The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder, Chapter 498

Both found that Alice under the body was shy to coma. The girl's face is flush, and the poor cherry is affected. Unconsciously open, floating something similar to the soul. Fragmentation, floating in half air.

"Ah, is you already in the soul?" .

"It's not!" Allowed, "Why do you suddenly want to violery? Overlord hard bow is not good, do not continue!"

: "You said that I let me use you. You have a strong spirit, I can't copy my memory directly. So I have to pass the [Teaching] magic it in the mouth."

"Not this! We will" mental feelings], you can transfer data after connecting. "


Both Saki touched the nose. Strong kisses Alice princess is an unforgivable sin. He admitted that he was a big devil who was desirable.

The girl is discouraged: "Forget it, it is not the first time and you ..."

"What?" "Buna is confused.

"It's nothing!"

The Alice screamed, realized that he would eat the saliva of Baki, and quickly took his mouth with his hand. Lost this kind of words, how is it?

"Well, you relax, build our spiritual connection."

Alice clothes are messy, sitting on the bed like after things. Site is sitting, open the star eye. He can feel the teenage of invisible tentacles. In the air, the two people are entangled, and the always feel that the book is unfold.

The brain is directly connected!

As Alice dreams of fairy tale, the two are naked in a conscious sea. Alice made a scream, rising red face, holding knees hands, curling up. This reaction is very little girl.

"Why didn't wear clothes!"

Both Both fails to say: "The inner world of human beings is like this."

"How is this! I am the first time and similar spiritual contact ... I know this, it is better to connect with the oral cavity. Anyway, I was born twice once, and I also brought a few times ..."

Both spouse heard the girl's heart. In the direct connection, the two people's awareness form quantum entangled states and cannot hide the heart. Whether lying is invisible. Therefore, only the relationship is close enough.

"One or two?" Bun.

Alice can't control your thoughts. The big screen of consciousness plays the memories of the girl, just like a public office.

On that day, after the Bastek retired, the side effect of [Phoenix] was coma. Alice intends to release the magic of treatment, which can only be injected from the oral cavity for Campione.

"Stop, you can't think about it again!" The girl is shameful and shameful.

The princess in the picture is pale, calm and cold. The coma is lying on the bed. She strongly supported the body and moved the past.

"Just when it is reported ..."

The girl who took the ear, hesitated for a while, kissed the boys who met the first time. In the premonition of [King ", it has been seen in many times. She occasionally saw the future fragment, kissing with a brunette. The same reaction like a love little girl, it is not comfortable.

The red line of fate is really no way to resist.

Alice injected into the formation. The human body fluid contains a spell, so the premise of launching magic is the body fluid exchange. The magic of the girl flows through the gravity of the city, harming her face red.

The male boy is forced to meet the first time, and this posture is "feeding the medicine", and I don't know if I am shameful!

Both sponsored in sleep, breathing became stable. Alice is exhausted in the intention of this surgery. Her lips are still pressed in the lips of the boys, and they are soft. The shame of the girl is going to explode.

When do you want to person? It's called people ... No, you can't be hit! Besides, the mouth is blocked, there is no way to call for help. Too ghost, my first kiss should be more innocent ...

Later, over 20 minutes, Alice got rid of the dilemma. B is just awake, watching the beautiful girl lying down next to the weak, a face is none. At that time, he still didn't know what happened.

It's really a paragraph.

Both ,

"It's too unfair!"

Alice can hear the view of Baki even if you hold your ears. The world's first princess is very beautiful. Why is the devil comes to the body to comment on the body, will you feel happy?

"Your memory, I accept it."

B is floating in the sea, reaching out, holding her head. The world of Alice seems to have suddenly been bright.

It turns out that this is to touch the head?

"Athens, also called Paras Athena, is the wisdom goddess in the myth of ancient Greek, one of the Olympus 12th. At the same time, the goddess of art, the goddess of war, and the first court of creating human beings. Singing as a 'founded art' ... "

"Athena is a daughter of Zeus and Moss. Propheminated that after Musi gave birth to her daughter, I would regenerate a son who overthrew Zeus. Zeus is afraid to predict the true, and they swallowed Moss."

"After this, Zeus severely headache, when he opened his head. An attitude, the beautiful goddess jumped out of the cracked skull, the color photo, the manner ..."

Both split down the knowledge of God and launch the golden sword of the [Warrior]. When he quits the spirit, Alice woke up. The girl curled up in the nest, I am sorry to see him.

In front of the devil, there is no secret to say. It was a maximum of too many first. Alice listened to Elika to say the little between the two, did not expect it to go to his head, want to cry without tears.

"Princess, sorry."

Alice covered his face and said, "Don't call me princess, this kind is too shameful. We are already a friend. I call me love. I can .... Tell you?"

The real name of the devil is already a great glory.

"Of course, I can say it," I will sleep early, I will return to the room. "


For the girl, this is the night of insomnia. She turned around and touched his lips, and he rushed to a circle.

"Did the king of the devil?"

Bar out of the door, just wanted to return to his room, standing on a flaming of a flaming. Ailika relies on the door.

"It's so good, with the Glisi Princess Heluo."

B is uncovering: "No, just to get knowledge about God."

"Did you pass it?" Ailika was unrestricted.



Elika was rushing and turned into the room. "", Close the door. The big lady is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.


Both split a nose ash and shook his head.

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