Due to the rapid spread of the Internet, other countries have more or less learned about China's latest major dates.

But what no one expected was that even as far away as Yinfan Kingdom, many believers would burn incense, pray for blessings, and worship Su Yun today.

Although they had no concept of Taoist Su Yun, Su Yun's battle in Yinfan Country convinced them that Su Yun was the incarnation of God.

In many newly built temples in Yinfan, you can even see statues of gods that are very similar to Su Yun.

This statue has a golden trident at its feet, and in its hand is a treasure bow with a string like the full moon.

On Taoist Days, many believers would come to offer incense and pray for blessings. If this scene were seen by the people in Daxia, I am afraid they would only find it a bit ridiculous.

The people of Yinfan Kingdom are still so ignorant that they don't even know who they are worshiping when they worship.

But this does not affect Su Yun's influence in Daxia and Yinfan State at all.

However, in Daxia, Su Yun was regarded as the Taoist ancestor because Su Yun opened an altar to preach and led people to practice.

As for the Yinfan Kingdom, because Su Yun crushed the Yinfan Kingdom's military at that time, the foolish people regarded it as the incarnation of the three main gods.

Even Su Yun himself knew nothing about this matter.

The development of spiritual practice in Daxia has been getting faster and faster. Dojos have sprung up in various places. More than a hundred pioneers in the spiritual practice world have also begun to popularize the basic knowledge of spiritual practice on a small scale under the arrangement of the state.

Every Saturday morning, dojos in various places will be open to the public, and pioneers in the spiritual field will serve as lecturers to enhance the basic spiritual knowledge of ordinary people.

It is also during this process that more and more people's concept of spiritual practice is no longer limited to artistic fictions such as immortals and knights.

All lecturers use their own experiences to inform the public about what spiritual practice is.

According to the latest policies after many meetings in Kyoto, a department specifically responsible for spiritual practice was established for the first time in Kyoto, named: Wen Dao Bureau.

The meaning of the metaphor is obvious: Chao Wen Dao!

The establishment of the Wen Dao Bureau is tantamount to Daxia's attitude towards spiritual practice, which is officially and fully implemented by the government.

Netizens were initially puzzled by the establishment of this department, but they discovered it after entering its official website.

The official website not only collects all the words Su Yun said during his sermons, but also includes the insights of more than a hundred pioneers in the spiritual practice world.

At the same time, in the most eye-catching column on the homepage, the locations of various Taoist temples and the time for holding practice sharing sessions can all be found on the official website.

This made netizens excited, and they understood that this department was established to manage the spiritual practice community and provide comprehensive help.

The completion of the General Bureau of Wendao Bureau also means that branches will gradually bloom in various cities.

However, while Daxia developed the path of spiritual practice, the mechanical path never stopped.

At this time, in the Kyoto Mechanical Technology Research Center, the first experimental base of more than 2,000 square meters, the fifth generation of mechanical technology was officially developed.

Peng Hai, the person in charge of the First Experimental Base, was holding some information excitedly at this moment, his eyes squeezed into crescents because of his smile.

"Great, we finally succeeded. This fifth-generation mechanical technology will impress the whole world!"

As Peng Hai spoke, he hurriedly followed the scientific researchers to the display area.

In this display area, multiple mechas are already waiting.

The first is the Kunpeng armor, which has been updated to the fifth generation, and the Army Soul armor, which is still mainly beige.

When they were only the third generation, these two series of armors had already shone in the battle of Yinfan Kingdom.

And now, after updating to the fifth generation, the two series of armors have been comprehensively improved.

The military soul armor, developed mainly for military land warfare, is equipped with more than eight kinds of heavy weapons.

The armored arms are even equipped with armor-piercing projectiles, which can instantly destroy the tank known as the King of Land Warfare.

The last battle in Yinfan State also made the laboratory aware of the weaknesses of the armor.

Therefore, the fifth-generation innovation not only strengthened the military soul armor's force, but also greatly improved the armor's defensive capabilities by giving up some flexibility.

As for the Kunpeng Armor, it still focuses on improving its flexibility.

The fifth-generation Kunpeng armor's air speed can even reach a level comparable to that of a fighter jet.

The speed under the sea is even far beyond that of ordinary cruisers.

This series of mechas is mainly used in special operations such as reconnaissance and infiltration. Therefore, although the firepower is not as good as the Military Soul series, it is equipped with high-tech weapons such as anti-radar devices, concussive arc grenades, and telescopic laser weapons, which are enough to make up for this. a little.

In addition, the later-developed trooper armor has also been fully updated.

Among them are not only body-covering armors that require human control, but also unmanned mechanical warfighters that are fully controlled by the Tiannao satellite system.

These three series are the current mainstream armor in Daxia.

But what really makes Peng Hai so happy is the first successfully developed product in the fifth-generation series, the mecha!

Although there is only one word difference between mecha and armor, in fact there is a huge difference.

As the scientific researcher standing next to Peng Hai pressed the remote control, the movable roof of the exhibition area began to separate with bursts of mechanical sound and was stored in the storage.

Suddenly, the entire exhibition area became open-air, and many soldiers put on armor.

The Kunpeng Armor quickly took off, and the Military Soul Armor and the Mechanical Armor left the display area at high speed, leaving an open area.


At this moment, a brilliant line of smoke streaked across the horizon, and as the flying object got closer and closer, Peng Hai became more and more excited.


A behemoth fell from the sky, and the standard superhero landing posture suddenly caused the entire exhibition area to shake violently.

This big guy is more than three meters tall. It uses Daxia's latest technology, liquid gold reactor type 022, as battery core support.

Liquid gold is the name scientists have given to the substance found in the remains of civilization.

The material is different from Earth metals, so it can be determined to be extraterrestrial.

But this material contains an extremely large amount of energy, and even just a small piece can be enough to support the actions of such large armor.

As the hatch opened, the driver climbed out. He was the head of the research and development team of the mecha.

Peng Hai immediately high-fived the driver excitedly, looked at the big guy and said with joy:

"Old Chen, thanks to you, this giant spirit mecha was just a concept a year ago, and you actually turned it into a reality in one year!"

The Giant Spirit God is the code name of this series of mechas, which are controlled by both the brain and the manual.

After testing, the mecha's power is enough to reach one hundred and fifty tons. In addition, the mecha is also equipped with a space capsule reserve system.

If the Giant Spirit God Mecha is damaged during the battle, the Tiannao Satellite will quickly activate the space capsule's reserve system to provide supplies.

All accessory modules related to the Titan God are usually deployed in space in the form of packages. When necessary, they can be mobilized through the sky brain system built into the mecha.

All over the world, the Titan God Mecha can always be supported by enough back energy and modules.

It is conceivable that once this armor is unveiled in combat, it will quickly change the pattern of the era of thermal weapons.

In addition to mechas, Daxia's artificial intelligence is also constantly iterating.

Today's Tiannao system has exceeded the sum of all computers in the world that can process things, and its processing speed can still reach more than thirty times that of normal computers.

Haezhi software is now gradually becoming popular, and it won’t be long before everyone’s mobile phone will be assisted by artificial intelligence Tiannao.

The Haechi was a mythical beast that represented wisdom in ancient times. Its name is the best evaluation of the Tiannao system.

Various industries are undergoing changes due to the gradual popularization of artificial intelligence.

The automobile industry has begun to improve the functions of autonomous driving, and has been experimented with local automobile companies for the first time, making significant progress.

In medicine, various diseases that were originally considered terminal diseases are becoming less and less common, and technology can even extend human lifespan.

In many super first-tier cities such as Kyoto, virtual communities have even appeared. Within the scope of virtual communities, people will experience a virtual world that is more realistic than reality.

In the field of mobile phones in the domestic industry, virtual portraits have begun to appear in the latest generation of mobile phones.

Daxia is heading towards the era of high-tech development ahead of the rest of the world. You must know that even these Western powers are still in the stage of continuous trial and error with regard to artificial intelligence.

But in Daxia, satellites carrying Tiannao intelligence have been rotating in space for several years and have undergone several generations of changes.

However, this does not mean that other countries are stagnating. After all, they are taking completely different paths from Daxia.

Gene technology has also achieved many changes and major breakthroughs in Western and other countries.

In the country of Atlanti, a chimpanzee named King Kong developed unnatural mutations for the first time after being injected with the latest generation of genetic agents.

The gorilla, which was originally only 1.7 meters tall, suddenly reached a height of nearly three meters after being injected with the drug.

Both strength and speed have been greatly improved.

To this end, the Atlantian military also specially built armor for King Kong. The appearance of an armed chimpanzee also set off a crazy competition among various countries.

Today's genetic technology has reached the eighth generation, and the eighth generation genetic people have also begun to develop a variety of abilities that have never been seen before.

They are extremely fast and powerful, and some genetic people can even adapt to other substances. For example, they can immediately grow gills to breathe under water, or they can change their own material properties by touching stones.

The development of genetic technology is getting faster and faster, and this development result also confirms the speculation of scientists a few years ago.

Genetic humans ten generations later may really be able to ascend to heaven and earth like supermen, and even live forever.

Today's eighth-generation genetic human has a life span of an unprecedented 190 years and is about to break the two-hundred-year mark.

In other words, without any external intervention, the life span of a genetic person is more than twice that of an ordinary person.

Of course, the flaw of genetic humans is also very obvious, that is, their breeding is uncontrollable.

Except for the third generation of genetic humans who were conceived through maternal womb, this technology has never been used again.

Because all offspring conceived through genetic humans will have greatly improved abilities, even far exceeding those of their parents.

But their life span is pitifully short and they are prone to die young.

Now in the eighth generation, genetic humans have almost completely lost their ability to reproduce.

Even those genetic animals no longer have the so-called estrus period.

The problems that Daxia mentioned before that would affect future generations have still arisen. It is no wonder that Daxia resolutely terminated the genetic experiment.

As the number of genetic people in each country increases, the ability to reproduce becomes weaker and weaker.

The problem that every country will face is that the country cannot survive at all and will only die in the end.

But now, countries obsessed with genetic technology are scornful of it.

In their opinion, they will eventually find a solution, but if other countries surpass themselves, destruction may happen tomorrow.

In response to this problem, some countries have chosen to prevent ordinary people from injecting genetic medicines, and have begun to vigorously encourage childbirth.

But this form still cannot change the problems of genetic technology itself.

This problem will only become more obvious with each generation of innovation.

On Earth today, except for Daxia, every country seems to have fallen into some kind of obsession.

They cannot tolerate the strength of hostile countries, so they will work hard to develop their own country.

This desperate development has allowed many hidden dangers to be temporarily ignored, but only one has become a problem faced by various countries.

As each country becomes more and more developed, it has even surpassed the definition of developed at the beginning and entered a super-developed civilization.

This means that they have to start frantically requesting resources. Only in this way can they maintain the development of their respective countries.

They began to mine wildly, which also caused natural disasters to reach a new peak this year.

The genetic man began to take charge of exploration operations, going deep into the seabed to greedily search for undiscovered resources.

Countries outside the country have been experiencing almost no lull in recent months, with tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions coming one after another.

This is nature's final warning to mankind, and all countries have to start paying attention to this issue when facing such heavy losses.


After all, the earth's resources are limited. If we continue to demand them crazily, the earth will no longer be suitable for human habitation.

This is nothing less than digging your own grave. If it ends like this, what's the point of such a development?

Finally, the country of Atlanti took the lead in changing its sights and proposed a new plan in a meeting.

They should focus more on space than the earth. Perhaps they can find the resources they need from other planets.

But Atlantis is not the only country with smart people. When they noticed that Atlantis had successively launched manned rockets into space in a short period of time, they roughly guessed what Atlantis was planning.

Therefore, other countries have also released detection technology, starting from the nearest moon, and launched an unprecedented space exploration.

At this time, on the big screens of the space agencies of various countries, the leaders came in person and looked at the pictures sent back excitedly.

This is an opportunity they have to seize, at least to determine whether useful resources can be found on the moon.

"Didi... Didi..."

The first one to send back the news was the country of Atlanti. The two genetic humans who landed on the moon locked a strange location two days later.

After technical processing, the news sent back by the genetic man made the entire country of Atlanti unable to sit still.

"It is suspected that the ruins of the Yuexing underground civilization have been discovered!"

The leader of Atlanti is very happy about this, but at the same time he is also worried that other countries will soon find out, what will happen then?


This is not the style of the country of Atlanti. In the long history of the country of Atlanti, the word sharing has never existed.

But now the shape of the earth is no different than before. All countries are developing rapidly, and the world pattern has long been different.

Although the country of Atlanti is still a powerful country, it does not know how much strength other countries have hidden.

They are all developing genetic technology, and the possibilities that genetic technology can bring are diverse.

After so many years of development, the ruins that have been hidden on the moon have finally been exposed to mankind.

But other countries will definitely know about it soon, so what will happen then?

The worries of the leader of Atlanti are not unnecessary. Relying on genetic technology, the biotechnology level of various countries is very advanced.

Gene detectors are developed based on genetic technology. It is precisely because the remains of unknown creatures are suspected to be present in the remains of the moon that they can be accurately captured by genetic detectors.

This is also the reason why humans have only been able to discover this ruins until now.

Various countries quickly received the news one after another, and their attitudes were almost the same as those of Atlanti.

No one country can be allowed to monopolize this treasure, otherwise, this country will develop rapidly beyond everyone's expectations.

Daxia is the best example.

In terms of genetic technology, any country has a say, but in terms of mechanical technology, Daxia is already the most developed country on the planet.

No one will allow another country to repeat the path of Great Xia right under their noses.

Therefore, they are discussing what to do with the ruins here.

However, what they don't know is that the abnormal space activities of various countries have long been captured by the Tiannao satellite and transmitted back to the ground.

Daxia's military leaders quickly organized a meeting, and Zhao Guofeng watched the satellite footage several times with a serious look on his face.

"It seems that the lunar ruins have been discovered..."

Zhao Guofeng's words naturally mean that Daxia has actually explored the lunar ruins for a long time.

It's just that Daxia has not yet fully digested the technology hidden in the ruins found on Earth. Therefore, with the intention of biting off more than it can chew, Daxia has not taken any action.

But this does not mean that Daxia will give up this ruins. At least it must first determine what the attitude of other countries towards this ruins is.

According to the scans of the Tiannao satellite, the lunar ruins are several times larger than those found on the Jingwei Islands.

There is also a metal coating of unknown material composition around the ruins. After analysis by scientists, it is likely that this is an alien ship body.

Therefore, sitting in the conference room at this moment were not only people from the military, but also several professors from the General Administration of Scientific Research.

Zhao Guofeng looked at these professors at this moment and said:

"Professors, you have been investigating this alien ruins for more than a year. Have you made any new discoveries?"

The white-haired old professor sitting at the front is named Liu Zhe. This is the Taishan Beidou in today's scientific research world.

When the ruins here were discovered last year, Mr. Liu was hired back to the General Administration of Scientific Research and took full responsibility for the project.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the famous experts in various scientific fields are students of Mr. Liu.

After hearing what Zhao Guofeng said, Mr. Liu gently stroked his beard and said thoughtfully:

"Chief Zhao, this alien ship that became a ruin is probably related to Chi You back then..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and Zhao Guofeng even frowned.

Although Daxia no longer conducts experiments related to genetic humans, they have never given up investigating this aspect.

One of the problems in particular has caused the entire Daxia scientific research community to work hard for several years.

Why did genetic mutations outside the known range appear in Chi You's body?

Mr. Liu was rummaging through a pile of documents on the table, and everyone became serious when they saw this scene.

“In fact, when the first Chiyou bone was unearthed, we had secretly set up an investigation team to discover the special genetic sequence through research on holdings.

Nowadays, all countries are developing genetic technology crazily, but few people pay attention to the root cause.

Why is there such a special gene sequence hidden in Chi You's bones? And in the biological gene bank, we have not found any genes of earthly organisms that match this special gene sequence.

This is a very crazy proposition for all scientists. After many studies, we have ruled out all possibilities.

The only remaining answer, as bizarre as it may seem, is the one we finally settled on after much troubleshooting.

At that time, Chi You was likely to have undergone genetic modification by extraterrestrial civilizations, so his genetic sequence left behind such a genetic sequence that could derive genetic technology and enable various countries to develop rapidly.

Mr. Liu's words immediately made everyone present look strange.

Because the concept expressed by Mr. Liu at this moment is somewhat contrary to the development of human civilization.

But soon Mr. Liu went on to say:

“Ten years ago, our country’s scientists launched an international scientific research cooperation research project, and what I am going to say next is also closely related to this international project.

Everyone here must have heard of Sumerian mythology. The Sumerians have always occupied a very important position in scientific exploration.

We first learned that Sumerian mythology originated from a stone tablet that was more than 4,000 years old.

To be precise, this stone tablet has a total of 12 pieces pieced together, but it tells a story.

The origin of human beings has always been an eternal proposition in the scientific community.

There are many schools of thought about the origin of human beings, among which the mythical creation of man by God is a very niche existence.

Only some religious people would agree with this view and feel that human beings were created by gods.

But now, with our highly developed science and technology, and the discovery of the first relics of extraterrestrial civilization, we have reason to believe that the gods the ancients talked about are actually extraterrestrial civilizations.

Based on this starting point, it becomes more reasonable that Chi You's body contains biological gene sequences that do not belong to the earth. "

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