Chapter 158

“Long time no see. A lot has changed since then.”

Dalgi said while looking at Nura-ri with the face of Shi Lai.

He lived for hundreds of years,

He did not live as one body for all those long years.

When he’s at the end of his life, when he’s on the verge of death, or when he just looks better out there.

He has been extorting monster bodies for various reasons.

This time, Shi Layra had only taken on the same body as his right arm.

“It must have been quite dangerous. You really liked the body last time.”

“Who do you think it was for?”

“If you say it’s because of whom, isn’t it because of Kim Seong-jin?

Dalgi looked closely at Nura-ri’s expression.

He knew Sungjin’s real name because he had already met him.

‘It’s true that we don’t get along well, but it’s a bit harsh.’

The excitement seems a little overdone.

He and Sungjin would have been tied up in a bad relationship from the time the Siberian operation failed.

In order to kill Seongjin, Nurari also took North Korea and prepared for war with Japan in Yangdong.

Sweet used it.

In order to use what is not good between two people to cause them to collide, to eliminate Nura-ri, or to weaken their power, as a result of which they do not have a good relationship with themselves.

The plan seems to have worked out.

The fact that he changed his body means that the situation was so dire that he gave up his original body.

In other words, his power was completely destroyed.

Although he is showing excessive hostility, his anger towards Seong-jin will be greater than that.

It is only natural that the forces that have been nurtured so far and the monster experiments studied in North Korea have all been blown away.

And of course you will think of revenge.

“It was a relationship we were going to run into someday anyway. Let’s think of that a little bit earlier. And coming to me now means you have something to say about it, right?”

Nurari has already lost too much power for revenge.

He will not be able to dream of revenge alone.

Then he will have no choice but to join hands with a power he knows.

Nurari is a person who knows how to kneel down on other enemies in order to defeat a big enemy.

For this, Shi Lai’s body must have been stolen.

Except for Shi Rai, who is his right-hand man, the only people who could contact him were mostly his colleagues in the original world.

There is nothing other than this that I want to tell even after giving up on the spy who dug deep… .

“Get your hands off Kim Seong-jin.”


– It was… .

In response to the unimaginable answer, Dalgi widened the eyes inside the mask.

Have you ever given up on revenge?

A scientist child crazy about this monster?

Dalgi asked the reason, thinking about it.

“Is it possible that Kim Seong-jin is that strong?”

Because the opponent has overwhelming strength, he gives up on revenge and goes into hiding.

There are other directions, but it was hard to find any other reason other than this.

This was the worst way.

Sungjin’s next target is likely to be himself, but if he is that strong, it will be difficult to deal with without Nurari’s help.

“Be strong, more than that, I want to cooperate.”


“Oh, I’m regretting that I just left. I should have talked to humans a little more.”

“I can’t hear anyone who would have killed thousands of humans with experimental materials.”

“Ah, we have to experiment. But it seems to be a much faster, safer and more efficient way than before.”

“…other than using your blood?”

Nurari used her own blood to create a monster.

His blood is foreign.

Maybe it’s the effect of the skill you have, and after special treatment, if you let an animal drink it, it becomes a monster.

And if humans drink it, the probability of success is still low, but it has become a monster.

Dalgi was planning to use this to create an army of monsters and monsters.

Once these monsters and monsters were born, taming was possible, so there was no problem in raising his powers again.

‘But it’s another way… .’

It meant that there was something more perfect than the blood of Nurari.

Blood is ultimately the effect of skill.

If so, it meant that he had a skill that was much closer to the finished product than his skill.

The model for the finished work that Nurari wants is… .


The moment I put it on, I remembered him.

He was originally the strongest in the world and who fought at the forefront.

A person who is called a hero in that world and has the same title as it.

And, unlike themselves, those who remain in that world.

Nurari smiled at his reaction.

“Kim Seong-jin, he seems to have the same skills as a hypocrite. If you use his blood, you’ll get better results.”

“Is that possible? It’s an S-grade unique skill, but it’s just a skill similar to yours…”

“You don’t think I’ll notice that too? How long have you been hanging out with him?”


At Nurari’s words, Dalgi kept her mouth shut.

He was right.

The person he got along with the most was Nu Lari.

He admired him and jumped over when he mastered a similar skill, reverse inheritance.

And he had created this skill and started to fall apart with him.

Because Nura-ri was crazy about experiments and started using the few powerless people as test subjects.

Naturally, he stopped, and Nura-ri had a big rift with him. And this contributed greatly to Nurari’s coming to this world.

“The skill I created using his blood is my reverse inheritance. At the time, I didn’t do any research at the time and this skill was created even though I just ate it raw. But if he has that skill, he might have the same skill and mutation. .”

Nu Lari put on an ecstatic expression as he spoke his words.

It reminded me of the ideal of having a mutation skill.

If he can acquire the mutation skill, he will be able to use the skills of monsters he has been catching for hundreds of years.

Other than that, so do my colleagues.

If it were extended to all humans, it would be very simple to protect this world.

“…then you can kill me, right?”

“So, a beginner, do you know how much blood it will take for research? Do you think you can capture him? I’ve already checked him for some sort of space-based magic, but if he runs away, you think you’ll be able to catch him?”

Nu Lari said, kicking his tongue.

At Dalgi’s words, he seemed to know how he was going to come out.

In the end, he was meant to be hostile.

“You’re older than me. Let’s make a wise decision. Aren’t I a lot more likely than you are?”

“Did you find out that far?”

“So. This bitch reported to me directly. Of course, there are many more than this one.”

Nurari said while beating her head.

“You cooperate with me, which has a higher probability of success than an operation that will fail?”

“…Think about it.”

“Yeah. Oh, and North Korea gave it to Kim Seong-jin, so don’t even think about attacking it.”

“You gave me everything. It’s really annoying.”

“Well, it’s a simple gift. Then take care of yourself.”



There were bat-like wings on Nura-ri’s back.

Wyvern’s Wings.

By using the reverse inheritance skill, it has a convection manipulation skill, so it is easy to fly and it was possible to move at a high speed.

Nurari said with a smile one last time.

“Because I could sell you if I want to look good to him.”


The moment the Wyvern’s wings flapped, a wind like a storm blew, and Nura-ri’s body was swimming in the middle of the moon.

Dalgi silently waited for him to become a dot and disappear.

“Damn old man…”

The plans were all messed up.

His original plan was to enlist Nurari, but that became impossible.

It was as if he had been embraced by Sungjin.

those crazy eyes.

Although he was not in a position to rebel against him, he spoke as if commanding.

There’s even a spy attached to it.

Danggi checked under the roof.

His men were hiding, looking up at the sky, preparing to attack.

Some are pulling their bowstrings and some are preparing magic.

If he gives a signal, he will attack the flying Nurari.

But I couldn’t.

It was because he had to think about the case in which Nura-ri would inform Sung-jin of her plan.

It was difficult for him to think that the plan was uncovered.

If it had been discovered, Seongjin should have come to himself, not to Nura-ri.

“Wise judgment? Mr. Nurari. You don’t know humans either.”

Youkai are highly individualistic, so you may not know them. In particular, Nura-ri did not have a very good relationship with humans when they came here.

But he has been with him for quite some time. He didn’t get along very well or anything like that.

I just wanted to know what kind of situation they were more desperate and how to get revenge.

And that’s what I found out.(Read more @

Human beings are not individuals, but societies.

Therefore, there were other important relationships besides the mutually intertwined relationship like them.

Like family, for example.

‘Seongjin Kim and Seongjin Park.’

As in the past, when there was no information, it was different now.

I know his real name.

Before acting as Park Seong-jin, Kim Seong-jin’s identity could be easily known as he was investigating the disappearance history.

“Isn’t this much faster and easier than working while trying to please others?”

There is no need to ask Sungjin for cooperation or capture him in the same way as Nurari.

If it was difficult to attack him, he could only attack those who were related to him.

Like a powerless family.


“Where are you?”

After Kim Gak-hwan came out to the ground, he looked around him and said,

The first thing he saw was a huge and splendid palace that was hard to think of as North Korea.

A white building that is more colorful and bigger than any other building in Korea.

What appears to be a river flows in the back, and the North Korean flag is fluttering above the building.

What stood out the most was a picture of one person and a statue of two people hanging at the entrance.

“You don’t really know where this place is, do you?”

“No, I guess. This is a place you shouldn’t come.”

“Well, that’s right.”

A place like this is not common in North Korea.

Perhaps the place they know is right.

‘The Tin Palace… .’

It was the office of the most powerful and dictator of North Korea, and it was a sacred place in North Korea where the bodies of successive dictators were enshrined.

There’s no way you can come here on your own.

“Sungjin. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you’d better leave the place early. Isn’t this the most bloody place in North Korea?”

“Yeah, I know. By the way.”

Sungjin said while pointing around.

“That was a while ago.”

Countless people were lying there.

I could tell without looking.

All were corpses.

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