The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 468

Both Saki pulled him to the side, followed by good lure: "You and Welles Larana have a deep friendship, [Promethus" requires you to start. "

"Wait a minute, I don't want to fight against what God! For the private people, I will go to God, this kind of thing is too strange. Why can't I sit down and exchange?" The grass hooks are anxious.

Elika heard that he was only speaking, and he said: "Pseudo."

, patiently said: "Alika is very beautiful? You have been stealing her, you can't see it again by God. Do you not want to protect her?"

"This ..." The tang was not going.

:: Beauty gauge, the phenomenon of the little boys makes me use it.

As a result, the grass tangant joined the team and formed a three-person group. Alilka felt strange, why do you want a common person to participate. Both split the slate to the hut. The latter hand is in the hands of the next, and the face is the responsibility of the backpack.

Blonde girl hands fight, said: "Hey, what did you say?"

"Say you is very beautiful." Said .

"What ... What is! This kind of words, I have been tired from a small to most."

Ailika is pretty red, can't help but think.

The average person will praise her appearance and then self-defeating. However, Baki is the first man who has seen her body. Do you say that this is beautiful?

Boun is calmly said: "Thanks to the battle that I just learned, let me know the strength of the teammates. I can see it, don't you make a full force? If you have a definite place, I apologize to you. From now on, we will be committed to each other The back of the god squad is'. "

Miss, there is also a second disease, this team name sounds domineering.

"Hey, I didn't intend to forgive you, just temporarily promised alliances." Alilka cooled, "our ambition is consistent, see who completes the god of God first."

B is slightly smiled: "That is a gamble."

Chapter 292 does not from Mekar

Ancient ruins and beach scenery, called two great pictures on Sudama. The island found more than 7,000 stone villages, named "Nura Cove" prehistoric situations.

Saddin Island is filled with the remains of Phoenici and Rome. Oristano, the western part, was once an important city in the Phoenica sea route - Taros. Half of the ancient city is located in the mountains, and the other half sinks into the sea, still staying so far.

Santa Basi is situated in the jungle jungle. When a group gets off from Orrostano, the sky is getting darker. Alit Anna left a taking care of Dulurazzia.

"Compared to a two incarnation, it is also more efficient to Merkar."

Along the way, Alika relieves attitude and barely can communicate. Both , the triangular entrance of the underground Temple is in front of the eyes. A cloudy wind is coming, mixing the decaying odor.

The grass tangant is a high school student who is good at sports, but it is also tired. He can't help but ask, why should I be deceived together?


The wind rises, and the sky has a lightning.


"It is really a feeling that I even changed the sky."

Aili has launched a sense of magic and confirming God.

Take out the slate and throw the bag to the hut. There are still some food and water.

"Grasshe, you left the wind, avoid the rain in the entrance of the temple. I and Elika. If there is any accident, you ran back to move the soldiers."

"Well, be careful." The guards were tones.

Elika eyebrows. I don't want to involve the people. But the B is cheated, why is it throwing here, is it really conscience?

I walked into the Underground Temple in one before, and I caught the darkness of the five fingers. The passive of [Night Vision], but there are more tuning bottles. The darkness of a pair of green oil is ejected in the dark. Alilka has a sudden, and there is something to stump, and the soft thing is pressed to the shoulders of B.

"Ah!" The girl made a delicate.

There are countless bats on the ceiling, scattered.

"Set [Lighting] for an hour."

A little bit of the "" is a light ball. He has plundered hundreds of thousands of super capabilities, collectively referred to as [fantasy]. Set good demand in advance, always find the ability to meet, and then make a name, which is convenient to retrieve. Most of them are auxiliary skills of life, and the power is too low.

Ailika is secretly surprised: good quirky speech, completely can't feel the spell flow. God said that there is light, so is there light?

At this time, the blonde girl will see the high heel with the shoes - the hoe. She covered his mouth and endured the scream, and the psychological quality was too hard.

: "Miss, can you let go?"

Ailika is pretty red, and it is busy loose, and the heart of the lion is called. If you want to grasp what you want to grasp, the Ou Pai is squatting on the people, isn't it like a embarrassment in the morning?

It's a confusion on her all the way and revealed.

"The grass pheasant is the secret weapon to deal with Veles. Before this, he rely on our strength to defeat Mekar."

"The people who kill the god can become campione, the army war is useless. Don't blame me if I was robbed." Alika said confidently. "You haven't said that the bet is what. This is, who lost It is necessary to offer a concession. "

: "Shi?"

"The people of the god are the king, and the power is divided into the extensions in the continents, and there are countless followers. The people who look at the strength is still good. Miss this is difficult to make you the first follower."

In Elika, the Ben is so far not to show real strength, and the light is a genus and make the devil to abbreviate metamorphosis. This guy is a potential stock. Not counting on the prostrins, they are already a great gift.

"You are my cuisine." Demolition of her words, "Because I like it, I am so fascinated with the taste of pepper, so I understand."

Alika said: "Not only spicy, this lady is very understanding of the culture of the Tianchao. Li Xiaolong's movies have seen it, and it is very burning. Say, the god of the mainland China is Luo Yishi, there is a chance I want to be a kung fu for a while. "

: Foreigner's stereotype impression.

This is also a huge world. Ordinary people live daily and do not know the existence of God. The world is a mixed, a variety of the magic associations of various factions, like a dark medieval. The girl in front of me has a dream of being a queen.


In a quiet environment, Alika's stomach is extremely loud. This time I didn't have a cute voice, but a woman's stomach.


Ailika is red in the face. I haven't eating it in one day, and I am gotting with the people. Eat.


Both Sakae opened, with a fragrant strawberry blessing.

"this is……"

"The magic of the snacks." Bai said, "There is no combat power. Unfortunately, it is not a magical permanent motion, there is energy loss in the middle. My 'magic' will consume physical strength, hungry is faster."

"Is this not completely useless!"

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