The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 405

Xiandu is watching the magist guide, and the head does not raise: "Solve it in place. Civilization's shame, it can be used as a means of punishment. This is like a weapon."

"Hey, what do you want to do in people's dreams!" Nangong hang.

Chapter 252, Sister Experience Women

The seaside is coming to an end, and the villa is reunited. After this battle, there was a lot of Huayu Yizheng.

"That, I also want to stay in the night." Yarhenghua said, "Total, in short, I want to be a room with the snow sauce, you must supervise, not allowed to take advantage of the snow sauce!"

"Yes ~"

The night is quiet, and the Baki is in the bed, there is no hindrance. Jiangkou is still thinking about the wall of the jail.

"Stupid disciple, give you a good bed."

The Nangong is bending his arms, adjusting into comfortable posture. Saki made her as a pillow, hugged up very soft.

: "Can't sleep."

"Is your mind h? Stupid, I can't do it in my body ... So, as an angel, have you admitted with the witch?" Nangong bite his lips.

The Nangong is a legal Loli, the actual age is twenty-six. The body is always fixed at sixteen years old, I am afraid that the arc of the time cannot be changed. This is the curse of the witch.

"Then I will become an angel."

,,,,, Slightly the baby's fat face, always feel that he is criminal, too petty, physical can't endure.

He joked: "Starting three years, the highest death penalty. If you are caught in prison, isn't it better? Take a break early, good night."

Nangong is very touched, then his heart is lost. The two are unable to become a real lover. Therefore, she will be hundreds of shun, prepare a surprise. The sky is bright, and I said "Good Morning" with that month. Isn't this a dream of dream demon?

Late night, the breathing of Baki is gradually gentle. The South Palace has quietly climbed and opened the door of the junior. Xiandu wood and the pupil came out of the magic of the purple.

"A night, how did you come?" Nangong one.

Xiandu is a smile: "The greetings of the prison, the prison should have a wind time? In fact, I am from the troubles of Spring girl."

The junction is courage to say: "Please teach me how to be a dream!"


Jiangkou is a dream of a virginity, and it has not been able to succumb to magic, and it is equivalent to vampire who has not sucked blood. It will be looked down in the ethnic group. Her debut exercises have chosen to have a good.

In the legend of Dream, there are also some loyal love stories. Dreams love my human beings, and I will leave in my dreams in my dreams. Before dawn, you must leave. This relationship will never be repaired.

Xiandumu said: "I will only talk on the paper, and I have experienced it."

"It turned out to be." The worship.

The South Palace is flustered, covering: "There is no! In short, I also have a delegation, I hope that the jam is helpful. Please weave a dream, take his magic as a pair."

"The heroine is?"

"... I have grown up." Nangong is not natural.

"It turns out that characters, scenes and plots are designed .X Dream makers, this is a new project for prison income." Saxu Wood is on small.

The duprait is crying: "I am not a toolman who makes money!"


Nangong said: "School office."

Xiandu is looking at the month, meaning deep: "It's a bold."

"Without further ado!"

What is unknown by Biece is that when he is sleeping, the three devils are sneaky. The Jiangkou has not been personally, and of course the brain does not make details. As long as you stimulate a specific magic loop, you can make a good dream.

The Nangong mood is complicated, watching the teenager of sleeping face.

Xiaoyu, forgive me for self-proposition.

Xiandu Tume said: "Next, as long as the magic is received as a container?"

Jiangkou has a true body, and then opens the wings of bats behind, the skirt drilled out the tail of love. She liberated the power of the strongest dream and became the master of dreams. Pink magic, it is confusing the brain of B.

The girl suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"what happened?"

The end of the eyes were shocked: "The big brother has not fallen. He is in deep meditation to refine the magic."

"Then I will wait for him to fall asleep." Xiandu is not a way, "There is a cute black long straight to sleep, which fuss will be boring for one night."

This will wait until the dawn.

Jiangkou's dizzy said: "So sleepy, I can't."

"Tobile, I have to go back to sleep."

Xiandu Wooden night stretched a lazy waist on the bed, and took out the good body. She took the initiative to climb into the magic array and paid himself back to prison.

"Hey." Nangong fell smile.

When is this to make the dream to suck the first bucket? Is it necessary to let the duprane is waiting for magical supply every night. No, he is the hometown mad, what is the pressure of the accumulation?

"'I no longer dream,' Is it this?" Nangong whispered, "Can you meet in the dream? Then there is ..."

In the early morning, the ethnicity of the Eye opened his eyes, refining the magic of one night, and felt the gods. When he got up, I suddenly felt wrong. Loose white shirt is pulling on the body.

"Strange, how I am bigger in my clothes."

"Xiaoyu, what happened?"

The Nangong climbed his eyes and sat in the bed. He has a brown hair, Liu Hai covered his eyes, and the right eye was printed with a knife. Handsome face, it is better to say is cute.

: "How do you grow up in small months?"

"You are Xiaoyu ?!" Nangong shocks.

Both Sakai realized what happened. It's not the clothes, it's not that month, but it's small!


The villa sounded the excitement of the girls and triggered riots. The young batty is sitting on the sofa. Surns, surrounded by a group of "beautiful big sister" group. He looks only six or seven years old.

Ji Snow meadow said: "It turns out that time stacked the sequelae of the magic, just like the teacher in the original Month became a child."

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