The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 389

Bay is calmly: "Snowfish, this is very suitable for you."

"The Empress of Electron, You Look So Stunning in That Bikini."

"Shen fish is falling geese, closes the moon."


A is a fluent foreign language, and there is a lot of spending in many languages. The girls were stunned, and they did not understand.


Nangong Sikao: "English doesn't have to say it. The back of the ancient Chinese, I understand it, it seems to be the allusions of the four beautiful women."

"I have the super power of [language proficiency]." Bai is a smile, "so even praises it with different words, without heavy sample."

Xiaoyu Sand was married: "Ah, it's too embarrassed. Learning the slag is not worthy of praise, even comments can't understand!"

: "Let's talk about it, is bikino? Only size, color and styles are different. Your beautiful is more than a thousand autumn."

As the saying goes, "the second time is less ugly". The value of a passerby in the street is good. The women's main level is not more useful. The girls were ashamed, and they were obviously misunderstood.

"What happened to you?"

Nangong laughs: "Hey, the techniques of the future, it is a man who wants to be the Hai Wang Wang."


"Okay, let's go."

Blue Elysium is a luxurious water park, full of large and small beaches and pools. Visitors can even play with the domesticated World of Warcraft, playing beautiful women and beasts. On the street, men and women are wearing swimsuits, which is a cool paradise of Summer.

- Men dream of swimsuit paradise.

If Rafflia is present, it may be emotion. It is obviously the same stolenness, why can the swimwear can, can't see people?

The snow dish is thin, and the outer coat is wrapped in strict, pulled the hips to cover the hips. If you can't see it, it is easy to make a vacuum. The girls are inherently effectively, and they are contracted by the .

"Your clothes, I am worth it."

The shallow onion broke his sweater, set on the body, sniffing the familiar body fragrance. The girls look in their eyes and have a little envy.

"Ah, I am gone first!"

Later, it was a swaying down, and the swimsuit was hidden. A clear white leg, wearing exquisite sandals. It turned out to be a legally controlled paradise, even triggered the super power of the legs.


The light onion suddenly remembered what, whispered to the ski ear.

"It turns out that the underwear in change must hide it. The seniors have very low-power super power." Snow dishes are like the enemy.

Both sponsor should be paired. To put it, the light onion has fallen at home. The sizzling is turned out of the sizzling in the sofa, and the blood case is almost caused.

The girls walked on the street and formed a beautiful landscape. Both split hands, one person falls behind. The light onion slows down and accompany him. Only snow cuisine noted, turning the head and continued to talk to the sand.

: "Is this also your strategy, the emperor of the electronic? What to hide, only you are the fish of the net ..."

"That is to exchange the letter."

"Hey, how can I get this stuff when I have this stuff? You deliberately!"

Both split and shallow onions have unexlated intakes. When she took her wrist, she is now willing to send more important gifts.

The blonde girl bites his lips and said: "When you miss me, you can take it up and memories. Don't look at my dirty side ..."

This is to make yourself a unique fantasy object, it is a girl in love.

: "You are not dirty, you are very cute."

Shallow onion, the cheeks have a faint red halo. I have already known this. If you don't really like it, how can you develop an alternative magic loop?

Warcraft garden, numerous rare monster, as if it is far from common sense. For example, horse head fish tail, like a scaffore with postal half.

Nangong introduced: "Ma Toufish tail, Greek myth, pulling the sea god Poseidae, also appeared in the myth of Itria, true 'hippocampus'."


Aquarium is dark, blue water, and a microtalatin is passed through tempered glass on the floor. Xiaoyu is sticker with a water tank, a small blush. Colorful tropical fish swim in the sea, bringing fantastic beauty.

Ji Snow cream said: "Sand, your magic phobia ..."

"Well, thanks to the psychological counseling of Yu Ge," Xiao Yisha smiled, "No way, the ancient city will also vampire. Now, the Moi is also very interesting."

: You are also half a vampire.


The distant ocean depths, a huge beast opened his eyes, and the horror of magic spread to all sides. As the sound of the whale can spread more than 3,000 kilometers in the ocean, contact the other class of the ocean - whale.

"This magic?!"


The sound frequency accepted by the human ear is valid, heard a whale. The [reflection] of his skin surface can capture magic fluctuations, and it is strongly judged through the attenuation of energy. The master of this magic, actually surpassed the ancestral ancestral!


The sea is boiling. The few Warcraft becomes violent, crazy hit the glass. Xiaoyu Shatu Queen retreat, was touched by the deep fear.


Many tourists screamed, and they fled. If the tempered glass is broken by the magic, everyone will be submerged by the sea, funeral fish.

Xia Yong worried: "Sand!"

"be quiet."

Xiaoxiao sauna has changed personal, and the look is cold, and it has emitted a cold inlet. The audience was shocked, and it was a pet in front of the power of the true ancestors.


Nna huddled on the shoulders of Xia Yun and said, "It turns out that this child is hosting another strong soul in the body? It is no wonder that I am a sense of violation."

"The cat is talking!" Shallow onion muttered, "Why do I happen?"

Nangong cold channel: "The fourth true ancestor of the first year, [Flame light night] Agola?"

"Good, the witch of the gap."

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