In the first gorgeous battle, Xiaoyao lost to Xiaoshun, the kind who had no power to fight back.

After the game, Xiaoyao tried his best to hold back his expression and returned to the lounge. When he returned to the lounge, his depressed expression could no longer be restrained and tears fell down.

Xiaogang and Xiaosheng came first. When I came to the lounge, I saw Xiaoyao looking sad, and I didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Sister, don’t be so sad.”Although Xiao Sheng often quarrels with his sister, he still cares about her at critical moments, especially in today’s situation. He originally wanted to comfort her, but he really didn’t know what to say, so he subconsciously said this sentence

“Me, I can’t do anything well……”Xiaoyao sobbed and said,”You have worked so hard for me when hunting swallowtail butterflies, but…but I still can’t do it.”

“I, I am so unwilling!”

“Do you really feel so unwilling?”At this moment, Xiaozhi stood at the door and looked at Xiaoyao who was still crying.

Xiaoyao stopped crying when he heard Xiaozhi’s voice, and looked at Xiaozhi with slightly red eyes from crying.

Xiaozhi Smiling slightly, he stepped forward and touched her head, and said:”Since you feel unwilling to do so, it means that you have really taken this step.”

“Xiaozhi?”Xiaoyao said, then lowered his head and said sadly:”I thought it would be fun to appear in the gorgeous contest, but I just thought of appearing with Hunting Swallowtail.……”

“However, after this time, I found that I really don’t want to lose”

“If you can start to think this way, it means that you have truly regarded the gorgeous contest as part of your own practice.”

When Xiaoyao first signed up for the gorgeous contest, Xiaozhi could tell at a glance that she didn’t really love it. Xiaoyao may have participated in the gorgeous contest just to hide herself because she didn’t want to become a Pokémon trainer.

However, after this In the competition, Xiaoyao has already made up her mind, and she can truly embark on this road of coordination as a trainer.

Failure is only temporary, and being able to learn from this is the most satisfactory result for Xiaoyao’s debut..

Because the battle lasted for five minutes, it was very efficient.

Xiao Shun’s next opponent was Mr. Robert, and the Pokémon he fought were naturally Poison Rose and Minus, as Xiaozhi expected. Qiangwei has attribute restraints on Menus, but in terms of qualifications and levels, Menas is naturally crushed. Therefore, Xiao Shun and Poison Rose had a hard time fighting in this game.

In the end, they fell behind significantly in score. , lost to Mr. Robert.

As for Xiaozhi, it was much easier. For a passerby B player who had no sense of presence, Xiaozhi defeated him without any suspense, and entered last. The two people who reached the finals are Xiaozhi and Mr. Robert.

“Finally it’s time for the final battle. The two sides in this battle are Mr. Robert and his Menas, and Ash and his Kirulian.”

“Xiaozhi, this time we can have a good discussion.”Before the game started, Mr. Robert specifically said to Xiaozhi

“I couldn’t ask for it more.”Xiao Zhi responded with a smile.

“Both sides get ready, the battle begins!”

Menas and Kirulian stepped onto the stage, and the timer started.

“Menas, use the tornado!”Mr. Robert took the lead in attacking. His fighting characteristics are very calm and steady.

This is also the opponent Xiaozhi is looking forward to, because his mentality is definitely superior.

I saw Menas’s fan-like tail inciting, It set off a storm and hit Kirulian. Although the level of this Menas was higher than his own Kirulian, he still had a way to deal with it.

Tornado was a dragon-type skill, and the fairy-type Kirulian was against it. Completely immune to dragon-type skills

“Kirulian, let’s have a ballet in the wind! Just go in.”

As Xiaozhi finished speaking, Chirulian actually entered the tornado directly. The strong wind did not make Chirulian feel uncomfortable, but instead made her dance gracefully inside.

“Is Kirulian dancing in this?”Not only Vivian, but also the entire audience was shocked. To use a popular saying today,

I was shocked. What kind of operation is this?

Even Robert himself was shocked until his score was deducted. I didn’t react until after

“It’s our turn. Kirulian used her seductive voice.”

Qilulian sang her own charming voice, coupled with her graceful dancing, she was completely matching herself with BGM, and under the influence of her charming voice, everyone’s eyes drifted to Qilulian.

When Robert found out that his score had been deducted again, and he suddenly lost his composure,”Meenas, the wave of water.”

Menas woke up from the influence of the charming voice, then flapped its big tail, and a water ball was slapped up, and the accompanying big waves turned into wings and came towards Kirulian.

But although Xiaozhi His score was deducted by a section, but Xiaozhi didn’t panic at all,”teleported to avoid it, and then used the sucking kiss.””

I saw Chirulian’s figure flashing in the tornado, and the next second he appeared above Menas. A blowing kiss that was so cute that everyone was obsessed with it sank into Menas’ body, and then a love heart appeared above Menas. After entering Chirulian’s body,

Menas’s spirit weakened instantly, and he could only be slaughtered by Chirulian for 5 minutes, and then it was completely Chiruli. An’s one-man show, some coquettishness made Menas, who was still trying to cheer up, once again lose his enthusiasm. The audience at the scene was also trapped by Chirulian’s cuteness.

“time up!”

“The 707 champion of the Kaina Conference in this gorgeous contest is Ash Ketchum and his Kirulian. Thanks to Ash and Kirulian for the wonderful performance they gave us.”

After Menas was taken back, Mr. Robert came to Xiaozhi and stretched out his hand,”Your Kirulian is so cute, even I can’t help it.”

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and shook it,”Wherever, Mr. Robert’s Menas is the strongest, I just have the advantage of attributes.”

Indeed, the moves Kirulian used were all fairy-type moves, which is why the battle was able to end so quickly.

“Congratulations Ash, here’s the Ribbon Medal.” Mr. Konkenstein, the director of the conference office, awarded Xiaozhi a ribbon medal and championship trophy.

After Xiaozhi took it, he said,”Okay, I got the ribbon medal from the Kaina Conference!”

“Pikachu!”Chiru Chiru!”

After coming down, Xiao Shun found Xiao Zhi,”It’s my regret that I couldn’t fight you head-on this time. Next time, I will definitely defeat you openly.””

“Xiaoyao, you better work hard!”Xiao Shun glanced at Xiao Yao and left.

Xiao Yao also made up his mind at this time,”Xiao Zhi, I, I won’t cry anymore! I decided that I would become the best, top-level coordination trainer with first-rate combat and performance!”

Xiao Zhi nodded and touched her head.

To be continued…….

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