The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 549

"What kind of shop, said that it is suspended in business? I saw it online. I heard that this store is very taste. There is no less than children, it is very suitable for foreign tourists ..."

"I heard that Espresso is very authentic, and can also see the Japanese girl in the dress to perform the tea ceremony. The store manager seems to be a Chinese, returning from Italy, maybe it is to experience the rich people in life."

At the same moment, the girls on Saddam are on Sudama. After two months of long holiday, Alilka Miss is unable to travel, I have long been traveling overseas. Both Sakuyu are often bombarded by a mounted email, and then go back.

"It's so good."

A group of women are bubble, and Yan Yan Yan is not lively. Lucazzia hasn't seen so many girls for a long time, can't help but feel "young,", especially the fresh flesh.

"Is it too happy to work in the store man? Don't go to work in the most hot summer, you can still put summer vacation, public tourism ..." Caoyai quickly cried.

Yilin is not full: "It's too unliked!"

"But our maid is very happy." Aliance said with a smile.

Yilin's glasses are fog, panic: "I am a critical spirit ..."

Lukurazzia said: "It is a disciple, the woman is really good. Is it not to let a servant, a young woman?"

"No, no."

Alice is the body, and it is steamed, and the face is full of flush. She clicked with Lakurasia, and she called her "mother-in-law". It's now a pro.

"Ah, the meridians must be turned off." The bee bee prayed over.

"You will pray, you will treat us all!"

Ailika is born, bubble in the water " " spit bubble. She exudes a strong resentment, let Alice can't help but stay away.

"I actually only play Lily to Naples to play ..."

"The big lady lost."

"I lost my favor."

Alit Anna and Carine hide to bother to whisper, just let Alilka hear the volume. Two belly black maids together, the killing power is increased.

"I heard it!"

Elika hands standing on the south, standing with the chest, flowing as a waterfall. Her appearance is higher than the woman present, and the body is only inferior to the witch. However, why is it attractive to Both? I haven't started for two months.

"Both the beast, or the beast is not as good as it? Too suspicious! There is no toilet paper in the paper in the room, the time to go to the toilet is also very short, I also stare too much ... Is it? I can't help but make a spring dream, I wake up Come and find me ... "

"Ailika, what are you talking about!"

Alice has recovered a little thinking ability. [Southern Parliament] Master the changes of Southern Europe. At this time, Baki returned to Italy, is it for that thing?

"Xiaoyu, apart. Wake up is not just the dragon."

Naples is the largest city in southern Italy. It is located in the Yaping Ning Peninsula, which is commonly known as "Italian Peninsula", which is looking at the sea. Beautiful scenery is one of the scenic scenic sites in the Mediterranean. The Italian trip, standing in the beautiful Santa Lician coast, can look at the Vesuvi volcano, feel the exotic style.

At this moment, Both Sakuo and Lily Anna will walk in the streets of the port of Santa Lica. This is the port named after Lucia.

"It's a step later. Tani broke the [Hera Shi Pillar] released ancient dragon. What is the" I have no chance, I have to be the Dragon, the dragon is being rehabilitation "."

Lilia was reluctantly: "The dragon is the spiritual pulse of Naples, like the Oriental dragon veins. Once you are killed, you will have a bad thing."

Things are going on from the beginning. Okunchu has discovered the [Gorgong Stone] after Kalabria, far in Nahali [Herlash] and echo start the accumulation of curse.

For the gods, this kind of artifact is the admission ticket for BOSS. Basic copper and bronze guard each guardian, maintaining the balance of Italy. [Bronze Black Cross] I want to conceal, with the relationship between Lilyna, asked the Devil of the Far East.

Unfortunately, I was broken and robbed by Salvato, as I watched the quarry of the Wolf King as four years ago. That guy only has a keen intuitive battle.

Naples's witch began to guard against [Hera Stone] from hundreds of years. Unlike Elika, the "female magician" in this general sense, the real witch are in the mouth, guarding the pure land. Wanli Valley Boy is a slander of Kangdong, but it is closer to the witch.

[Bronze Black Cross] The highest leader in Naples is the teacher of Diana, Lilianaa. There has been one side of B. Silver Cavaliers have grown up here, guarding the sacred objects of the devil's generation, so the king of swords is worried.

Both sport smiled: "One of the guidelines of the [Southern Parliament], does not interfere with the internal affairs of the devil. I can't trample in the dignity of my friends."

Every moment, a corner of the world always comes from God. There is no possibility of tapy in a singer. Alice princess ruled Europe, if necessary, he will only shot, just want to take a three-way land in Japan.

This city's CAMPIONE is mostly guys who don't care for the overall situation. Salvatori rushed to the [Hera Stone], which did not care about the potential risks. Because of this, the character of the big magic of the Big Demon is difficult to expensive. Lily Anna knows.


"Don't worry, I will protect your hometown. Take this opportunity, let's go shopping together."

Both people? This is like Europe's new marriage.

Lily is a little bit of color, replaced by it is a good-looking Hongxia. She has been busy with novel creation until recently, she is successful in the light novel library. Later, I only knew that the "small target" in the original appearance is out of reach. In fact, the fastest animated light novels generally have to serve for one year.

"Let's say it first, there is no way to cheat with the method of controlling editing?"

"Of course, there is no." B is smiling, "I invite you to drink coffee, it is a reward."

A cup of Italian special coffee in the morning and evening, there is a mellow fragrance that belongs to coffee beans.

The girl "" is red, there is no way: "Do you manage this reward? I don't hate it, it is better to like your taste ... I don't know my shame. I am too shame. Not to be bullied by you '! "

: "What?"

Lilia bites his lips, it seems to be a determination, pulling the Baku into the alley, and it is not easy to discover by pedestrians on the street. Single knees, another rider. Cavaliers who carefully dead plates Ji Lian is very ritual.

: "I am really drinking coffee."


Lilia was aware of a big Oolong, and the red face said: "All are there is a fault. The recent holiday is tired. My throat will often hurt, knee redness, no complaints. But I have to say, please I love my body ... "

Because your reaction is too cute. There is such a simple girl under the sky, and every day, I have to worry about his body.

"I will treat you."

Both , kiss the bolet of the silver girl. Lily is a warm. Every time the foreplay is a gentle kiss, full of pity, do not want to practice the girl's self-esteem.

Lips, girls: "Even the therapy magic has not conveyed deep, do you want to teach 'with deep throat?"

"Where did you learn this word?"

Lilian said: "Calian told me, I heard that it is deep, the tongue can't wait to kiss the throat ..."

"Don't really believe it!"

At this time, a cold female voice came in the sky: "Big brother, is it a good thing to disturb your good thing?"

Both sponsored, reflecting a pair of small short legs in the eye. The sky is blue, and it is absolutely field. Skirt swaying, if the skin is hidden. Then, it is a white Haol Loli with a cat girl.

Gentleman perspective. If you think about your leg, you will be able to follow your child. In fact, B is judged by the secondary law. As we all know, the beautiful girl is not long in addition to eyebrows.

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