Chapter 177


Bassky, who lost consciousness for an instant after being hit by Sungjin’s fist, groaned and unconsciously touched his stomach.

My stomach felt as if it had been burned by fire, and I felt empty as if the wind was passing through.

The touch he felt on his fingertips was the texture of his intestines, which was chocked with a liquid like blood.

‘Damn, the human… .’

I just woke up and my consciousness is already hazy.

The vision becomes blurry and the eyes cannot focus.


bled too much

The wind hole in the boat had to be filled somehow.

It’s hard to breathe.

no words come out

He even suffered from lungs.

‘no… .’

are suffering

You feel the heat in your body.

It burns slowly from within.


body is burning

The snake’s tail, the lower body, collapsed into ashes, and blue flames were visible from within.

He’s probably already been hit by his skill.

It’s also a very lethal skill.

‘Like this… .’


can’t die

you must not die

He comes out when he dies.

The one who became the catalyst that made this dungeon go wild.

That’s not enough.

must be stopped somehow.


A stone knife made from rock manipulation cut the bottom of the perforated part.


Cutting off the body with a blunt stone felt even greater pain, but I endured it.

Most of the important guts were cut off as well, but it’s better than dying right now.

There should be minimal preparation.

Now you have to survive and run away.

he can go crazy

He took a potion from his inventory and drank it, crawling on the ground with his palm.

If he had snakes under his minions, he would be able to escape through them.


The shadows crawling with his hands deepened, revealing human feet.

Naturally, his head turned upward.

“It’s surprising. He’s still alive.”

He is called Sungjin who made himself like this.


He gave his eyes strength and looked around, but there was no one to save him.

Radon and Hydra seemed too daunting to deal with other humans and monsters.

The other subordinate snakes are also being pushed by many monsters and strong humans.

“I… listen to me…”

He exhaled the air from the lungs that had managed to recover and spoke.

He knows his opponent has a grudge against him, but he still had to warn him.

Sungjin was looking down at him.

He didn’t kill right away, so it seemed like he would listen.

I had to make sure it wasn’t a will.

“If you kill me… disaster will happen. You… you most want to avoid…. His seal….”

He said it as briefly as he could, panting even when he was about to run out of breath.

Sungjin barely understood the words.

He could understand the structure of the dungeon because he knew it.

“You sealed the owner of this dungeon. Is this your subject?”

“It’s his will. If he runs rampant, this dungeon…”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

Seong-jin, who showed an attitude of squatting and listening, barely understood what he was saying.

He knew well that he wasn’t the owner of the dungeon in the first place.

As he said, if he is the owner of the dungeon here, he may have been arbitrarily sealed for the well-being of the dungeon.

“That’s a very new threat.”

But that was not for Sungjin to know.

“You don’t know why I’m trying to kill you? There’s only one thing we want. You put the curse on me. You’re trying to kill me now because it’s impossible.”


“We’re not fighting fanatics either. If it’s a fight that can be avoided, avoid it. But right now, this is the only way, right?”

-I thought there was another way to break the curse.

Seongjin thought to himself and raised his sword.

Now is the time to really kill.


Baskey struggled to the end, despairing inside.

The enemy is right in front of you right now.

If it is now, the effect of petrification must be maximized.

Try it again.

gurgling, gurgling-

doesn’t work

Seongjin’s body is not petrified.

Rather, it was transformed into another form.

The color of the armor-like thing spread over the whole body changes or something sprouts on the body.

It was very familiar.

‘Monster’s, body.’

It was then that I realized

Why didn’t Seongjin’s petrification work?

Petrification is a body transformation skill that forcibly transforms the opponent’s body.

Since it is not a curse, it is a very difficult skill to remove, but the opponent has overlaid it with a higher-order body transformation skill.

There was no win in the first place.

See hey-!

That was then.

A loud noise was heard from above.

It was the sound of something huge falling through the air.

Baskey focused his gaze on the back of the sword that fell on him.


He, the youngest of their brothers, was evacuating into the air and then falling.

To crush the enemy with its overwhelming size and weight.

“Twitter. Annoying.”

Seongjin sensed the falling Ouroboros and ran wide to avoid it.

And swung the nephritis around the sword.


Kee eh-!

Before Basqui’s nephritis reached, Ouroboros fell to the ground and blocked Seongjin’s attack with his body.

No matter how nephrotic is a deceptive skill, it will inevitably take some time to burn all that huge body.

Even if it dies, if the body is large, it will take a long time to disappear.

In other words, it was a voluntary meat shield.


Baskey watched as his brother Ouroboros rode.

He laid down his life for himself.

It is natural.

When he dies, his god will give them a divine punishment that will threaten this dungeon’s nest.

So it’s natural.

It’s natural-

‘Why did I not want to die?’

– To avoid breaking the seal.

What is that?

-For our world.

Does the world mean space?

It is the space and time in which we live.

So who are we?

-We are… .

Baskey confirmed the existence of us around him.

Radon with more than half of its head lost.

A Hydra with hundreds of thousands of arrows all over its body and now almost a hundred heads.

And now ouroboros is dying.

their family

Isn’t it because they opened a dungeon and fought to protect this place?

But now this is something.

Wasn’t the whole family supposed to die?

Why are ‘we’ sacrificing themselves for the sake of the land?

“The dungeon is not important.”

What you want to protect is wrong.

It is wrong to give importance.

The most important thing is the survival of the family, isn’t it?


“Let’s give up the dungeon.”


I heard the world collapsing.

Everyone inside the dungeon stopped moving.

instinctively noticed.

Now is not the time for them to fight,

that something is wrong

overwhelming presence.

A predator’s gaze towards its prey.

He stopped moving and held his breath.

In order not to be detected by the existence of this gaze.

squeak, squeak.

Numerous snake eyes were watching them.


“Damn. Why do I have to be like this?”

Tanaka wielded his weapon and vomited his complaints.

He thought his situation was absurd.

He was kidnapped, abandoned by the country, forcibly trained and thrown into this hellish dungeon.

Right after he entered the dungeon, things got a little better.

Hearing disappeared, but there was no battle with the tense monster.

Others were busy moving, but he only rested at the base.

Honestly, it was comfortable.

Occasionally, there were those who said that they would give them combat training, but if they refused, that was all.

Sato, who was brought along, seemed to be working a little hard, but he himself only watched it.

And as a result, they were marginalized.

So is this war.

They said they were going to negotiate, but the result was a fight.

It was also two consecutive wars.

Minsu left him unhelpful, and Sato, who was with him, disappeared too.

“Damn. What are you living for? Damn it. Damn it.”

No matter how much he swears with his mouth, it’s frustrating because he can’t hear him.

The monsters here are all monsters of the same level as you.

There were so many that it was burdensome.

Fortunately, the monsters are on their side, so they can use them as bait.

After that, I didn’t even think about it.

Still, I had to face some monsters.

Tanaka looked at the sword he was holding.

It was a Japanese sword that rusted and fell out and was about to break at any moment.

Obviously it was fine until morning, but it has already become like this.

This was because the blood of some snakes had a poison that melted metal, and the scales and leather were very hard.

It was natural for teeth to come out.

‘Should I use the sword he gave me?’

He thought about it for a moment, but then he shook his head and erased the thought.

The item that Seongjin gave was a normal long sword, different from what it is now.(Read more @

Occupation: Samurai.

The Japanese sword is the soul of a samurai.

Throw it away and use the Western sword.

‘Did you say that you should use this sword because Japanese swords have poor durability?’

As he recalled the words he had handed over to the sword, he hated writing even more.

He didn’t want to admit it.

I wanted to prove why the Japanese sword is a symbol of Japan.

I’m running away from monsters like that.

I noticed that the monsters around me didn’t move.

He would have noticed sooner if he had heard the sound, but he still hasn’t recovered his hearing.

He was deaf and his senses were dulled.

So it was too late to find out.


I looked down as I stepped backwards as I stepped on him.

He had giant reptilian eyes and he was stepping on them.


I was appalled.

Its eyes alone are large enough to fill dozens of people.

I couldn’t imagine how big the owner of these eyes was.


The eyes move slowly towards you.

He was pumping hard as if his heart was about to explode.

It was frustrating.

His mind went white as he imagined what would happen the moment it recognized him.

So I instinctively moved.

And his instincts were different from those of ordinary people.


In rebellion against the fearful beings, a sword was pierced into the gnome’s eyes.

He couldn’t control the urge and did it.



Eyelids close and open again.

That alone broke the rusty Japanese sword.

The leg that was stepping on his eye was also cut off.


While Tanaka cried out in pain, the being stood up.

The blade of the broken Japanese sword flew out of the snow and fell to the ground.

“Uh, uh…”

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t.

He recognized that no matter what he said, it would be the end of that gigantic existence that appeared endlessly.

He wants to run away, but his leg has already been severed.

No, it would have been impossible to run away from seeing those eyes already.

– Dungeon, Ananta

The primordial snake opened its mouth.

That alone generated a great suction power.

A huge darkness in his mouth.

Tanaka’s body was sucked into it.

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