The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 331

Surprise: "Xia Yong, why?"

Rafflia saw his expression did not seem to be pseudo, incredible. She is very confident to her own charm. This person doesn't have a little evil, and there is such a bright and a man in the sky?

"What did you just haven't heard?"

Biece refers to the ear and says: "Just use the junction to block the sound, I have no interest in the talk to the little girl."

Ji Snow cream came over and took the snow, wolf from his hand. Rafflia looked in the eyes and couldn't help but envy the silence between the two.

In fact, it is the sequelae of the same life.

Snowfish explained: "Rafflia is the prostitute of Xia Yong."


Sakae controls the line of sight and does not go to the place other than the face, otherwise it will be rude. I have seen a good figure. This princess is three years older than Xia Yong, completely like a aunt.

Rafflia calm: "There is nothing of the color, Ye Shi Xia Yin is a private woman of the first king. At that time, Ye Yuxian served as a court magic technology teacher. After Xia Yun's maternal death ... He took the summer sound Going out of the palace, I am buried in the String God. We have recently known that the royal family is chaotic. "

"It turns out."

Both split, it seems to have such a thing. This is a sputum of aunt is an alternative sister flower.

"Angel Faux", from the royal elf disease. Therefore, they are eyeing me. I and the blood of the Aldeian royal family is the highest level of spirit. Media. Even being transformed into an angel, it is the strongest among angels. "Rafflia bitter.

Snow cream: "Don't worry. Today is very late. I will send you to the String God with my predecessors tomorrow. Let's take a look at it tonight. I can't mention the princess's palace. "

Rafflia smiled: "Thank you, snow."

What is the two people going? Just because it takes a bath, the relationship is so familiar? Therefore, the way the woman's communication is really unpredictable.

It is night, and the hut of love broke into the third party. There is no princess of Rafflia, living with them in a room. There is no bed and lying side by side on the floor.

Ji sini in the middle. Maybe it's tired, Ratflia quickly fell asleep, and the breathing became gentle. The snow dish turned over and was opposite to Baki, which was more than a gesture.

She whispered: "The two worlds, the soup."

"So, I don't have to sleep, I don't have to sleep. Again, I can build a luxury home with super capabilities, I really don't have to crowd together."

"... the predecessors of stupid."

Both Sakuya met the cold little hand, suddenly understood anything. He is silent, take the initiative to hug the snow, it seems to be warm with body temperature.

"It is a bit cold at night. I have the super power of [constant temperature]. I have been taking me as a substitute."


Ji Snow sack, pillow his arm, adjust into a comfortable sleeping position. This is the dreamless or island plot. The girl entered a sweet dream, showing cute sleep.

When the snow dishes woke up, B is invited to act rashly. When the face of the princess, it will definitely make her angry. It's nothing to sleep.

It took a bite down, saying: "Good dream."

Goodnight kiss.

The journey of no island, let the relationship between the two have stepped, only a broken window paper. If you don't confess, you will be unauthorized.

Both split the cold hand, ten fingers.

"Um ~"

The girl sent a dream, curled with the body like a cat, and the little hand stuck his warm chest.

Both split is not very right, the face changes. The right hand of the snow dish is here, then who is the hand?

"It's really bold, and you have a well-cooled female voice.

Both Saki quickly released the hand, the line of sight crossed the hair of the snow, and saw the smile of Rafflia. Under the moonlight, the girl and clothes sleep, such as the silver of the waterfall fall on the floor, a pair of bright blue scorpions.

This woman is sleeping from the beginning!

"How can I put it down on strangers?" Rafflia said, "The people who touched the king of the king were sin. You are so long, is this KISS?"

The sound of B is lowered: "Are you lacking princess?"

"The royal family is not allowed to love free love, so I will have the first time I have seen the 'love' in the dictionary. You, like snow food?"

Both sport contributed: "Yes."

"It's so good, is I bother you?" Rafflia apologizes.

: "Nothing. It is very concerned about Xia Yun. Otherwise, it will not run thousands of miles. It is a big name."

Rafflia shakes his head and said: "I only have seen the child in the photo. I don't know why it has caused protection, maybe this is the blood attitude."

"There is you, it is so good." Sakura said.

At this moment, he thought of a word - "Sister". This is the feeling of family. Waiting for the summer, the child will be very happy.

Rafflia slightly. This man is really happy with the summer tone. She felt a bit near, after all, Xia Yong called him "brother".

"Wait, Xia Yao is a brother, she is my aunt. Then I should call you ... Uncle?" Rafflia was messy.

: "This is messy."

Rafflia smiled and said, "Do you want to get your princess? This evening, give you to protect me, agency knight."

: "That is of course."

"I also need to get warm."

Rafflia hugged the snow, from the Sakarace. Even if I have a person, it is inevitable that the body's touch is like a sharing of an air conditioner. She is really tired, I have not glared over two nights.

This time I finally put down the call and slept a good night.

"Good night, Mr. Knight."

To be honest, I saw the blood of the prepatis and couldn't remember the plot.

Chapter 209 Making angels, rushing!

Both Sakuya have Yu Yun, see unfamiliar ceiling. There was a prayer night, he didn't fall asleep without a heart. This "bedboard" is too hard, but the two quilts on the body are very soft, bringing a strong sense of communication.

Wait, where is the cotton? Why is two!

Bai Hui hugged the snow, but there was another touch of touch, and it was oppressed by soft things. When you look back, it is a delicate face. I accidentally pressed to the silver hair, I almost kissed. Silver Emperor is sleeping, nothing to know.

Rafflia unconsciously opened his mouth, silent breathing. She is the princess of Golden Jade Lee, after bathing, as saffron, there is a faint body incense, maybe the so-called elf. Between halflighting, it was attracted by the warmth of the split, and he as a pillow, and the white thighs were coming.

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