The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 449

"Snow sauce, why are you still here?" I heard a familiar female voice.

Two people were looking forward and saw a blonde girl. Twenty years ago, the blue feather onion, completely different from the gods' charm, or a young girl with a green and innocent.

Meng onion shocked: "The lie, right, Mom so lovely maiden Bitch of black history is true, that is now or ......?"

Zero dishes are kind, and a sentence is out of mouth: "Milk!"


Blue Yu is red, and it is said: "What is said, I promised you to help feed. Now I haven't born children, how could it be ... Ok, you didn't promise to be my special guest, change with me? Clothes. , is this your classmate? "

The cute is squeezed out, saying: "Mom ... Sister!"

"Hello there."

I don't know why, the light onion always feels a bit more eye. She didn't think much, and I walked up "snow cream". Zero dishes realized that the people who apologized and saved.

Meng onion deliberately said: "Snow sauce, perform it."

"How this!" Zero dishes.

The ancient spiritual cime on the onion is row on the onion. When the door is checked, she claims to be a relatives and relatives, and the fox fake Hu Wei mixed into the venue.

I can't see it, and the fool mother has to live.

Total voting: 138 Dungeon 119 absolute Warcraft Battle 118. So the next world is the gods.

Chapter 280, idol girlfriend in the dressing room

String god gym, the audience has successively entered the seat. Not only is the local magic, there is a tourist coming, I want to see the legendary "Electronics' Song Ji". Backstage, two songs are doing the final preparation. The brunette girl is pressed on the chair and makes professional makeup artists ready for makeup.

Zero is struggling: "So, I ..."

"Hey ~ How about this cost-out?"

Blue feather onion is holding a dress, the center is on. The lining is a lotus leaf skirt, embroidered with a pattern. The two-piece performance costume is exactly the same, only the size and color are different. The light onion is pink, the snow dishes are more suitable for the sky.

Zero dish: "It's so beautiful."

When I was a child, she had seen this cost of suits. Mother adults stacked it together with sailors, as if they were precious memories.

"Then go to the dressroom with me."

The zero dishes were pulled away. Because it is from a small to the big closest "nurse", there is no resistance to the resistance. She looked at the light and looked up the rallie, and her face became tomato.

"You also take it together, I will be shy." Shallow onion doubts, ", today with red brown beauty? This dress has not seen you through."

Zero knots said: "Ah, just bought it."

Shallow onion: "Strange, how do you become a small chest today?"

The zero dish was poked to the sadness, exudes a strong resentment. She must be genetically inherited the genetic adults will become a poor. "Zero" is originally the meaning of zero, often laughing by brothers and sisters. Let's make the cute onion make a nurse.

She blame: "If you have a good mother, you will be well developed."

The light onion is sorry. I want to be your sister, you want to be my daughter. What is this playing new way?

"Is there a good clothes?"

Both pushed the door and pushed the door to the sight of the zero dish. The black long straight girl "" is red. I hit the future daughter to change clothes, which is the ghost father?

"Is there, this is a woman's dressing room. Don't follow casual!"

The onion is on the onion, only the underwear is only hidden.

At this time, Ji Snow creates also rushed. She is gone, "I am sorry, I am late."

World famous painting, time seems to stop at this moment. When the snow dish hits the zero, stop. The shallow onion is blinking, and the eyes go back and forth on the girl. Two "Ji Snow Food"?

Both sponsored: "Shallow onion, you admit it. This is mine ... distant relatives. Ok, zero dishes do not hook, go to the audience seat."


Under the public, the zero red face worn back clothes. This torment process is simply a disclosure. The young mother is also considered, and it is shameful to show the father of the father like Dance Ji.

Before leaving, the girl stopped, whispered: "Miss Ji Hao ... Come on!"

This is a dialogue across twenty years. Zero dishes hate stubbornly. Before the cross, I have been in the cold war with my mother. Why is the most familiar stranger?

"I will." Snow cream said.

The door close up in the dressing room.

Blue Eppet is a shallow onion suspect: "Really relatives?"

"Of course, the blood relationship is very close." The bungee did not change the color.

Shallow onion mutter: "Why is it like so like? I remember the dealer of the Secretary. Is it a private woman with snow dishes?"

: This is the sixth sense of the second championship?

Ji Snow crepe has an inexplicable incitement. She didn't want to change the performance service and rushed to the next door. There is only one chamber of the orphans.

The light onion is in the chest, and I have a deep breath, say: "Call, so nervous!"

Both hugged her from behind. At this moment, there are countless fans called "Electronics' Song Ji" in the venue. Her body and mind belong to another man. At the dressing room and the idol girlfriend of the people, there is a sense of satisfaction.

"There is ..." The light onion is pretty.

At this moment, I understand the reason for her retreat. For the light onions, singing and dancing is fun. But since then, I just want to be a person's song.

"Let me check it, is there a good wear?"

Blue Yu is smile: "You are too overbearing. I will of course be very careful. Extreme vinegar? Wait a minute, say what safety pants are very cute and hug ..."

"I will help you decompress." Said Bissear.

The light onion bite the lips and said: "Don't stain the performance service. Waiting for the dancing very hard, I don't want to cause action deformed because of the pain."

The two have spent a good memory in the world of dreams, and the real world has not taken this step. Both Saki converge a little. Later, the light onion was red.

The concert began.

"Good evening, everybody!"

Under the high light, the girl in the sky is standing on the stage and said on opening. The sound of the onion is slightly shaking. I have been "fake sing" as the identity of virtual idols, and I stand in a stage of universal eye. Snowfrasses are special guests that have been pulled coming to sing, it is more shy.

"so beautiful!"

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