The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 245

- Dove the victim!

If the concept of stealing the magic side is the mystery suppression. [Mind "is not ordinary super power. Instead, the invisible wall formed by breaking the momentum is better to break the second wall. Both !! !! !


37% progress!

The flesh of Yumu Meiqin quickly regenerated, and the morphology had changed. Her arm is entangled, connecting another group, like an angel's wings. A Thunder Crown was thrown out, opened a black eye, overlooking the people.

The third eye, open!

Both Sakai feels horrible pressure, there is a cold sweat. This is the suppression of the pupil

- pine fruit.

In supernatural mystery, this gland in the brain is considered to be the third eye of the human forehead, that is, the "God" in myth. In fact, during the evolution of early organisms, there is evidence that pine fruit is a simple photosensitive organ, and humans have been degraded.

Both spokes and smiled: "The number of eyes is complete. This is the resentment of being hitting the chest | department?"

The victims of the second school district have been evacuated, and some people have discard the car.

The Yumi is coming, the third eye is filled with blood. The surface of the surface is all attracted, one turn in the sky is hovering in the sky, turns into a car graveyard.


A row of cars was crushed, collapsed into a dense black ball, floating in the forehead of the Yumu. The flash thunder, the electromagnetic force is accumulating, and " " roots.

This is ... super electromagnetic gun!

Both has not standing strength, half squatting, makes the last silk force, lift the hand. The palm has a light ball that expands into a basketball size, and even a photon is not left.

Is this the decentralization of fate?

The third eye of Yumu turned an angle and shot orange light beam. At the same time, B is exhaustive, launched the power of light.

"Satellite track cannon!"


Satellite orbit guns and super electromagnetic cannons are bombarded together with horrible shock waves. In the glare, everything we have is blown.


The girl is immersed in sadness and is covered with dark. She saw it, a light of the horizon.

"The ruling is light ... I am still waiting for me."

Just look at your face, it will be cured. You are the only light in the dark world.

Meiqin reveals the joy and then disappeared. The first person's perspective is filled with dazzling light, and only a silhouette left, and swallowed by super electromagnette.

I, kill my favorite people personally?

As long as you cry, you will come to save my hero, die.


The girl lifted his face, tears flowed from the fingertips. A moment of lacrimal gland, from the sorrow from the soul. Recalling a bit of a bit from a point.

Fake the discipline of the discipline together, play the game together, fight together ... Fake together, see the parents together.

What is better if you confess early? We ... even indirectly kissing never have passed. Even if I am sorry, I can't afford to pray, I also want to make the counterfeit lovers.

"Sorry, B ..."

The girl fell into the collision and stepped on the sister's corpse and walked over the blood sea of ​​the corpse. The black eyes have no feelings. Naked, the dark blood flows. After her, she is wrapped up like a tentacle, like the summons from another.

I don't care about this world.

Don't worry, I'm finished today.

Chapter 157, in the mind, love small scorpion

The abandoned building, the alert is seen to drag the body, and the paralyzed is on the window. Without liquefied people, mobile is not convenient. She looked at the vision of the horizon, which is "Thunder." This distance, no one knows what happens in the thunderstorm center.

"Is the end? [ ] It is impossible to stop the angelism, and you should kill her in the first eyes of Xiaomeicine. It is late."

The girl laughed: "Let the city are buried together with Taoli. Don't worry, I will come with you soon."

Me, is it dead?

The dark sewer, Both It is a huge monster that is enterty, which is growing from the baby's baby.

- Fantasy Mime Beast (AIM BURST).

This is the monster hidden in the body, accompanied by [plunder]. It has arrived in adulthood, like a hill, reach out countless tentacles.

"call out!"

I want to eat this guy.

Both encense is not moving, his eyes have a splendid star. Like [Reading Heart], the superiority of the spirit department can also use the inner world - [Psychological Master].

No. 081, the target misunderstand!

Countless tentacles hovered in the air, inch is difficult. The fantasy beast has a duckling roar, just caught the host.


Waiting, plundering the world! Unfortunately, its cognition is manipulated - does not allow hurting hosts.

"Anyway, I have to hang it. I want to sit down and talk to you." Both Sakah took the left eye, "Sorry, I will die, but also to kill you in the cradle. Don't run out of the world."

No. 401, child degraded!

The starlight of the bloom in the eye, the attackability of the fantasy beast is degraded, and the mental state returns to the fetus, and even before. It emits the cry of the baby, returning for a long time, and finally being smashed.

The sewer sounds a familiar female voice, accompanied by footsteps.

"It's you, after plundering [outer generation of brains], you can use my ability to this level. Are you superiority?"

The girls who came in the shadow showed the exquisite face, and the blonde of the water is scattered.

"Small pray, this time, people who are most concerned before death are you." The color of B is complicated. "We have been together for so long, and you will write a few items."

[Psychological mastery] is a collection of all kinds of mental superparable. If it is not subdivided, the eucalyptus bee is easily confused, so gives every ability to give a number, written on the remote control.

The girl shook his head and said, "We met the first time today. You boast me beautiful, take away the most valuable things of the girl, but does not pay for it? This will be used as a slag male, brother, brother."

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