The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 344

"Although I didn't figure out the situation, what happened?" Rafflia said, "What is only one of themselves, always fighting someone."

Yari Hua looked with his mouth: "Big men."

"No, it is very safe."


The girls were surprised. For all, Rafflia gave people a thunderstorm impression. The princess is the first princess, which represents the Kingdom of Aldichia is active in the International Political Stage, which is already an excellent diplomat. This makes Ye Yin Xia Yin envious.

"The more strong woman, the longer it," Rafflia smiled and said, "Snow sauce, Wang Hao, who is jealous, often being cold in the hometown. This is the experience of the royal family."

"Wang ... Wang Hao?" The snow dish was blushing.

The summer sound lost: "Brother, will there be a private woman like me in the future?"

"Wait a minute, what is the meaning of the harem!"

The princess said: "The hometown is king. Wang Gong's aristocrats are all three wives. The vampire ghost will collect a lot of blood partners. Power, wealth, woman ... Male ambition is not outside. Like there is such a connection The strong people who have no lover are already a super good man. "

As a royal family, Rafflia has long, and it has long seen the decaying aristocrats and hypocritical political maritime. She promotes the harem system, bold concepts make everyone asthillous. The girls are red, and I don't know what to say.

"Just put the favorite girl in the hometown, you won't worry outside. There will never have a victim of Xia Yun." Rafflia said softly.

Summer sounds: "It turns out."

"Where is it wrong?"

"Snow sauce, don't you want to be his sages?" Rafflia deliberately said that "the Boziyuan Festival has not started."

Yuxihua said: "His Royal Highness, saying that it is coming to visit the festival, my duty is to protect you ..."

"Let me open a little bad. Next, it is the love of the king." Rafflia blinked.

"No, the His Royal Highness is our war."

Ji Snow Cuisine Calculates Xuexia Wolf and firm God. There is no doubt that there is more emotional enemies, or the princess of talented.

Chapter 217 Touch

Women's invasion, string god island enters the three-level SAR defense state. Street fish dragon is mixed, and the Basaki can cover the entire city, but you can find the highest in the sea. It is a matter of urgency to solve the problem of space disorder.

The door of the cornerstone, the underground B12 layer security department. Blue Yu is sitting in front of the computer, the Monster jumped out of the screen.

She said: "Really, I will bubble the soup. Holidays must be shouting overtime."

"Don't complain, girl. In a three-minute, a total of eleven of the land-inducing device has been added, and the complaints of the road identifier are seventy-eight ..."

The traffic throughout the city has been paralyzed.

People go to the building, even the first brigade of the police officers in the door of the ICL is dispatched. Ben is taking the elevator to the B12 layer and knocks the door of the onion.

"Is there? Why ..." girls.

Always provoke a variety of cute girls. Some of the dating objects, why do you have to run with me overtime?

"Do we not be a good time?" smiled, "Wait until you work, pick you up, then go shopping together."

"Stupid!" The shallow onion was red.

Mold and said: "Little brother, this answer is very high. Good feelings in the teenagers have always been full."

"Shut up, zone AI system should not be loaded into galgame!"

"How's it going?"

Before I came to the computer, I went over and looked at the traffic network. Shallow onion slightly blush. It's too close, and the face is coming soon. Every accident will be reported to handle it to the artificial intelligence operation. This system is the responsibility of her, and the eyes are big | trouble.

Blue Yu is talking: "You already know. It is the same as the terrorist attack. Anyway, is it from the world attack I don't know?"


The light shook his head and said: "My idea is to re-plan the network, statistics have problems 'doors', marking nodes on the map, let the updated intelligent navigation serve tourists."

"Travel Business Questions, the shortest path algorithm?" It is thought to think.


Travel Business Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization combination problem. After all the city, the travel provider returns to the departure, the shortest itinerary. The shortest path is the classic algorithm problem in the study study, and the shortest path between the two nodes is obtained.

"The amount of calculation will be big? My brain is handed over to you, the emperor of the electronics."

Both B is on the mouse, launch [Vector Operation].

The light smile: "Okay."

As long as you are there, I will not be able to.

The blonde girl's eyes are in red, and enter the "Emperor Mode". A pair of white jade hands, such as floral butterflies dancing on the keyboard, knocking out the melody.

There is a ready-made Dijkstra algorithm process, weighted calculations. The amount of data across the city is too large. The server does not move, and it is running with Superman's first class.

The navigation of the strings is relocated, and the new map is sent to each person's mobile phone. This map looks very strange, there are many instantaneous points.

Tourists have experienced "ghost wall" and thought it was arranged. It turns out that there is such a retention show in the original Mozale District, which is too excited!


In the beginning of the sun, I forgot the time in the bottom of the dark. Both split, the temple, the feeling of excessive use. He turned his head and looked at the onions and fell asleep on the keyboard.

Monster: "The girl is tired."

"Let her sleep for a while. Mold, give you to see it."

"Roger that."

Both split with a soft mind to put her in bed, and white paper illusion into a blanket. He helped his lights well, said a "good night" and closed.

The camera flashes light, and only the sound is left in the room.

"Warm photos, get. Girl's dating soup, see this photo will smile. Is it good to be bad?"

War of Witch, horror. Ten years ago, the same space is in the same space, that is, "Surprising Events". In that year, the victory ended in the South House ended, and Xiandu Mu Night was grouped into the prison nephew, existed somewhere on the top of the island.

Today, Xiandu Wumi Wantai wants to save the witch, and must break through the prison. Where is the entrance?

Bien's thoughts, suddenly felt a huge magic. This is a familiar feeling is an ancient city of the genus [Lion Gold]. It turns out that this is the purpose of the first, using the magic of the true ancestors "broken".

Coordinate, break!

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