Granny Wen caught the baby and cut the umbilical cord quickly. Seeing that the baby's face was a little blue, she quickly lifted the baby upside down in her hand and slapped the baby twice on the buttocks. The baby cried out with a "wow".

Gu Yunjiao glanced at it and smiled at Madam Wu, "Mother, she's a girl."

The corners of Mrs. Wu's lips twitched upwards, just as she was about to say something, her head fainted.

Jiang Zhongxing outside heard the cry of the baby, and kept pacing back and forth while rubbing his hands, "I have given birth, I don't know if it is a girl."

Jiang Youzhi glanced at his father, but didn't know why his father was so obsessed with his daughter.

Granny Wen held the baby in one hand to give her a bath. After the bath was finished, Gu Yunjiao went over and put some medicinal gauze on the baby's navel and wrapped it carefully.

Granny Wen weighed the baby on a large scale, "six catties and nine taels."

Then she quickly beat the baby into a candle pack.

She went out with the baby in her arms, handed it to the wet nurse who was standing outside, and said to the maids who were watching, "It's a girl."

The maid quickly ran to the hall and reported to Jiang Zhongxing.

Jiang Zhongxing looked up to the sky and smiled.

He really felt that his life was complete today.

He has both sons and daughters, his son is so good, he and Yaoyao are so in love, he got everything he wanted.

The nurse came over with the baby, and Jiang Zhongxing hurriedly had all the doors and windows closed.

He carefully took his daughter, lowered his head and glanced, his face changed instantly.

ugly! too ugly!

The red-faced little baby has wrinkled skin and few hairs on its head, like a little old man.

Where is this Yu Xue's lovely, tender and soft daughter in his heart?

Jiang Zhongxing sighed in his heart, carefully holding the swaddle, forget it, no matter how ugly his daughter is, it will still hurt.

Gu Yunjiao was still guarding Mrs. Wu inside until the placenta was delivered, and Mrs. Wu had no symptoms of heavy bleeding. Gu Yunjiao came out and quickly prescribed a prescription to prevent infection.

After prescribing the prescription, Gu Yunjiao told the father-in-law about the delivery room just now, and added, "Whether it will cause infection, I can't tell right now."

"I could only make that decision in that situation."

Jiang Zhongxing was silent for a moment. He did not expect that the arrival of the little girl he was thinking of might make him lose his wife.

He never thought how difficult it was to have a child. Women all over the world have children, so it's no big deal.

Only today did he realize that he was wrong. A woman not only has to endure great pain to give birth to a child, it may even cost her life.

As for whether or not Gu Yunjiao didn't ask him beforehand, he didn't even think about it.

In his opinion, Gu Yunjiao is a doctor, and her decision must be correct.

The worry about Mrs. Wu's body dampened Jiang Zhongxing's joy.

He handed the baby to the nurse and asked Gu Yunjiao, "Can I go in and see your mother now?"

Gu Yunjiao nodded.

As soon as Jiang Zhongxing entered the room, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Madam Wen had just cleaned up for Mrs. Wu, and there was a small mattress soaked in blood on the ground.

Jiang Zhongxing was stunned when he looked at the mattress, which was covered with distant blood.

Next to the mattress was a copper basin, which contained a basin of blood.

Jiang Zhongxing's heart seemed to be grabbed by something. He walked to the bed and looked at Mrs. Wu with his eyes closed and his face pale.

She has such a big loss when giving birth to a child. She gave birth to Jiang Youzhi in a carriage back then, how painful and helpless she must be.

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