Chapter 183

Underground in Zhongnanhai, China.

Dalgi sat quietly and waited for the guests in this place, where even the very existence itself would be blurred.

Even though they are guests, they are not very friendly.

He was once a comrade, but we don’t know much about him in detail.

He only knows that he now records an undefeated myth like the remaining heroes in the original world, and he was quite close with him.

His skills, abilities, and deeds are all unknown.

To be honest, I even wondered why he came to this world.

‘That’s probably good.’

All he needed was his power.

he was lucky

Things weren’t so good right now.

The dungeon attack, which originally took three months, was changed to clear in one month.

Plans that had been made before were creaking and most of them were abandoned.

In the meantime, I discovered his whereabouts.

“It’s been a while. Sweet.”

He appeared out of nowhere in the dark.

A dark-skinned oni with three swords, seven horns and one eye underneath.

Just by his appearance, the magic around him fluctuated unsteadily, and the lights around him shook dizzyingly.

Perhaps if he had put something like a light bulb here, he would have broken it right away.

“It’s been a long time. Great Evil. Is this the first time since I was discharged from Japan?”

“Yeah. It’s been a while. How is Japan these days? I heard you rule.”

“Ah, I’m busy with work here. I haven’t paid much attention to it these days. However, the latest news says that he’s self-destructing himself, so you won’t have to worry about it.”

“is it.”

It was said that the Hunter, who recently became an S-class, returned to Japan, but that was all.

Villains may be put to sleep, but the political world will not be able to do anything about it.

At least it takes years to normalize.

Even now, the Scarecrow Prime Minister has pulled out an absurd card of export control, and he is sure to win the next general election.

Japan will slowly collapse like this.

And that was the direction they wanted.

“Really, Japan seems to have a strange sense of pride in Korea. When Kim Seong-jin revealed that our alliance was based in Japan, it seemed like they were threatening Korea to withdraw it. I want to see what you heard.”

“You said that Korea would suffer severe damage?”

“A little bit. And that’s a good thing.”


Because Korea and Japan are technically enemies.

Well, Korea has an S-class hunter this time, so this will be easily overcome.

“Maybe Japan will have a hard time avoiding international bullying. If not, other countries will try to get information about A-grade dungeons and seek cooperation with Korea, but they are hostile to them alone.”

“You don’t think you’re alone?”

The Great Evil seemed to be having a long conversation, so he sat comfortably on the ground and tapped the ground with his finger.

“You seem to be hostile to Korea here too?”

“Well, yes.”

It will be difficult for this country to escape international bullying.

But I wasn’t too worried about that.

Isn’t there a saying that China can survive on its own domestic market?

It would have to lower the economic level considerably, but this country’s dictatorship made it possible.

“So, is it true what you said to me?”

“Yes. Nurari betrayed us and cooperated with humans. He is now our enemy.”

Dalgi said while showing a picture of Shi Lai, who is now Nurari’s body.

“This time, he moved to a pretty body. Is this guy’s taste like this?”

“I guess I just wanted to take the most useful one of my men. I’m going crazy because of him. There are a lot of guys here who have been tamed with him. I don’t think it’s going to diminish.”

“So, can you help me catch him?”

“It’s not difficult, is it?”

“Simply speaking.”

“It’s simple for you.”

Daeakhwan seemed to be worried about Dalgi’s words.

To be honest.

He was more friendly with Nura-ri than Dalgi.

But in the end, he also had a grudge against humans. He has a bigger grudge than anyone else.


Daeakhwan looked at the magic stone in his hand and stroked it.

During the Japanese days, he was given a mission to be killed.

But he didn’t die.

He returned alive, destroying everything he had prepared to kill him. And it exposed what Japan had done so far.

He became a revolutionary and a hero.

He thought of himself as nothing more than a revenge ear, but he was called that by those around him.

This magic stone was the lover who sacrificed himself to save himself.

“In the future, pay more attention to Japan.”

“Are you accepting it?”

“Those who take the side of humans are no longer allies.”

“I thought about it.”

Dalgi and Daeakhwan got up and shook hands with each other.

And soon the Great Evil Hwan turned his back.

Dalgi looked at him and asked.

“Do you need anything?”

“Raise the rank of the dungeon as much as possible. So that I can fight as much as I want.”

“Other than that?”

“A lot of monsters that were human, and… are there any leftover dungeon manastones?”

“Prepare as much as possible.”

Daeak Hwan finished his speech and threw a potion without looking behind his back.

Dalgi was bewildered when he received this.

“Why is this?”

“You didn’t know either.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s why you can’t be beaten by Nura-ri. Drink it. It’s a gift from me.”


When the Great Evil disappeared, Dalgi checked the potion as if he could not understand the English language.

It’s an ordinary release potion.

He’d been tired of looking for a spy, so he could tell without feeling it.

However, the release potion he gave him seemed inferior in quality to what he had used before.

‘Isn’t that a joke?’

gulp, gulp-

Dalgi drank the potion while thinking about it.

He had to show this as much as he values ​​mutual trust.

Chang Kang!

Dalgi, who was drinking the potion, dropped the potion bottle.

His hands convulsed.

The potion was working.

“Damn it. Nurari this guy…”

I can see why a tamed spy is caught, and even if caught and caught, it continues to spawn, and how he found out information that only he and his close aides knew.

It was very simple.

“You said you put a timing on me?! He?!”

It was deeply humiliating that he took his time, albeit clumsy.


Beings in the same world wouldn’t be able to tamper.

He can be tamed on himself by way of a tamed human.

But he himself is not young enough to be tamed by a tamer of this world.

There must be some other way.

In the meantime, he was reminded little by little of what he had done without knowing it through taming.

since when

When did you get tamed?

Let’s go back in memory

From the time Nurari took Shi Lai’s body and approached her… .



Dalgi’s inferiority complex exploded.


“…So, the evil spirit and Dalgi got together, but the taming was discovered by him, so we can’t bring any more information, right?”

Seongjin briefly summarized what Nu Lari had said, and Nu Lari nodded his head as if affirming.

“Because he was a pretty close friend before coming here. It was because he was a prank on him in the past, so I got caught.”

Timing using loopholes in the system.

The extortion of Nura-ri’s body is very unusual.

Through body extortion, he not only steals the opponent’s body, but also the characteristics of the system.

The human system of this world was also included in it.

The fact that the taming skill you used with Nurari’s original body and the taming skill with your current body are applied differently.

‘So now, you can’t tamper with humans, and only those who tamed with your body can control it. Is this?’

In the previous dungeon, the reason why my colleagues didn’t get tamed was probably because they couldn’t do it.

I roughly understood his explanation and listened to Nura-ri’s explanation of the following Great Evil Evil.

“When he comes to this world, he’s the strongest guy. You’ll need to be careful.”

“You don’t know anything about him?”

“I pride myself on being quite friendly, but I don’t know his skills or fighting style. However, I know that he put his S-class skills in three swords.”


It was possible to put the skill into the equipment when going up to the S rank and learning the S rank skill.

Speaking of risk, once you get a better item than that, it is difficult to change the item.

On the other hand, there were also great advantages.

Once the skill entered into the item, the skill level starts at MAX from the beginning, and it was possible to increase the effectiveness of the skill by increasing the item’s performance.

Most importantly, I was able to pass it on to others.

“I don’t know the exact ability. If I knew anything, would it be that there are immortals and immortals in his titles?”

“When you hear that story, you just look like a tank.”

“What the hell are you talking about. He fights mostly alone. That’s why he doesn’t know much about him.”

“What do you think the last ones you saw are like?”

“Probably, it looks like a defensive battle. The fox wants to complete the dungeon quickly.”

“What about evil?”

“Well? I’m not sure what he wants. Well, wouldn’t it be better to ask him directly?”

Nourira said so and avoided his head.

The sword protruded as he cut his long hair.

“Didn’t you say it was a defensive battle?”

“It’s limited to foxes.”


Nu Lari grabbed his protruding arm and threw the gnome.(Read more @

The Great Evil Hwan, which was forcibly revealed, was blown at him, but it landed very naturally.

“Woah, friend. It’s been a while. I didn’t know you’d be caught already.”

“Dalgi taught me. You’re walking around like that. Haven’t you seen them all?”

“Well, that’s it.”

Daeakhwan stared at Nura-ri.

The surprise was nothing more than checking whether the opponent was the real Nurari or not.

“I’m just here to say hello. To be honest, I can’t move just listening to the fox.”

“Yeah? I was just talking about you, but it’s good. I have a question for you, too.”

“Then let’s ask each other.”

Dae Ak-hwan pointed his sword at Seong-jin and asked.

“Is it really true that you ate with a human?”

Nurari pondered for a moment how to answer his question.

I don’t think he’ll notice just because he’s honest.

If so, how about talking with him a little bit?

He doesn’t know specifically what he wants from Dalgi, but he doesn’t think he can’t.

When he was sorting out his thoughts like that.

“Hey, where are you aiming your sword now?”



Sungjin moved first.

He raised the sword of the Great Evil Hwan, grabbed his face, and ran, dragging him.

– Magic, dark space


He immediately used his magic to open the space the Black Knight had made and went inside.

and threw him inside.

“If you want to fight, choose a place.”

It doesn’t matter if you aim your sword at yourself.

But beyond that is the hospital where his mother is hospitalized.

There he aimed his sword.

Even imagining what would have happened if he swung his sword with his skills to live, his chatter became cooler and his anger grew.

“If you’re here to fight, let’s fight here.”



Eyes of various colors are opened in a space where there is only darkness.

And he came slowly and revealed himself.

A variety of high-grade monsters surrounded him.

“With us.”

The resting taming monsters were floating.

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