The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 629

Similar results.

She is crazy: "So far, the grief of the land of the mother gathers on me. I want to revenge to the gods of the high height. Before this, I will kill the strongest [steel]. Devil, you really believe it can stop me?"

"Do you speak Athena back to your uterus? Then I will slaughter you, give you a free caesarean section, and take the only belong to my goddess. No one in the world, the goddess, endure."

Both is cold, hanging down the right hand, illusion of a dark straight sword. The sword of the goddess, gave the goddess, the surgical knife.

"I received it, my partner." A sword was sounded.

Tian Jian Yunxiao!

PS: He is doing gynecological surgery, specializing in dysmenorrhea, artificial conception

Chapter 390, the goddess



Only a sword, raised a sword with more than ten feet. All the way cut the earth, like a magma that broke out in the bottom of the ground, straight to the fosky goddess. The Moss pupil is shrinking, and she raised her mouth, blocking this sword.


Moss's gods suddenly burst, and it was covered with swords. Bloody, eating regeneration. The sword is not reduced, and she is divided into two buildings behind.

The goddess was wrong: "Is this ... God's sword?"

Not all swordsman can be called "Keyway". Both Sakuo has been dial from Luo Wei, and the sword is further in the experience of the cloud sword. In short, this is not a sword that the world should have.

And this is just a week of practice.

Qing Qiurong Yizhen muttered: "It turns out that the king's sword is so powerful? I only heard that I won Luo Yishui Lord ..."

Luozi and Tung I are the strongest big sword, not divided. At the beginning, B is "" defeat "gave Tieni's sword. After the brother, the swordsman flew. Accurately, Luo Yi passed him directly through kissing and kissance.

[Teaching] is a goddene. Others will only do firewood in the bed, but the two are busy "practicing swords".

There is sword in your hands, there is a sword in your heart. Now I don't have to use the golden fingers of [Tian Jian Yunjian], take a branch to win Japan's first-class swords, the so-called "Kyoto's four big kings".

"It's just a brime force of the devil."

Both Sakuo started, accompanied by electric flow, disappeared in the original place. Only listen to the "", the exactly dragonfly of the previously standing. When he appeared again, the sword and the sickle collided together and broke out the impact wave of terror.



The girls screamed again and again, and they were blown by the wind, and they quickly grabbed the ruins in the cruisers.


Both sponsor accidentally, Musi can keep up with his god speed.

Tsis snort: "Don't be too small. You think [Snake] How do you feel the quarry?"

The vision of the snake is nearly zero, which is relying on the tongue and the thermos to sense the size and orientation of the prey. To put it bluntly, it is an infrared thermal imaging on the tip of the tongue. MISI inherits the "perceived] of the snake, on the neighborhood of the neighborhood of Athena.


The voice is not falling, and the ambassador has a huge momentum. Mantra!


Followed, Moss is competing with the curse of [Holy Cup]. Night, two horrible curse rises to the sky, constantly collide, such as stars are generally dazzling.

The girls are like a roller coaster, with the wave in the wind. It is too close to the battlefield center, and the shock of the shunt can destroy everything around.

Elika breathed a breath: "There is a lot of spells that have improved. How do you have experienced in Huaxia?"

Hell in various senses, if Alika knows the truth, will be "distressed" to cry.

Xiao Guang worried: "Sister!"

"Don't worry, I am no longer afraid." You did smile.

This powerful power is very safe.


B is open, the scarlet right eye is opened, and after the body, he opened the white wings. Every wings have opened the eyes of God, a total of six eye positions, and installing the gorgeous eye. Today, the full form of angelicen is reached.

In the first stage, conventional angelization; the second stage, the eyes of God integrate the eye; the third stage, control the power of God.

The height of the eye, the decision is determined to rise to the height of the god. With enough, you can perfect the speed of the gods.

Both , ,., . Six wings angels, weighted lightning, like God,

- Sixth Day Devil!

"Is this guy who ran out from the Bible?" Moss hated hated, "I most tired the lightning!"

,, said: "Angel, Devil, God ... Just n't I call it. God, ready?"

Moss is in the heart: What? !

Both Sakura disappeared in the same place. Thunder is now, so like a lightning figure. In the silent god-speed world, Msiş sikiş sikiş,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

That's right, just block it ...

It seems that she is in one fell swimming, and the movement of the sword suddenly disappears. [], short-term foreigners. Moss is apparent that there is no Luo Yi's [heart] and change. She only felt a pain in the back, and she was unfaished by a knife.

Blood flower splash.

The goddess's spine is going to be cut off. She is hurt, rushed to turn around, misciting a shield - Medusha Shield. The goddess of the three integration has both the gods of Athena, Medusa and Moss, all rights can be used.

Ben is seen on the shield to engrave the girl in the eyes of the eyes. In myth, Madusa was sacrificed to Athena.

I promised to remember you, the empty female Wu of the vacuum.

Both the eaten, a knife, a knife. The left eye is a common human eye, and the right eye is an anilutic crystal. The eyes of six gods behind will release horrible pupils at the same time. In an instant, the Shield of Medusa was frozen into a stone.

I crushed it.

Musis has not responded yet, and the flying gravel came, and the cheeks hurt. She opened his empty, and the chest was a sword. Long hair messy, only back.

B is faintly said: "Can you hit the defense. Do you only sway like a dog who is the funeral of the tail like a funeral?"

"You!" Mo Steis anger.

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