The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 1257

- Contains along with this teenage.

Live in a single apartment, friendli is home to the cold home like it. She opened the door with the key, shifting the shoes in Xuanzong, she said: "I am back."

No one responded.

Good night is a bubble. Naixu took a shower, wrapped in quilt, curled up on the sofa watching TV. Will also worry about the NHK TV station will not go to the door.

"A bit, loneliness ..."

At this time, Baku family must be very lively? Suddenly eight family members. That guy will be squeerated, kidney is no problem?

White hair girl is blushing. She bites her lips, takes out the loved camera, open a long-awaited video, watching the handsome face, and then started.

"Ah ~"

In an empty room, the girl's fat hangs behind the leg. She tightened his legs, only felt that the love is like a tide, and the huge emptiness that can be swallowed throughout the room.

Afterwards, Naixu has been hurried, pale smile: "It's really falling. I lost the love war, can I think about my beloved boys?"

Some things will be cherished after they lose. At that moment, tears that slipped from the girl's cheeks, as opposed to the legs of the river, like the affected river.

This day, this will continue only.

Nai Xu suddenly said to the room without one person: "Stupid, when do you want to peek?"

A silence.

A fluctuating in the air. Both Sakuo appeared, with a general psychological quality, face does not change color. There is no peeping consciousness at all.

Can there be a thorn between lovers?

,, "Nai Xu, how did you find it?"

"Don't forget. Your super power is recovered from me. You can only interfere with a person's cognitive deviation, but the optical instrument." Naixu shakes the camera.

Both sport said: "It's a matter of you, it is really dead. Before chatting, put your fat first ..."

White-haired girl quickly clamped his legs, "" blush. After she was in the top, she cited a different. That is to say, in the case of unknowing, it is a bunger of the split. Strive to open your legs, put on the M word, you have opened private parts, you have to carefully protect your lovely female film.

Both sport touched the nose and said: "Pink ..."

"To shut up!"

Bar picking up the camera, I smiled and smiled: "So how to explain this video in your camera?"

That is a dark room, full of packaging of bubble noodles and happy water. After the end of the splitation, it was fell into a decadent time, and even wanted to succubate the DU product, was blocked by Naixu.

At that time, the white-haired girl was guarded by the super power of "stealth". It is also the same now.

"When I am in the lowest in life, I will continue to stop every day ..." Both split eyes were blog.

Naixu ridiculed: "You will change, because the step is not, actually hold the sister's underwear ... that, that! I thought you would love your sister."

That is the black history that is unbearable. Unexpectedly, when I secretly rushed, Naixu was also stealing, and I took a strange small video.

: "You still not take me as a mission? So, you have been stealing. If you say that you will come in front of me, you will always touch it, then yourself ..."

White-haired girl suddenly did not talk, and the face face was infected with great red lotus.

"That is mine ... for the first time. From then on, he likes a self-self-discovery of boys. He wants to save the world, but I just want to save him. It is close at hand, he is in her sister, sinking The love of the blood of the blood cannot be extricted. And I can only think about him ... "

At this moment, the smile of friendly Naixu can make people feel heartbreaking. If it is a time inverting, the white-haired girl squats in front of the boy, looking at the "Xiaoyu" close at hand, and breathe.

It will be done at a point, but it turns into a stealth to bite it. Not the relationship between men and women.

When Naixu hesitated, it was suddenly shot. At that time, Baki did not pay attention to the white turbid of the air in the air, and rushed over the girl's pretty face.

This interlaced relationship drives me to fall into you.

Bi Saki took a breath, and hugged Nai Xu. He said seriously: "This time is my turn. Because I inherited [stealth], so I will stay with you forever."

"Is this the reason for your metamorphosis? These days have been voyeur me! When you have urine, take a shower, go to sleep in pajamas ..." Naisu is ashamed.

smiled: "This is my retaliation. Because you are voyeur, I am a crazy, so it is more common."

White hair girls are like electric shock, lose the strength of struggling, and posted the chest of B. She is hot, I feel that the warmth is warm, hugging tightly.


Both Sakura said: "I have always owe you an apology. I will give you ahead. This time, I owe you a confession. I like you, that, when I am, I don't leave my girlfriend, friendly Naha! "

"I also like you too ... There is a good." Nai Xu said, "Is there anything like this? Xiao Pray."


: "You have seen her."

"She said with me. No, even if I don't say I can understand. You have always had a good stay."

Naixu reached out, pick up the gold pendant from the chest of the , carefully held in his hand. That is the note that she was given, now turned into a gold.

B is unbelievable: "When I want a way to remember you, I can only put the words on the gold."

"Stupid." Naixu.

When the two passed, the white-haired girl gave a lot of gold, and the heart was moved. For the "betrayal" of the lovers, of course, I chose to forgive him.

: "When you come to the end, you still lose your little pray to let us return to good."

"In this case, you don't add the name of the woman."

"Okay." Hey, the corner of the mouth, "We should continue to complete."

"What?" Naixu is angry.

"Stealth people play."

Young girl was pressed by the air on the sofa.

"Wait a minute ... don't even get rid of my camera! This is a flash, do you take off what is the fat?"

"For a long time, Xiao Nai. It is a white man who is full of Yuan."

The sound of .... The last scene, Nai Xu picks up the hair of the ear, and it is a bit shy low. She is like a devout person, and she is carefully holding the air, and the opening of the mouth has a non-known thing.


I love you, Xiaoyu.

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