The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering in Chapter 206

God tree is short, caught in the earth. The rhombus is only a broken body, suffering from devastating, almost unable to regenerate.

Both split against the reflex, the explosion, falling from the sky, saying: "You lose."

"My ambition, how can I lose here? I am the undead of the old age. This era can not bury my coffin!" ..

The girl raised his hands and a magic bomb. The trees of daddation, all the strengths gathered to a point, put their own souls to make the shells!

"This hit, everything I have so far ..."


Both Sakuya has a generous, late side, and aligned with the girl's head. Battle to this point, don't eat it. He exhaustive, and the palm gathers golden light and expands into a basketball size.

"Sorry, I will not be stupid to wait for the enemy."

Satellite track gun!

Under the rhombus, it can only throw a magic bomb. Two heights were concentrated, and the energy balls collided closely were hit together, triggered a secondary explosion.



Mushroom cloud, spread. Clear sky, a tree of sun sprinkles in the tree of daddy life. The rhombus is completely exhausted, and the head is hanging down. Her lower body is together with the god tree. The hair band is scattered, and the double-hockey is as long as the water.

The big mouth of Baki breathed and sweat. Unfortunately, this devil's oppression is more than falling than the angel. Although he did not return to the strength of the whole day.


Ester runs along the declined tree branch and came to the girl. There is no doubt that it is already a corpse. Some of the split, just to open.

"Est ..."

The girl is white as jade, exudes a faint fluorescence, like a fluttering soul. She looked up and showed a soft smile.

How can it be? This is ... a !

"Ah, why I didn't wear clothes!" The girl was shyed.

Biece is a heart, the paper fly over. It is like a mermaid in the body of the .

"Thank you." ,, "Sorry, my idiot brother added a lot of trouble."

Ester : "My ancestors is only."

"I am thinking, fish and mermaid, which one does boys like?"

"It's really!"

Ester broke into laugh, this familiar yellow segment. Fish people and mens, look at the beautiful face and the lower body ... It is too bad!

Two girls are touched together, pure friendship makes people touch. This short reunion is the miracle brought by the trees of Kabara.

Both split out, a white paper folded into a plane in the palm. He threw out, and the paper plane passed through the desolate land and passed through the girl's hair. The awareness of the otter charm.

"Is this?" She widened his eyes.

: "The child's gameplay."

"Good boy, gentle and powerful. I really want to talk about a love."

The rhombus is bent into the moon tooth, and the crystal tears are sprinkled. She is attached to the cheeks of Ester, gradually losing the vitality, and the paper plane slipped from the fingertips.

"Ester, must live happily ..."

" -" came from Este's cry.

Born with death.

Both sponsored that Yu turned and walked, naturally some of them. Seeing a touching scene, there is no shake in the heart. If you say that the mission of death is, it is unsatisfactory, and there is only one purpose left.

Disaster is not dead!

[Liquid separation]: The ability to manipulate the proportion and separation of the liquid. Compared with [air separation].

Chapter 132 Beauty Bath

"Ah, noon ... No, late school is late. Yumu is actually hopes that the brother will send one course, but there is no show."

"I have already said."

Both Saki helplessly, I took the Muskamer with my mind. The girl took the initiative to live in the neck, put a well-behaved posture, and forced the princess.

"This memory doesn't want to upload the royal network." She said softly.

The task is final.

The third disease, the body of the body is stored in the hibernation. This is the last deadlock. When the door is opened, the stretcher with the air is pushed out. Ester opened the white cloth and exposed a well-preserved corpse.

Sakura is strange. Of course, there is no "love", but let the boys see a beautiful naked female body is really good?

Este is hard to say: "I don't kill Belley, and Bolren die."

"You even know this idiom?" Both spit, "But, your Chinese is very bad."


The blonde "" is red, hurriedly smashed. Both Sakae hit her "fake foreign devil" label.

"Totary, in short ... I will unlock the death spirit, let her reunite with her family. Never have been put into the [coffin], anyone is placed."

Esti handle above the body and emerges a white magic array.


The memories of human skin are poured into the mind. A qualified death warlock will complete the wishes of the deceased. Alternatively, the body is sent by the starting. This is an equivalent exchange.

"Because the ability has not improved, no face is in the family, choose Jumping River Suicide. Just this reason ..." Este muttered, "It doesn't matter, you can go home soon."

Later, the family claimed the girl's body. The heartbreak of crying, the smell of the people cry. Both Sakai and Ester look far away, silence. The person who killed her has been hell.

"Let Rosentar's death is lost today." Girl said, "I don't want to blasphemy. I used to let the dead relatives lived in a happy thing ..."

From a small study dead spirit, you want to resurrect parents. That day, young girls tears, raised their hands, and put their parents' arms. Later, I found it just injected into the body of the simulated soul.

"I am actually, I don't care how to die. I want it just that my family can be with me. Even just the body is good, then accompany me for a while, until I can get used to my loved ones. The so-called 'dead spirit Surgery ', just like the deceased and students ... the most long . "Ester did not consciously cry.

The sleeves of Baki becomes a soft blank paper, flew to the front of Est.

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