The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 590


Lu Ewei hates: "Forget it. You are blood, you can only go to the ghost house to play cosplay. I want a maid restaurant, not a female restaurant, no market."

Anshard was in a hurry, but the bottom of the heart was a sadness. People like us, there is no qualification to choose fate, and even breathing is painful. Her chest is dramatic, and the bandage is blotting blood, and she has long understood the ending of yourself.

"My words, I want to rebuild [Fly King]."


"You [ ] is not a cult?" Asseara relieved.

She said like a fanatic fan, "I worshiped Lui Li, I also used Qigong to help me. She can lead Jiuzhou, no one can resist in the four seas. I heard that she saw her prosperity Everything is going to have a double eye, hear her jade sound must be self-pointer ... "

so cool!

It's really a disorder, you must write down. A "self-cultivation of the master" will be organized later.

Lu Eagi said: "If you let Master heard, you are already a dead."

PS: jade sound

Chapter 368

In the middle of the night, the lights of the book, the lights of the study are still bright.

Sakura is sitting in the desk, flipping the historical materials of the West Town. A ninja is in front of it. Blinking, be sly, shabby suit ... It is a ganquin winter horse, and it can show your heart in the no one.

"The master, this is a witness report of the Tan Airport, in order to confirm that the identity is a little time. The man in the photo is the direct disciple of Luo Yi, Lu Eagui. Another woman is the ancestors who leads the [flies king]. Asse, the identity of the city is a tourist from Japan. "

Two photos are boosted on the table. A beautiful man is a young man, another is a huge and real girl.

Both sport: "The Commission is good, this can be found. It seems that I can inform Alice."

"However, our people will be lost soon. It seems that there is someone in Japan ..." Ganji is awkward.

Lu Eagi is a young master in Hong Kong. The Lu family is a gang gang, the so-called "Heroes", and later, the next sea is business. Less main worship is in front of Luo'ili gate, flattep. It is said that Lu Ewei is very different, and the martial arts is extraordinary. This time, with the ancestor to Japan, the coming is not good.

Both Sakuyu, I remembered the Warban battle. The land is standing behind Luo. Do you say that the gods from the Tianchao also want to do anything?

"You stare at ... Forget it." He shook his head and said, "The level of the gods, I want to have passed that you are too simple."

Biece did not see Luo Wei, the remaining six faces in the seven kings were not recognized. Regardless of the [Southern Parliament] or the [Zhengshi Compilation Committee], the information on Luo Yi is basically blank. Didn't leave any image information, I have seen her people die.

During World War II, a blurred black and white photo was taken in Japan. Wearing a piece of shadow in Hanfu, behind a ghost town. A glimpse, you can see the body of the postgalle, maybe it is a backhill.

The door opened.


Athens is holding a pillow, kneading eyes, pretty student standing at the door. The black shadow disappeared in the original place, only one of the people left in the room.

"Hey? I just heard who you are talking ..."

: "You have listened wrong. When I am busy, I will sleep, you will help me warm ... No, I will give you a warm bed."

Athens is ashamed. When she saw the photo on the table, she was.

"Shenxian Sister."


Athens said, "That's that, saved my big sister in the sea. She wears this weird clothing ..."

: "What are you talking about? Also, how the average person may go to the waves. How do you have the martial arts king, how to follow the cultivator. So, owe her a human condition."

God gods, you are really goddess before you suffer.

"Don't say these. We have to go out tomorrow, Athensna is waiting at home, let the family play with you."

"Okay." Athens is reluctant.

I don't know what ghosts, let's leave a back.

"Xiao Nana, don't be afraid. I will change you a magic. The name is called 'Big live people'." The corner of the mouth, "Wo Ban."

A young handsome black deacon, wearing a white glove, coming out of the shadow. He is recovering the young life corpse.

The Sky East Verm, is a shrine in the Shuishu City, Yuchang City. The main sacrifice is the right power of the east, that is, the Deichuan Jiakang - Dong Zhao Shenjun. A group of people with Jiudu is delivered, arranged in a luxury hotel under the mountain.

"You are here I am not surprising." Said the "Board's work in the Tokyo branch." Saayong Miss. "

Today, Sha Yaigong is replaced with OL fashion, sitting around him. Women's suit and bag hips tight skirts form a printed skirt. Within the neck, you can see a white shirt. The skirt is too short. If you don't lift the Erlang leg, you will expose fat.

In fact, it has taken twice during the bus and sitting down. The women's big lady has broken the tank to break.

She pushed the beauty of the glasses, and the beauty of intellectuality. "Tochi also belongs to the Kanto area, I am inspected. The devil is people, of course, there must be a certain amount of officials to accompany."

"What about the valley?"

Shayong said: "I have heard that there must be a [disaster] to enter the ancestral hall. Xiao Guang is a witch for a hundred years. For the sake of insurance, I also bring her. You is a sister, say anything To follow up. "

Both sponsor have a rearview mirror, see back followed by a car. Wanli Valley sisters are struck in the window. Ailika and Lilyna are opened in front. One way is a luxury team that is welcome, he is not a groom.

"I know that you have a week, but ... more this."

Sha Yayong is lost: "Sorry, Ben Jun."

"Forget it." What is the saying of B.

The driver is a ganquin winter horse. The sedan stopped and has arrived at the destination. Shaye Palace is going to get off first, bypassing the door. She wore high heels, and her hand was in a mess.


. The Shayeong has a complaint, and this man will not be pity. She opened the door and slowly bent down, which is the movement of this similar lace. I don't know where the mental power, like a soft wind, take her.


: "Why don't you gone?"

Dongzhao Palace is a famous tourist attraction. There is a bustling tourist under the mountain. If it is not the mental power of B, I don't know what to do.

"... Thank you." Sandy Palace.

Elika and Lisia get off first. In the tourists, such a beautiful white girl is not very common, giving a feeling of a beautiful woman. The two people hanging on the baggage of the big bag, and the eyes are all do not care about there.

"Three in October, must have a good job."

"Japan's shrine, I am coming!"

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