Mrs. Wu called out to the guards in a sharp voice, "Let's look for the antidote, carefully look for Lingnan Shuangsha, and strip them off, don't let go of even the hair."

"And let people find a medicine called red-backed bamboo grass. It's too late, it's too late!"

Ayun outside quickly instructed the guards to do it.

Gu Yunjiao suddenly got up and ran out, "I'll come right after I go."

She ran outside and instructed Ayun at the door: "Go to the kitchen immediately and get a burning charcoal stove and bring it to the main courtyard. I'll use it, hurry up and run!"

Ayun performed light work and ran away.

She ran out from the back door of the main courtyard, ran back to her own courtyard, and instructed Huixiang who ran back with her, "Find a clean medicine jar and take it to the main courtyard, I will use it right away!"

Huixiang hurried to find the medicine jar.

Gu Yunjiao went back to the house, closed the door, and entered the medicine store.

Seeing the poison that seals the throat with blood will paralyze the heart. Grandpa Guo's heartbeat has slowed down a lot. If it continues, the heartbeat will stop.

Modern medical treatment of bradycardia caused by this situation will inject atropine, which can relieve the spasm of the heart muscle and blood vessels and make the heart beat faster.

Atropine is extracted from plants such as Datura.

Mandala flower is the main ingredient for making anesthetics. Gu Yunjiao has made a lot of anesthetics since she came here, and she has mandala in her medicine storehouse.

After entering the medicine store, Gu Yunjiao quickly found the mandala flower, weighed the dose, and wrapped it in paper.

Gu Yunjiao didn't know how long the Grandpa Guo had been poisoned, but, with this kind of poison, she could only live for two hours at most, and if she was fast, she would be gone in twenty minutes. Therefore, she is now racing against death, everything. be fast.

She quickly ran out of the yard and saw Huixiang walking briskly with a medicine jar in front of her.

Huixiang saw that her master was running ahead of her, so she followed.

The two ran into the main courtyard out of breath.

At this moment, A Yun came in with a burning charcoal stove.

Gu Yunjiao asked Huixiang to make half a jar of water, and put more than half of the mandala flower wrapped in paper into it, "Take a fan, make the fire bigger, and quickly boil the juice."

At this time, Grandpa Guo's heartbeat was getting slower and slower. He was lying on the couch, still awake, when he saw Gu Yunjiao coming over, he slowly spit out two words, "Dizzy—"

Before Gu Yunjiao asked him if he was dizzy, he still didn't feel it, but now his head was terribly dizzy.

Gu Yunjiao nodded, this was due to the slow heartbeat and insufficient blood supply to the brain.

She took out a few dried mandala flowers and fed them into the mouth of the prince, "chew hard, chew the juice and swallow it."

Jiang Zhongxing had no strength at this moment, his heartbeat was slow, which caused the blood flow in the whole body to slow down, and even chewing became difficult.

He chewed what was in his mouth with all his might.

Mrs. Wu next to him stuffed the medicine into Jiang Zhongxing's mouth and got excited, "Is this the red-backed bamboo grass?"

Gu Yunjiao spread her hands, "Mandala flower."

Mrs. Wu saw clearly what was in Gu Yunjiao's hand, and disappointment and despair came together.

It's not the red-backed bamboo grass she's seen before, it's like a withered flower.

She heard her master say that the red-backed bamboo grass is the only antidote for seeing blood seal the throat. Except for this, there is nothing in the world that can cure the poison of seeing blood seal the throat.

However, Mrs. Wu didn't say anything. She knew Gu Yunjiao's medical skills very well. If there was no one in this world who could save her husband, then this person must be Gu Yunjiao.

Her medical skills are far beyond all the doctors she has seen.

Moreover, she now has no other choice but to pin her hopes on Gu Yunjiao.

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