The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 394

Two girls face each other, uneasy. There is a family of sisters to help share, and there is a lot of peace of mind. Maybe this is the happiness theory of the harem.

The light onion said: "I know, the snow dishes are more conservative, so there is no progress. In your opinion, I am very embarrassed."

"No, I think the school sister is brave. I will not usually be used to my predecessors ..."

The onion is holding a school girl, smiling and saying: "It doesn't matter. The ghost animals that snow dishes cannot be accepted by me. You just have to pay too much."

"Sister, it is really gentle." Snow cream sighed, "The predecessors are a sinful man, why can you have such a good girl?"

"It's us."

Later, the two beautiful girls crowded in a bed, withdressing and sleeping, fantasy, fascinated.

This chapter 4K word, there is no second today.

Chapter 246 is Sleep

Close to the next room, two Loli back lying on the big bed. Today, the Jiangkou has been tired, so I fell asleep. Both Sakura is impossible to squeeze together with the lady, playing on the side.

He whispered: "The light onion and snow bees should be good. Is this your purpose? Small Month."

"Who knows?"

Black long straight girl smiled, the blue scorpion was clear and bright. Under the quilt, she used her swimsuit as underwear. According to the statement, it is to prevent a bad teacher.

"Xiaoyu, don't you want to wait for me?" Nangong mouth horses.

This deaf woman!

The duty of the disciple is not only to give the master warm bed, but also help her bathe. Unlike the witch and disciples, it is like a big lady and deacon.

Salty half sit in the edge of the bed, wishing to pay for the neck belt of the month, carefully winking to wake up. In front of primary school students, there is a strong feeling.

Nangong said softly: "The month of good night."

"Really, really?"

Baked back to God, has been held by the witch to hold the cheek and kiss the lips. "", Can be said to be a name deputy.

"It turned out that this ... Where is the trust between people?" .

Nangong cooked: "My stupid disciple is really unharmonic, Luoli control. What are you thinking about? The man gives me the old man sleep!"

The girl took him back under the bed. m,, I don't want to be insulted by Loli, "Please trample on me", it seems to suffer from the disease.

Both on the floor, glanced at her little feet of her bench. One day, it is necessary to make a price for the witch of the toe. The next regular magic is supplied, thinking.

"good night."

"Good dream."

The night is quiet, and the Jiangkou stands up. She has a red hair, wearing a beautiful little skirt. Under the moonlight, the girl is confused, opens the bat-like wings, and the tail of the loved on the skirt.

"Big brother, do a good dream."

In the early morning, Sakura is awake from meditation. He has the passive of [Sleep], and it can restore energy without sleep. Just mastered the magic of the true ancestors, but unfortunately consumables, use a little less. The magic that can be refined every day is very small, and it is enough to support the genus.

Both . At this time, he relieved. The buddle is gone.

"Small Month."

"Um ~"

Black long straight girl sleeps, mouth is still holding mouth water, I haven't responded for a long time. She has a slight get up, and she can go down from the bed and unexpected natural.

Both sponsored and said: "Good morning, the sun is going to get butt."

"Xiaoyu." Nangong pillow a warm chest.

Both Sakuo wiped the jarm liquid in his mouth, saying: "Good morning kiss, don't you need to have a mouth? Anyway, it is a phantom."

"Who is the person who is not letting in the phantom?" Nangong bite the label, "the lack of little girls are already there. Compensate you, then join again."


"Good morning ... Oh." Nangong Gair smiled.

,,.,. .,.. The clothes made of paper are not only convenient to wear, not much. He called an yawn and came to the living room.

Everyone got up. The south palace washed from the room.

"Early." Sagit said hello.

"There is Yu ..."

The blonde girl blurred, rushed up, and push him down on the sofa. The situation of blue and white onions is not very right.

"I am on the front! Why don't you take my pure? It is too strange, I will not feel the ghosts' direct and the gods!"

"Shallow onion, what happened?"

The forehead of the girl touched the girl, very hot. It may be a fever, and then I have no face. Ji Snow created from behind him. She lowered his head, Liu Hai covered his expression. I thought it was a firewood, but the head is full of flushing.

"The predecessors are really down. So, do more about me!"

How can this be the question of the innocence?

It is very beautiful in Bay: "What happened today?"


This sound is not a sound line of Xia Yun. Xiaoyu is flushing, it has never seen any expression.

: "Sand, even you ..."

Xiaoxisha cameself to say: "I have long thought this once, even the ancient city will not be called so much. Because just recognition brothers, just a game of family? Hidden brothers control emotions ... ... I also think that there is a gentle gorgeous brother! "

Ye Yuxia sound loudly: "Sand, stealing is not good. My brother is my guardian knight, and I will never let you!"

"That, I will read it with me." Xiaoyu Sand smiled.

"European sauce O, I like it!"

It is difficult to imagine that the quiet Xia Yun Xiaoxians is broken by the sand, and the red face is said to the words of the tiger wolf, bringing a strong contrast.

Both the soul of the gods, did a deep breath. Generally speaking, people who have a girl will not become a sister, only feel bored, think about the dark dishes.

"Small Month, I will help you take them away!"

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