The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 741


Jienowei Yaci is shrinking. Have to say, this condition is too tempting. If it is before faith, it will be unsure.

Bun, I saw her reveal the color, taking hot iron.

"I need your strength, Jienowei. From now on, your holy sword waved for me."

Girl is cautious: "What do I believe in you?"

"I haven't said that you believe me, just want you to follow me. All creatures will believe that there is something more superior to them. So, in order to escape this heavy pressure, I will pursue it in a higher place. The existence, while the presence of a higher place will be more desired to have a better and trustworthy strong ... "

Bai is beginning to recite the Bible, and the magnetic voice is like a kind of magic.

"In this way, all Wang Cai is born; so, all the gods are born."

It turns out that this is the essence of God and Devils?

Both Sakura is sitting on the armrest, sitting on the church. I don't know if I thought it was the throne of the devil. It is clear that it is just sitting, but there is a great momentum, an opening is the middle two lines.

"Obey from me. If you take it, I will give you a stronger force with a new world."

Jienoweiia was said. From small to big training, she has cultivated the character of the war. She is the NPC with her own holy sword, and the benefits of recruitment of Baki are the highest. I always feel that I am playing RPG games.

"If you can become an angel that dreams ..."

Jienoweizza turned his head. Ilina has already kneel. This guy is also very good to Raid!

"Angels are the super handshake president. I can! Please turn me and Jienoweia into an angel." Ilina luminued.

"Don't make it for me to make a decision, you always drag me down." Jienowei officer, "Forget it, anyway, no way, I listen to you."


Seeing the two beautiful girls NPC into the team, and the earthen is very satisfied, and then look at the NPC of just captured. Since I was rescued by Aysia, the HTR has always manifested. This is the blonde Little Loli of the elementary gas, and it is necessary to leverage the charm value.

"I listened to the predecessors of love. It turned out that Friedd Gorge is a murderous people, in order to let the angels who sell their lives. It is really sorry!"

Hao Die looked in, bringing a crying chamber. This child is the same as Aessia. She is like a white paper, it is easy to be utilized, dyed into the color of others.

Sakura pressed her head and said softly: "You are right, wrong is to use your bad guys. Hard is a good child with good kindness like God."

"Really? Heaven ... Angel!" Handshed.

The horn of the mouth, said: "Of course, the angel will not lie. If God is still there, it must be a distinguished right and wrong. I forgive your sin."

"Yes! Bestei, please don't drive me back to the Vatican. I am willing to follow you!" Hard excitement.

So using a little girl who is involved in the world, it is too much. However, for the host, the contrast of the opposite sex is the resources that can be utilized.

this is the truth.

"Mr. Busaki is really gentle."

Ilina and Aysia show the expression of flowers, and even the angels fall into intoxicated. Only Jienoweia can keep awake.

Hello, you are awake. This man is using religious play!

Li Ni said: "Coca Bira was killed, and the ASshel on the high height was also left a arm. The angel of the is too abolished, and it is the future of the owner."

The angel is like a chicken, and it has reached a consensus. Finally found the meaning of "God Monitor". Unfortunately, Both Sakai seems to have no interest in the zombie. Isn't it the body ice? You can use heating rods.

At this point, Jienowei, Wisteria Ilina and Hitteen three people entered the team. If it is a RPG game, you should wear the teammates' equipment to wear themselves. Just because teammates are beautiful girls, I want to appreciate the appearance of the equipment. Then it is a launch of the marriage and bonus.

Jienoweija is self-contained. The HTR is the successor of the hero Qige Factor, the talented talent. Ilina is slightly mediocre, and if you don't want to make a mistake, it seems to be the bluemeal bamboo horse of the soldiers.

: "My Tiantong Yun has not recovered, and the stacked dragon is not solved. When the matter is coming, I will return to the heavens, and I will say it with Michael."


A monarchy makes single knees. In addition to the angel of the angel, I group another team - the holy sword.

: "Before you, you stay in the church. We just lack people. Let's sing the sacred song, help Esia mission, and have someone to raise the frame."


The holy sword makes the full brain muscles, only knows the battle, completely has not done a civilian work. Jienoweiya is not a taste, before, called Aysia as a witch, and his turn went to work to the witch.

However, people's smiles will not lie. Aysia seems to have a cure of the magic. People's illness and suffering are difficult to reduce the speed of naked eye.

Ilina touched: "It turns out that this is the true purpose of the big people? Let us experience the most underlying life, recognize the valuableness of the belief. I don't want to pay attention to the idol worship, as long as there is a paradise!"

Jienowei Ya's heart shouted: You have too much brain!

Only men can be a priest. Donascient is the only priest of the church, and the workload is all pressed on his head. B is a single-eyed bishop of mixed days, and there have lives of flowers.

Later, some people didn't come away, just because of their beautiful cultivation. The confession of the church, commonly known as "small black house". Originally, it was a darkness of the heart to the priest, and the people were not enough to let the cultivation came to work. On this day, a believer said for a long time, and even the body of the woman said.

At the end, believers are looking forward to: "Do you forgive my sin?"

Jienowei is unconscious, a black curtain. She is cold: "Can't, your mind is too dirty, or give me a manual hell!"


In the sunset, a silver-haired servant appeared outside the church. Everyone has already happened to usually, and I have no special reaction to see the devil. If they let them know that this is the strongest queen in the world, I don't know what to do.

"Leight, I have eaten it."

Banyan has not spoken, Aixia first apologizes: "Sorry, the patient today is a bit more. It should make me cooking."

Gu Lifia said: "It doesn't matter, today is Lily of the adult person to kitchen."

"is it?"

It is expected to be quite. Don't look at Li Yas is the noble master, the kitchen is quite good. It seems that there is less than the ancient Relia's dog head mill. Maybe will infuse what "I want to catch the heart of the man, first grab the stomach of the man".

Gu Lifia added: "Please rest assured, I will guide me on the side."

Sure enough, it is helpful!

: "I said, do you like the world? When you don't move, you will run to my house."

"This is a maid's obligation. Master and Sassox adel for you to live with Lily. I will take care of the child's diet, in order to ensure the quality of life after engagement."

B is unable to understand the ancient Relia's obsession on the maid. It is obviously the wife of the devil, but it is necessary to live with the maid. Gu Lifia is the wife of the devil, and now he is called "adult." So, the status of Both Sakuo and Sagux is the same ... No, the rights and obligations of husbands are not available!

Gurleriya mastered the . She can report to the devil in the first time or move to the martial arts, and the results are hidden in the dark.

This woman is not good, and it is not good to remove him with the Hand of Assassher.

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