The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 770

"Listen to me. Inhalation, exhale ..."

Laughing is very obedient, it is difficult to slow. She threw away the paper cup and blamed: "Hey, do you want to kill me?"

"No return on a good deed."

Both split, turned and turned to enter the house. Laughing has vent, and the mood is so comfortable. She knows that she is not willing to break out.

"Thank you."

Laughter reached out and hulled his neighborhood. It's just a small action, and B is soft. This guy is still very cute when this guy does not have a temper.

"Come in, I will help you blow."


In addition to the courtyard, Ryerest stood in the rain, shouted with the flame, and the raindrops evaporated. He was secretly protecting his sister and looked at her room to entered the enemy. No matter how much Ryere is done for Lade, it will not be known. After all, he is just a "dead" brother.

"Reeler, let's take it. I am, no one can hurt the Lake." The familiar sound line sounded.


The will of Rysel is from the split. He can't afford to resist the heart of the rebellion. He only watched his sister to repeat the same mistakes, and fell in love with a man who took the fiancee. In order to report the retrieval, do you want to grab a man with her?

Pain, sad ...? No, the dead servant has disappeared from even excess feelings, and it will only obey the monsters.

The body of Rysel is a generally differentiation of the earth. In the moment of sinking into Huangquan, the words whispering were said.

" ... master, Lei Wei does not love experience. Please be gentle. If unmarried pregnant, the famous society is ..."

"What are you thinking about?" Both Sakai didn't have a good air, "the rabbit did not eat the woven grass. I am not interested in the sister of the next servant."

PS: But I am interested in the fiancee of others and Qingmeizhu Ma.

The Niu He is really inferior. The pen gives me, let me write, it should be a good safety measures whisper, then I don't have good safety measures. Reesel refers to thinking about it, isn't it to say that B ? He can only be dark, in order to protect your sister to the convenience store to help buy a light rain umbrella.

This is too zombie!

Chapter 469, the ride

Laughing is sitting in front of the dressing table and looking at myself in the mirror. Cry your eyes, very shameful.

The ladies in the middle of the ladies will be young, even change their body and age, so there is no makeup concept. Miss Blonde is beautiful, especially because of shy and flourish cheeks, it can drip water.


, help her blow hair. It is afraid to put your hair with a flame magic. Fluffy blonde is really natural rolls. Both split, then loosen, the golden hair spring is the same as a pierce, elastic potential energy and kinetic energy transformation.

"Duang ~"

It seems to hear such sound.

"Don't take the opportunity to play people's hair!"

"Sorry." Bai Yunjun can not help.

Laughing complained: "It's really, my best, I have a good trick every day. Even my brother has not touched ..."

"That is a pleasure, take your first time."

"First ... the first time? What are you talking about!" Laughter ""'s face is red.

: "Take a closer look, your blonde is actually very beautiful, just a little more than my family love."

"I really want to say. Every hair of this lady is very beautiful."

Laughing grabs the skirt, thinking about some strange things. The cherish thing is not just hair, every hair, a lady, must be carefully trimmed, just like a thrush. Some words are no way to say to boys.

Both Bay came back to God, has become a gold to control. Don't talk about the love of several worlds, there are many blonde girls, Aysia, plus hundreds of columns, and Hundred ... Lady is the most special one, which is unforgettable.

"You are thinking about some strange things?"

: "No, just think of the two lines - 'My drill bit is a bit of the hole,'. Used to describe you, just right."


Laughing looked at the handsome teenager in the mirror, the eyes were blog. She is two drills, but the boy has a born drill bit. If you use your own curly hair ... You can't think about it, you can't think of a proud of the golden fresher!

Nowadays don't know, men are delightful because of a woman who is bold.

transfer topic: "What about your decision?"

Laughing raised his head and said, "I want to go back to inherit the family, I can't let the mother bear the pressure. The tears industry will be stared at the enemy of the family. I have a love crying from the small to most, I have been hiding in my brothers. Wings under the wings. This time, I want to fight! "

"I have changed you, a small drill bit." B is smirked, "If you know under Reesel Springs, you will be very pleased."

Laughing is inflatable, the most reluctant to mention this. Warm is shattered. This pair passed through her long-haired hand, covered with brother's blood.

You are a bad guy who kills a brother, and I am a Avengers.

Both Sakura said: "You can't let go, it is Lilia. She is really sincerely as a sister. Since these days, she has cultivated deep feelings with you. You are gone, kittens and Very sad."

"What about you?" Laughing bite the lips.

"I ... is an angel."

"Stupid, don't be stupid! I can't let go of hatred for you ..." Laughing tears, "Why are you my enemies?"

Ban Silent, said: "If this is your obsession, as long as it is purified. Use Alina just get the holy sword."

"it is good."

The ability of Holy Sword Outcrell is the spirit of purifying the object. Iron Ilina got this sword and tried it in the church. As long as there is believers to enter the room, you will be purified into a big man.

The next day, the old school building of the King King College.

"Are you ready? Laugher sauce, I didn't purify the devil ..."


Laughing is sitting on the sofa, very lady sitting. Ilina raised the holy sword and bloomed the light. Everyone is called by some kind of force, as if they have been done.

Aysian hands closed ten, saying: "Laughing, even if you leave everyone. May the Shenggui is with you."

"This is not blessing. It's too annoying to the devil." Lili's mouth hard, "Will not forget, in the human school, you can spend a good memory together. I can already put down the past resentment, Continue to go forward. "

When the light is scattered, the Lady is brighter, and there is no sadness. She looks at the eyes of Basaki to the inexplicable feelings.

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