The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder 800

Jienoweiya frowned: "It is a bit of familiar faces. They are a cultivated woman who is unknown for years ... actually dare to marry the church!"

"Captor from the abdomen, the next is our battle. When you are not there, you must protect the Virgin. This holy sword is for guarding.

Durano! "

"The sword of the king!"

The two holy swords made a tiger into the flock, put melon cuts. They feel that the enemy is weak, in fact, it is so strong. The cultivation has gradually converted to the strength.

"As a queen, I didn't look at the genus, but it was serious."

Ji Zhu Nai's expression was cold. She illusion has a witchwear and pulled a slate from the chest. Ilina met very much. Ah, the legendary four yuan cleavage, this east and west is not sinking inside?

Xiaoyu borrowed my strength through the kiss, then sealed in [Promethus secret]. Just liberate the magic guide, the power will flow back to me. "

"KISS?" The girl is red and jumping.

This is another usage of Promethus secret. Zhu Nai crushed the slate and released a light blue flame.

In the fire, the girls changed out of the new spiritual dress. She is like the flower of the Gaolin, the tail is scattered, and the long hair of the black is scattered. The form of red and white witch happened, and the hood covered half of it.

Witch to serve God, come!

[Teenage] The mingled dress given, maybe a girl dreams of, the Japanese wedding traditional costumes - white flaws.

"This is the body of God!"

Involving the thunder, Zhu Nai is a rainy light. Thunder and light hidden in the blood are excited. Only hit, eliminate all the chess pieces. A disappeared toughered fell to the ground and lost his actions.

"I will give it to me next, and the Sword Outcrell!"

The power of Wister Ilina is relatively mediocre, and the Holy Sword is auxiliary system. Her hands in his hands bloom, and all the enemies of all enemies were cleared. Those who were brainwind by Dio Dora wake up, recalling the grief of the devil, and can not help but cover the face.

" ..."

"Nothing, the nightmare has passed." Jienowei is rare gentle.

Ji Zhu Nai's eyes were more cold and looked at the highest castle.

This category of pure blood ... You are the king of the devil, the devil is more expensive, I will kill!

The highest castle, Dio Dora is sitting in the throne, it is like the princess of the princess.

Aysia is standing in front of the temple, Question: "Mr. Devil, why do you want to do?"

Blink is a monster. Dio Dora slightly blinks, exposes the scarlet eye.

"It's really disappointing. Issia, you have been tarnished by Shengguang, it is a dirty angel. I have never seen you so pure holy girl, I can't help but want to tarnish. Can teach to see too strict So, I pretended to be injured and set down, as long as I was hit by people to treat the scene of the demon. You will be expelled ... "

"Later, Lina Li took your artifact in my calculation. This should be saved by me to save the United States, let you go to the devil. I appreciate it, the sacred girl is desperate to fall into the moment. So-called ' Tragedy ', it is to destroy the beauty of things. "

The sudden earth in Aysiya, can't say sadness.

Being cast by the world, it was a church, and the angel was taken away from the artifact, and it was almost lost to the godfather. If you don't marry Mr. Busaki, I don't know what it will be.

The girl said painfully: "Really too much."

"However, all this is destroyed by the damn angel! It has a beautiful, actually transfer you into angel, but also sealed the church!"

The sound of "", Dio Dora finished the armrest. He smiled: "He didn't take your blood yet? Do you know, [Smile] of the" Smile]. Its prototype is the Virgin of a place where it is confident. You are a virgin, I have already used Portholg [Funity] Give you a warm bed of new marriage. "

The palace placed a "coffin", in fact, is a restraint device. Dio Duo pulls out, breathing is rapid. Aysia's little angel, her existence satisfied with all the fantasies for their virgins.


The Queen of Aysian Warehouse retreat, the gold pendant suddenly lit. From her chest, I extended a mercury, which is illusion. The poor Diolantian sanctuary did not encounter, and was abolished.


Hand set out, blood flowers.

Dio Duo launched, only feeling pain. He hugged the broken arm, issued sharp screams: "I ... my king's strength!"

Then, the mercury girl drilled out from the golden pendant and protect the angel.

"Ah, please pray!" Aysi is pleased.

Powder hair girl said: "The hometown of the brother-in-law is taken by me!"

"Solitage? I actually hide this hand ... Don't be too rare! I got the power of Ophius, but I have to be a man of the devil. You will die for me!"

Dio Dora roaring, only one hand of one hand trews the magic array of the tail snake. He launched a green attack magic, and the same as Ajjka is as follows.

AT force farm!

The bee huns prayed to open the golden hexagon nested shield, like the holy flower of bloom.


She is crying to block the attack of Dio Dora, and it is transformed into heavy metal particles, which brews the white light destroyed. Dio Dora is observed, and the teeth are knitted to defense.

The result is that the bombardment is over!

Dio Dora frightened: "How can it be ..."

The junction is like a paper paste, and it is ruined to break through. The horrible shelling is the horror.


Dio Dora spitbit blood and fly out. He shouted in hysterical: "How can the people in the district have the most superior strength? Why do you give a small holy woman ..."

Acy, holding gold pendant. This is a string of the file full of English, it seems to be the important thing for Mr. Basaki.


The gate of the castle was captured. Ji Zhu Taicai led the angel of all people and killed in.

"Because, Aysia is his angel." Zhu Nai said coldly, "Do you already think your own lastment?"

For the devil, light is a poison. Lei light can cause double crit on the devil.

" !"

The red and white woman exposed a sick smile, using the thunderbolt whip crazy smile Ao Dora. He broke an arm, like a dog's dog, the wound was baked with a high temperature, vaporized by blood. Then, the gun of the thunder is running through his chest, and the thunder is burning in the top of the six internal organs.


Dio Dora tears, only one arm crawled on the ground, crying: "Charba, Ophi ... Save me."

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