When the emperor heard about the important information about the sixteen states of Youyun, he hurriedly said: "Pass my word, suspend the execution, and ask me before talking about it."

At this time, Empress Zheng happened to be there, and she reminded: "Your Majesty, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's too late to rush over to summon the news."

The emperor glanced at Kele, stomped his foot, and scolded the soldier, "Why didn't you come here earlier."

The soldiers knelt on the ground and said nothing.

He knew that the emperor's words were not really asking him, but a vent.

Therefore, there is no need for excuses, and excuses are useless.

Empress Zheng said softly: "It's not a big deal, it must be what Yan Beichen said indiscriminately in order to save his life."

The emperor nodded, "You are right."

He sighed and waved his hand, "Go, if the execution hasn't been executed yet, I'll pass on my word."

In fact, the emperor felt a little regretful. The embassy of Jin State was going to Beijing to discuss the matter of the sixteen states of Youyun in the past two days. Yan Beichen was resourceful.

Oh, what a pity!

The soldier walked out of the palace gate and looked at the sun above his head, then walked towards the execution ground in a leisurely manner.

On the execution ground at this moment, Lord Wang's decree landed, the Yan family's father and son's necks were stretched, and the executioner raised his sword.

The knife fell from the hand, and the two heads rolled to the ground.

Only the Yan family's father and son were left kneeling on the ground, and their bodies were bloody.

The moment the knife slashed, Jiang Youzhi covered Gu Yunjiao's eyes, and then pulled her away.

Gu Yunjiao didn't have to look at the picture of people's heads falling, and followed Jiang Youzhi obediently.

The two were about to get into the carriage when they walked to the side of the street, when Gu Yunjiao suddenly turned her head.

She saw that Yang Ying was standing not far away, and it seemed that she planned to get on the carriage.

She smiled at Gu Yunjiao, deeply blessed her, and then got into the car and left.

Back to the mail, Gu Yunjiao was okay, she didn't see the bloody picture, but she didn't feel any discomfort, but Jiang Youzhi was nauseated for a while, not because of fear, but purely psychological discomfort.

A few days later, Gu Yunjiao resumed her life of going to the workshop and Renxintang every few days.

What was different from before was that she no longer had to take fifty personal soldiers with her when she went out.

Now only Daya and Lei Yingleixia are following her.

At noon, Gu Yunjiao planned to go to Renxintang to have lunch with her father from the workshop. As soon as she turned a street, she found that there were many people on the street, at least two or three times more than usual.

It also became difficult to drive the carriage.

Gu Yunjiao opened the curtain and looked at the situation outside. Just as she was about to ask Lei Ying to find out what was going on, several fast horses came galloping, and the officers and soldiers on the horses shouted loudly, "Pedestrians, step aside! The group is here!"

Pedestrians crowded to the side of the street one after another, and the driver pulled the carriage over to the side. Gu Yunjiao disliked the corner of the curtain and looked outside.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of neat horse hooves came over.

Tall and armored soldiers of the Jin State rode on horses, lined up neatly in three rows and slowly marched on the street.

As if to show the prestige of the state of Jin, the soldier at the forefront was riding a horse and holding a flag.

Behind the soldier was a general. The general's horse was exceptionally handsome. The general was dressed in jet-black armor and had a long knife on his waist. Even if he was still far away, Gu Yunjiao felt a chill coming towards him.

As the team approached slowly, she inadvertently glanced at the general on the horse, slightly startled.

The general on the horse was none other than Wanyan Zhang who had seen both sides in Xiangcheng!

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