The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 204

Ester was surprised: "Why do you speak Chinese?"

"I said, when the Poly Sword is your Russear's heirloom." Baked the , "Do you have this blonde like a yellow feeding?"

This fluent Chinese makes Ester feel well. Compliance with Rosentar, she learned Chinese from a small study, for the anisity of Taoism.

The rhombus is not intentionally, like a beautiful snake, open the bloodpine, swallowed [Sword of the Emperor]. She smiled and said, "This, the only weakness disappeared."

"Do you be a Snake Uncle? Taoism to clean the portal today."

A little fingertips, a golden beam rosted, and cut off the lower body of the otter. I want to open the belly to find antiques, but I don't have help. The girl's corpse fell on the ground and became a meat.

Yellow, the tentacle that can be regenerated like a water; charm, a beautiful monster. This guy is really a person. It's very cute, but unfortunately it is a metamorphosis.

"It is useless. For the Decell Warlock, the most fear is not death, but the death after death, it is like the deceased you have played." Zhen charm said, "Now, I have achieved it. I look forward to it, the arrival of true gods! "

Girls are integrated into the meat and disappeared.

"The magic image is still growing." In Steick said.

The building of Baki is looking forward to the living building, saying: "You must think of a way, eliminate all cells in a breath. Otherwise, it will continue to regenerate."

[Speeding regeneration], when you realize how difficult your ability is. [Eight-feet Qiong Hook Yu] is not enough. [Satellite orbit cannon] is also slightly inferior, and rashly can destroy the entire school district.

: "The style is more and more like" O-ninja ". Is there a stronger firepower? Just get the ability to control paper, if there is a 600 billion draw, it is good."

"Received." Yintker said calmly.


"I tried, the big brain of the host was installed with a 100,000-side magic guide, copied a big British library. The common manual handwritten paper and the main use of the magic side, where is the large number of paper?"

Inbish is floating in the air, surrounds the magic array. In front of her, the paper, "Hey" flipped, like a grand library. Estt presses the hair of the ear, it is difficult to cover the color.

How old is this girl, actually has such a magical!

"The priest of the priest is a holy thing after thousands of years. The ancient oriental country is the birthplace of paper." Tiangong Opening · Killing youth "... There is five qi, there is five lines. Where to make bamboo paper, things Southern! "

According to ancient plain materialism, all things are created by different combinations of five gas. This is basically the same as the elements of the West.

: "Paper is also magical?"

The magic array is constantly poured out of white paper, surrounded by Interk. She has no expression and performs the next step.

"The duties of the secretary are efficient document records and write the magic book. Attach the attributes of the 'explosive' on the paper, the forage is complete."

Inbike silk handhen 10.

"High Speed ​​God!"

This is the secret law of compressing copy time. Each white paper has been infused, climbing the talented spell. At this moment, Baku was aware of the true meaning of Automatic Secretary. During the angel fall, she completed the [discovered idlers].

"Okay ... I am so powerful!"

Ester legs are soft. She only mastered the spell of the four big beasts, they can't stop. This girl actually draws thousands of spells.

Yintker is smashed with his head, asked: "Is the owner, is it?"

"It's enough!"

Both sponsored is not to prevent, and the paper being drowning is overwhelmed. But the magic array is still papermaking. The girls were rolled out, like playing mountain cars in the Children's Paradise. Finally, "" fell into the ocean of paper.


At this time, the deadlock of the rhombic vermiculum charm was completed. She has been in the top of the building, naked half-body, open my arms. This is no wonder that the clothes are not renewable.


The girl's double horses are rushing up. After barely, a big tree is brought to the ground, growing in the flesh, like Cordyceps. The tree of this reversed life is composed of ten big circles. The mottled branches are connected to each other, emit colorful colors.

The sky is out of color, the sun is embarrassed, and everything we have has become a gray of death.

"I climbed back from hell!" , "finally got, the power of the devil!"

Yintke is sitting in the river that is made into white paper, puts "" sitting position, with the wave flows.

"It turns out, the tree of the Barla life. Kabala specifies the position of the angel. Once the inversion will become a devil. Ten thousand deaths are to let them arrive at the 'Crown'."

The big devil in three hundred years ago, awakened.


The ocean of white paper is rushed to the sky with a gas stream. Both split out, governed tens of thousands of sheets. This is the skill tree that is the same as the "absolute defense].

I feel it now. According to your own ideas, it will change the shape. Now, imagine a giant arm.

Yumui and Ester were overwhelmed by paper, almost suffocated, and was attacked by a huge hand. The giant's hand is connected to the back of Baki. Two girls squatted in the palm of their hand, looked at the gods.

Both Sakuya has the hand of the giant, putting two people on the ground. Subsequently, the giant hand illusion into a pair of white wings. This is a kind of mysterious feeling, as if the wings are flying.

Yushan muttered: "Brother."

"Senlu Wanxiang ..." Este shocked himself.

Is this an angel's posture?

"After the angel, is it a devil? Let me think of the true body of Luola."

Both sponsored in the sky.

"Only angel can fight the devil. I can't master the 'black wings' and 'white wings'. Although I can't reach the form, it is also a pseudo-angel form. Small secretary, thank you."

Yintke is the first. She can create and write "detonate" but cannot control. This is the perfect combination of science and magic.

A man is standing in the sky, and the white paper comes into a pair of huge wings. Both sponsor is indifferent, floating six golden light balls, like a white wing angel. Countless paper films like a white feathers, along with the airflow drive, like a spiral ladder, and like a bridge to the Starry.

"It is named ... the pain of the paper!"

[Immersion paper mental power]: Powerful paper, and with alloy hardness and softness of paper, with plastic ability, you can change.

After the explosion of the magic side, the "Paper Paper" of the "God" was developed.

Chapter 131 is not dead

The sixteenth school district pulled up a warning line. The guards are tight, and Huang Quanchuan loves the injured body, still insisting on the position. Students are all rejected.

"what is that?"

"The Chemical Building in the High School of Holy Sound ... I grew up a tree, so strange! Is it a genetic mutation caused the plant uncontrolled?"

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