern pirates have also begun to move.”

King Talos’ expression hardened at the words of Marquis Altan.

Southern pirates aren’t the only ones on the Aisa Islands.

If you look at the western continent as a whole, there are western pirates who aim for new routes in the west, central pirates of the Aisa Islands who aim for trade routes in the eastern continent, and southern pirates who aim for trade routes with the giant islands in the south.

Trade with Talos, Roteon, and the eastern continent is the most important, but trade with the southern islands is also important.

This is because they bring huge benefits to the eastern continent with valuable drugs and luxury items that only they have.

“The Southern Pirates, with the help of the Roteon Navy… … .”

“It is said that western pirates are invading the realm of Roteon.”

King Talos looked surprised at the words of the Marquis Altan.

“What? What kind of power do those who were smashed into the Empire have? … .”

“So far, I haven’t figured it out. but… … The Roteon said that there is a possibility that the Empire is supporting it.”

“It doesn’t make sense. The western pirates have teamed up with traitors. A proud empire supports them?”

It’s not another crime, it’s treason.

It was Kariel who executed him without hesitation even though he was a member of the royal family a while ago.

So he supports the western pirates?

“It’s not impossible if it’s the emperor.”

“Um… … .”

At the words of the Marquis of Wilsingham, King Talos let out a gloomy voice without being able to refute.

“If the Empire wants to use the pirates to tie us down, we should do the same.”

“I’ll try to use the criminal organizations that I built up a kite at that time again.”

At Marquis Altan’s words, King Talos nodded slightly.

Talos tried to harass the empire again by using a criminal organization, just like in the case of the small country alliance.

However, it didn’t take long to realize that these people’s decision was a step too late.

This is because a few days later, a report came up that the border was being attacked by bandits in a hurry.

“majesty! They say that bandits are gathering near the border and attacking.”

“majesty! Bandits run rampant in the northern regions. The lords over there are hastily sending requests for reinforcements.”

“majesty! Drugs are getting loose because of the smugglers!”

After successive reports, King Talos hurriedly called Marquis Altan.


“What is this about!”

King Talos, enraged, rose from his seat, striking the throne with his fist.

Then, the Marquis of Altan lowered his head and reported.

“It seems that the empire first tried its hand.”

“What? how… … What did the intelligence department do!”

“Looking at what not even Roteon has grasped, the shadows seem to have moved. I guess… … It seems that the empire has decided and moved.”

At Marquis Altan’s words, King Talos stumbled on his head.

“We need to stabilize the northern region as soon as possible. If the damage accumulates like this, we may have to call in the main unit.”

“What? how… … .”

“Borders are messy. If this situation continues, the Empire will not be able to wait and see. An astute Southern Margrave might invade.”

“under… … .”

King Talos sighed and pressed his thumb through his throbbing head.

“Call the nobles. I’ll have to form a subjugation army.”


* * *

While Talos, who was looking for a way to blockade Salem and harass the empire, was struggling with criminal organizations, Roteon was being harassed in other ways.

“It’s them again!”

“… … I am sorry.”

The Marquis of Delrond, who is called the next master of Roteon, bowed his head.

The reason why he bows his head like this, who oversees the intelligence department, is because a large number of special forces belonging to the empire’s intelligence department have entered Roteon and are making a mess.

As the shadows joined, the quality of the special forces of the Imperial Intelligence Service was greatly improved.

In addition, the information sent separately was integrated, so the command system was simplified and the operation was carried out quickly, which caused Roteon’s information system, which had the best information network except for the Empire, to be disturbed and harassed.

“A report from the military has come in that the reliability of the information coming from Iron is questionable! What happened to this!”

“Imperial intelligence is only holding on to us. As a result, the information network in the western region collapsed.”

“under… … Wasn’t Roteon’s intelligence department an organization competing to be the strongest on the continent!”

At the king’s scolding, the Marquis of Delrond lowered his head.

Obviously it was.

He thought so too.

They thought they had an information network that was one step ahead of the Empire’s intelligence department, the Shadow, an organization directly under the imperial family, and the Crows of the Northern Army.

However, the situation was reversed when the Shadow and the Intelligence Department merged.

“… … It seems that Roteon’s power alone will no longer be able to keep the Empire’s intelligence in check.”

When Marquis Delrond, famous for his cold-hearted judgment, said this, the King of Roteon sighed.

They were the ones who had the most powerful information network in the West Continent for decades.

It was frightening to see an empire with an information network that surpassed them in just a few years.

The King of Roteon, feeling the power of the empire united as one, bit his lip.

“This is what caused the division… … .”

This was the reason why he had to spend huge amounts of money to roast the nobles of the empire.

In Roteon, despite complaints that he was wasting money for nothing, he consistently bribed the nobles of the empire.

However, one outstanding royal family organized everything and gathered the power of the empire together.

That alone threatened what the southern kingdoms had achieved over decades.

“… … If it’s at this level now, I’m afraid of what will happen if the empire develops further in the future.”

The Marquis of Delrond bit his lip at the words of his king, full of fear.

Still, there was nothing he could do.

Other than just blocking the Empire’s intelligence department as much as possible… … .

* * *

Having beaten Talos and Roteon, Kariel focused her energy on Iron in earnest.

By blocking Roteon’s intelligence department and holding Talos’ military power in check with criminal organizations, a gap arose in Iron for a while, and he began to inject huge amounts of money and special forces.

“Support the revolutionary forces within Iron. It doesn’t matter how much money it takes.”

In response to Kariel’s order, the Minister of Home Affairs spoke contemptuously.

“We are on a tight budget.”

At the sound of the Minister of Home Affairs dying, Kariel even allowed her to use the royal family’s budget.

“Cut off all funds going to the collateral imperial family.”

“Yes? under… … one… … .”

“From the money I received through my palace, cut it in half. Same goes for my siblings. Then you won’t have any complaints.”

“Is that okay?”

“I do not care.”

After saying that, Kariel turned her gaze to Podolski next to her.

“You know what to say?”

“I will retrieve the funds that the nobles use for private purposes.”

Dignity maintenance expenses provided to nobles working in the central government or the aristocratic house.

Still, since they were aristocrats working in the center, I couldn’t touch them because they were paying for me not to be ignored somewhere, but the situation has changed.

Right now, even the emperor is tightening his belt, so is the dignity of nobles important?

“Now is the most important time. Persevere even when it’s hard If we do well, we can eat the iron.”

At Kariel’s words, Podolsky and the Home Minister swallowed.

“If you understand, move.”



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