The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 709

Sazekus sinks: "Liya took the servant. Not just a white snake chariot, the bishop is preparing dangerous magic. Now even a piece of chess is not killed. Gu Lipfia, you find Haven't there? "


Sierra Fer laughed: "They have not swearing, that is, I haven't been exhausted."

The ancient Ryphia wants to say.

In fact, it is a wing. Whether an angel is still a demon, as long as it goes out, it will be monitored by the magic. Rolling the opponent without liberating the wings of the devil, is a contempt. At this time, the Phoenix family should be bad?

The boundaries of the King King College, tennis court.

The angels were surrounded. Originally, according to the command of Lily, detour the intrusion of the enemy, did not expect to fall into the enemy's trap.

Larina genied teeth: "Damn, can not expose light."

"Otherwise, this group of guys will be eliminated by my gorgeous." Mitru Dove.

Angels and angels have the power of the future. Devils are impossible to develop light properties, otherwise the first burns are themselves. Because of this, the four angels can only go abroad and have been sniper.

"You have already put the wings."

Laughing came out and led the remaining genus. I will put all the work in the battlefield, just to quickly annihilate soldiers. The bishop named "Beautiful Nanfeng" released a decisive magic, plus the knight's impact.

"Hey", the angel of the angel is all bombarded to the meteor.

"I hate it!" Echoed by Mitru's voice.

At the same time, Tagcheng kittens was surprised: "Seniors, have you been distracting with a piece of chess pieces when you hurry?"

"Well, Liya gave me the battlefield command." The horses of the mouth of the mouth, "the car was eaten, the horse was embarrassed. She only took four small soldiers to make the bait, let them can't help but invest all the slabs. "

"Really boring."

Laughing is turning around, I only hear a broken voice. She looked back, looked at the kitten from the sky, and stepped out of a big pit on the ground, the corner flying.


Both Sakura had a slow-moving. Taken around, the rest of the enemy is all. A chariot, two knights, a bishop, two soldiers, and finally the bishop's Laughter - Reesel's kisiards.

"It's your guy!" Laughing said proudly, "Hey, your soldiers fall into the surroundings of Miss this, all have been eaten. You still rush to send death?"

Using the knight's mobile, the chariot will quickly put into the battlefield.

Baki sympathetic: "Miss, your chess level must be bad."


Laughing is getting angry. She is not good at the type of brain, and there has never won three brothers at home. Only Rysel will make her.

"Take a step. Three steps. You think it is a clear flaw, what is the rear hand before you eat,"

Laughing is stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I will be awkward. I am surrounded by you alone." Safe said sincerely.

The kitten pulled his clothes, and said dissatisfaction: "There is me."

"Okay, that is, you have joined our two surroundings." Both Saki smiled, "game, start."


: I am a military

Chapter 436 Reeler's death

"I really dare to say. I am a Fourth Fourth Female, a Phoenix's Fourth, and the Bishop's Focused War.

Laughing is a blonde girl, two bugs of curls are screwed behind them. The face of the powder carving is like a delicate doll, wearing a pink small dress. She pinch the skirt, like a lady as elegant.

: "Turkey male sister, drill bit?"

"Drill ... Drills?"

Laughing is from small to large, the first time is so hard to listen to the nickname. She was anxious to defeat: "I am a natural curious hair!"

Bun said faintly: "Self-reported house has exposed a position, there is braveness."

Reesel Town keeps the sister leadership, visible to her full trust. In Rating Game, once exposed, it is easily targeted for weaknesses. Why do you have an off-site broadcast? In fact, let the other party operator, pumet the chess pieces left.

Mei Southern said: "Laughing adults do not participate in fighting."

"Yes, the rude battle is too elegant." Laughter looked loudly.

Yu B [Sakamoto have identified insight] Bishop (Bishop) words, in the United States southerly floating head. After implanting the chess, he can see the position of each enemy.

Cori Mesy is a heavy Methyl Merrider. Another knight Hili hand holding a big sword. Ni Yi and Li Yi are a pair of cats and ear. Isabella is a wearing a mask. The enemy's army came up from all directions and launched the war.

: "Kitten, the two cats are gave you. You should have a common language."

"Learn." Tagcheng Kitchen quickly rushed to the sister.

Reere seems to have a good job of collecting properties. Maid, Hanfu, Kim, Beast, Sisters ... and even sister properties are all available.

Laughing shouted: "Hey, are you thinking about something very rude? I am not a brother, just when a family is playing!"

The eyes of Bachelor of Ben were ignored, "no oh."

"The enemy of Rysel, death!"

The two knights have the highest possible movement and take the lead. The Karami hand illusion out fire sword, with the big sword of Henry, one right, one. The cold is revealed, and the two high-speed swords will take the .

Time seems to be at this moment.

Bacon disappeared in the original place, let the two knights have a holiday.

"What ?!" The girls are still looking back.

[God speed] Get agility bonus of [Knight], no solution.

Laughing is dissatisfied: "Hey, where are you play?"

"Sorry, Miss!" The knight is sincere and fearful.

Laughing notes, the left hand in the left hand is a dark red casino. Is it a artifact?

[Red Dragon Emperor's Cage], the power is doubled every 10s. The disadvantage is that you can't attack or defense during the growth process, you can only passively avoid. To put it bluntly, the power is locked after entering the battle state.

Changed to the soldiers and vines, can only be upgraded. Once the enemy knows weakness, it may be miserable in ten seconds.

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