The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 214

"An Jielina Jian Di!"

"I ... I know, Lucia taiji!"

Blonde linger, throwing money bags. Each bag extends six wings, blooms colorful rays, breaking out the horror power.

"Come on, one of the twelve apostles, the taxation officer and destructive servant of the magician ..."

The spell has not been finished.

The girl's pupil suddenly contracted, and I saw that Baki instantaneously moved to the front, low-altitude flight. The magic is all empty. Liu Hai swayed and exposed a blind right eye. Time seems to stop at this moment.


He reached out and came to a "touched". Field mean, I hang up a head. An Jielina was hit by a hit, and "" was taken in the ground.

"Do you know? [Immersion paper mental power], or you can immerse the paper vector. Paper delivery [vector operation], although your mind cannot understand science."

The split wings were sent to the Lucia. From the back of a white paper, a big hand made a white paper, holding a neck of Yadi, raised. The lotus stick slipped from the hand, and the girl did not catch.

" ..."

Yai screamed tears, rising red face, not stopping your legs. The skirt is going over, just showing a pure white. The perspective of Baki is very subtle and even saw a water stain.

Scientific research shows that people will reach sex o when suffocating. If it is such a death method, it is shameful.

Both Sini smiled: "You can hurt me, but I can loose you."

"Let's release Ya Ni silk!"

Macons controlled by the sound of the magic, all stood up. The girls smashed the eardrum, and blood flow is not. Crack the control in this way. This scene is not cold, is really a fanatical religious molecule.

Both Saki didn't look back, raising the Wings. White paper-made white feathers, such as mad storms.

Paper rain!

" -"

This is extremely cruel suppression, and a circle is a lap. The upper strip is sputtered by the wheels of wheels exploded, subject to the same harm. This is also "damage transfer".

Rome is teaching the women's group, the whole army is not covered!

The magic article written is too long, a little fatigue. After playing the urban copy of the school, I will play a copy of the Roman orthopedics. At present, the strength is not enough, go to other worlds to rise. I have recently homes, after all, I am not writing the Yang WEI male protagonist.

If you want to cross the animation, you can tell me. I will vote in the group a few days.

Chapter 137 When the sister controls the god


The girl named "Five and" stood up with a long gun. At her side, she is a fluffy youth, thin, wore large T-shirt and jeans.

"I am a femaled agent Pope, and she built the palace." Youth Shen Sheng, "I have heard your name, I have warned side by the female Pope. Thank you for extending aid. But, they have no resistance "

, look back: "So, do you want to deal with me?"

I always feel that I am a counterpart.

"I can't save it out of help ... is the teaching of the pope!"

Five and delicious drinks, holding the Navy boat on the gun (Friuli Spear). More eye-catching is the milk than the rocking of the gun.

The gun is like a dragon.

Not only that, but the females are close to 50 people, all rushed up. It is not a traditional cross-talger, so it can get rid of the sound of the sound of the murder.

Buying the palace is tightening the flaming sword (Flamberg) hidden the flow of magic.

"Now, it is just to implement your belief! Let the female Pope see that today's fertilizer does not take the wrong way. Have a powerful back ... I hope that I have one day, I can follow her."

Have to say, the fertile wheel war is successful. Both split Yaxi, showing a "hand". He welcomed the tyrannical people and worn it.


Both Sakuya stepped on the five and the long guns and broke. He deviating, escaping the sword of the hometown, and hiding the magic bomb in the trajectory. At the same time, take a step, put the right hand, hit the stomach of the house.


This horrible power!

In the hands of the boy, he fly out and spit out a sore water. For the attack other than the magic, B is too lazy to defen.


It's a circle, and the sword is holding face, like a knife. "BIU" has been flying. Both split, the impact wave spread in all directions.


The enemy is all bombard, such as the Wom Wave. Finally, I turned away and mourned. The fertile step has a rear dust in Rome.

Five and holding a breeze, look around, leaving only yourself. She is panicked, hiding the gun behind it.

Girls can't help but think: it is a man who can stand around the female Pope, it is too strong!

"Is this a mowed grass?" As a vomiting.

Both Sakuo Zhang opened a wing, raised in the sky, actually had a domineering. There is no enemy to stand in front of you, it seems that there is a giant who has no sense of feelings | empties, just don't exist.

"Don't make a mistake, magician." He said faintly, "Here is the urban city, there will always be a banner of the magician. I am the guardian of the science."


There is no doors and windows, Evhua has sneezes. Even sneeze is noise.


Yaisi kept cough and slow tone. It's almost dead. When she saw the mourning talents, the heart was in the blood. These are all of her precious part.

"Little repair woman, give me a cross."


Yintker is a devout talent - claiming. So I often wear cross and produced from British.

"Do you say that you want ..." Steier stunned.

: "It is what you think. That mother fox said, it is necessary to take it. Let Osora are asylum of the Qing Dynasty."

In the public, the highest bishop called "mother fox", and there is no fear. Only this statement, Steier can't agree with it.

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