One of the things the Holy Master has to do every day is to read the battle report.

The battle report is not every day, if there is no new one, the sage will look at the previous one, and then pull Jiang Youzhi to look at the map.

The sage is very self-aware and knows that he who has only read a few books on the art of war cannot be compared with the battle-hardened grandfather of the country.

Therefore, he did not command blindly, but just liked to analyze with Jiang Youzhi the intention of the grandfather to use such troops.

Shortly after taking Ruzhou, the Hexi Corridor, which had already been secretly controlled by Lin Shuo, was completely taken.

The sage discussed with Jiang Youzhi and decided to set up Hexi County, and the governor of the county chose Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan has been in southern Xinjiang for eight or nine years, from county magistrate to prefect, and now he has been promoted to prefect.

Everywhere he went, he vigorously developed farming, improved people's livelihood, and worked hard to reconcile ethnic conflicts.

Today, the taxation of the entire southern Xinjiang has doubled compared to eight or nine years ago, which shows Gu Chuan's governance power.

On the Hexi Corridor, there are many merchants from the Western Regions, from all countries and ethnic groups, speaking different languages ​​and having different customs. This place is lively and lively, and it is really chaotic.

Next, Shengshang and Jiang Youzhi plan to vigorously develop trade with countries in the Western Regions. Hexi County can be said to be very important, and it is necessary to send a county guard who can do practical things.

Southern Xinjiang is an area inhabited by many ethnic groups. Gu Chuan has governance experience, and he is young and full of energy. To open up a new situation in the Hexi Corridor, he needs young people with such energy.

The southern border only needs to send an official to defend the city to continue Gu Chuan's various methods and policies in governing the local area.

After making a decision, the saint patted Jiang Youzhi on the shoulder, "I didn't have to transfer your brother-in-law to that difficult place."

"It stands to reason that when he returns to Beijing to report his work next year, he should have been transferred to a wealthy place or appointed as an official in Beijing, but I can't do anything about it. There are not many people who can use it and it is easy to use, so I can only grieve him no matter how hard he works in Hexi County. how many years."

Jiang Youzhi bowed his hands and saluted, "Gu Chuan is a minister of the Great Chu, so naturally he will go wherever he is needed."

The sage smiled, "I'm not afraid that you will go home and can't explain it to Mrs. Qin Guo?"

"If Madam Qin is unhappy, let her scold me."

Jiang Youzhi went home and told Gu Yunjiao what he and the saint said exactly.

Gu Yunjiao was naturally unhappy at the moment. She originally thought that next year, Gu Chuan would be able to become a Beijing official, and then the family would be reunited, but she did not expect to bring him to Hexi County again.

It is impossible to come back without five or six years.

Gu Yunjiao wanted to curse.

But she couldn't really scold the saint. She beat Jiang Youzhi a few times, but she could only scold Gu Chuan in her heart, who told you to go to the southern border back then.

Who told you to go to the southern border so hard and capable.

Sometimes, being too capable is not a good thing. The more capable you are, the more oppressive the leader will use you.

Hexi County urgently needed the prefect to take office. Before the newly appointed prefect of Nanjiang arrived, and the handover was too late, Gu Chuan set off for Hexi County.

Gu Yuheng and Aunt Hua Wufang couldn't even pack their things in time, so they could only let Gu Chuan go first.

After waiting for another ten days, the whole family settled the affairs of the southern border and came to Xiangcheng.

Gu Yuheng misses her daughter so much, this time she has to detour to Xiangcheng to see her daughter.

Aunt Hua also hadn't returned to her parents' home for several years. Both decided to go back to Xiangcheng to live for a while before leaving for Hexi County.

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