The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 722

Zhu Nai, laughed: "Xiaoyu is the most saying."

"I am talking about the treatment amount ..." The more shouted, the more black.

Laughing took out five or six bottles of tears, and as a little "not tribute" small gift to everyone. I heard that a bottle can fry on the black market to the high price.

Miss Phoenix is ​​a treasure that loves people dream of. From small to big, she has to be collected and destroyed by the maid, so as not to run out. After all, the fertilizer does not flow out.

Both Sakura had a brain to make up the strange gameplay. You can't even love the people of love, I don't dare to drink, and I dare to say love her?

When the wheel arrived in Bak, the Lady is empty, and it is intentionally said: "It's unfortunately, no yourself."

"Who is rare? You are just a one-time consumable, Aysia is permanent. Isn't it a tear? Such a lovely big lady, you should cry for a long time." Both sport smiled.

When a girl heard the description such as "cute", the heartbeat accelerated. It is hate that only less than half a second is.

Laughing said nervously: "You don't mess! We secrete tears must be emptied inner, with emotional tears are no effect."

: "This is not simple? I have hypnotic."

"You this metamorphosis! Acy we go, don't care about him."

Laughing opens the wings of fire and takes the love of Aysia to fly on the night sky. Subsequently, Aysia is awkwardly open. They happen to hand like a pair of blond sisters. Beautiful is equivalent to autumn colors, and the three of Laughter has the advantages of naked eye.

Bien's dark road: The only advantage of this woman is that the heart is not bad. One of the people, as a devil, can be a piece with angel.

"Seniors, h." The kitten said lightly.

"No, I mean is hypnosis, and the death will not let go. Laught is 24 hours without stopping the tears." B is touched, ", as if found a good business opportunity."

Everyone shouted: Are you a devil? Is it such a hypnosis?

When I turned around, the kitten screwed off the crystal bottle of the crystal bottle, and glared in tears. Ah, already already eating!

The kitten looked lick lips and said, "Salty, taste is not bad."

[Phoenix's tears] When snacks eat, they will let the meditation aristocrats tears.

Not far from the scream of the girl: "Ah -"

in danger!

Everyone looked at the eyes and accelerated the speed of most teams. When they rushed to the rounded theater, I saw a half-spider's leftsturns. I don't know who is specified, the upper body must be a beautiful woman, but also to vomit through the milk organ.

Laughing and Aysia's limbs are hanging by spider, Zhangcheng a big word. They are like a colorful butterfly captured by a spider web, and the wings are sticking.

Aysia shouted: "Mr. Baki, save ... Help!"

"I hate spider!" Laughing tears rushed.

Don't there be tears?

Spider female smiled: "The breath of pure blood ... Well, your tears must be delicious!"

The speed of the wood farm is very fast, and the sword cuts the spider silk. The enemy sticks to the ceiling with a spider, and the hard studies will take the ton of slate.


Tagcheng kittens came out, taking the flesh to the collapsed ceiling.

Lily and Ji Zhu Nai did not have a hand. This is the preliminary battle of the examiner.

Both sponsor have ahead of Yu, the left fen set on the deep red clap. He followed it in order to practice the soul. Aysia does not want to see everyone's injury, hoping to do one.

"De Lag, don't you say four basic skills?"

The light green dragon ball flashes and sounds the voice of De Lag.

"Yes. Like the King RPG game, the protagonist got the weapon of the soldiers and constantly challenged strong enemies to develop new tricks."

Both sponsored: "Tell me directly."

"Partners, your strength is very strong, but the accumulated experience is not enough to have enough skills. All ages have to work hard, they can gradually master ..."

: "Then I will go in and ask you. [Tian Jian Yunjian] There are four basic capabilities."

"Double increase, transfer, penetrate ... and sincere fire!" De Lag said quickly.

The hard practice is not existed, and the Basteon is only cheating.


The faker is bright, and the power is doubled in the past ten seconds. A , I used to have used the ability to "transfer]. [Oriental War God] Teenager of Ten Pylindricals, give the companion through the mouth of the mouth. Goats are absorbed from the companion, the truth is the same.


Both spallon can be controlled by [Vector Operation]. He looked up and aimed at Lady to play a light wave, just as there was a "teammate harm" turtle gas power wave. Double the power is divided into it and inject the girl.

Laughing, I didn't expect to help her. The source of power is constantly coming, and the fire is more and more. Only double the power, I have to overflow her.


The non-dead bird rolled up the flames of the sky, and the fire sea embedded the enemy and theater. The beautiful girl opened the feather wings of up to ten meters, just like a bloody phoenix. Laughing is flying, holding Aysia breaks through the ceiling. A flaky trajectory scored over the night sky.


The excited scream of Laughing, also mixed with Aysia's cry. Two girls fell to the sky, turned into the brightest star in the night sky.

Lily is bright, saying: "Is it reinforced?"

"Hey, you will be alive. Let go of Aysia."

Both is going to catch up, I saw a white cockroach in the fire sea. Only the shell is burnt, the spider female inside is safe. It turned out that the enemy wrapped himself through a spider silk to resist the erosion of the flame.



Both This trick is referring to the destruction of Lilia, has an attribute of ignoring defense. No matter how thick armor can wear, it is called "real harm".

"Do not……"

The spider woman mourned, was crushed by the light wave into a powder.

"I brought them back."

A split, flew over the sky. Leave only each other.

Zhu Taicheng said: "Is this a true power of Red Dragon?"

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