Chapter 144

A bloody battle ensued.

The confrontation between Kim Gak-hwan and Choi Geon-woo was a high-speed, hand-to-hand combat.

This led to a long-term battle in which both players could not hit each other on effective hits.

Kim Gak-hwan’s fists and kicks hit and crushed Choi’s body, but he recovered faster than that.

Choi Geon-woo’s fist touched Kim Gak-hwan, but it was not a valid hit.

It spilled lightly, and on the contrary, it became an opportunity for a counterattack.



The battle between the two was quiet.

It was difficult to hear a single sound of the wind even though there was obviously a bloody attack.

It was the technique of two people who did not shed any power of attack.

However, their unique aura was clearly felt.

The magnitude of the aura they radiated was enough to terrify even ordinary people.

“It’s amazing. To be able to fight Kim Gak-hwan like that. I’ve grown up properly.”

“Yeah. It’s hard to predict the outcome.”

Lee Do-hyung and Choi Kang-ki, who were watching this from the audience, evaluated this.

They had never seen Kim Gak-hwan fight like that.

It’s not just a matter of being strong or weak, it’s that Choi Geon-woo has a body that is strong enough to accept his sincerity.

A crazy body that has suffered damage when several knives concentrate on one point, but recovers quickly.

That doesn’t mean it’s less offensive.

The attack wielded with a solid body was terrifying.

That is why he couldn’t eat the crystal.

“That’s not going to win.”

“No, if we go to the Earth War, it will be Choi Geon-woo’s victory. Because he hardly uses magic.”

“It’s not that. The reason why Choi Geon-woo can attack is because Kim Gak-hwan counter-attacks. Defense and attack power, but speed is a problem.”

In the end, the two come to the conclusion that they can’t make a decision.

It will probably end in a draw after duel time.

“More than that, that one is more interesting. It must have been Lee Jae-cheol and Kim Min-soo, right?”

Do-hyeong Lee said so and recalled information about Jae-cheol Lee and Min-soo Kim.

Jae-cheol Lee was a new figure in the spotlight among the A-ranked Awakened characters in Korea.

He was previously active in the villain’s Coalition’s counter-terrorism case as he is now.

At the time, it was revealed that his identity was Seongjin, but his identity was later revealed in a B-grade dungeon hosted by Sungjin.

Afterwards, he rose to the position of leading the Awakened police officers, who had become Class A.

On the other hand, Kim Min-soo is a search-type hunter.

He had a special skill, but it wasn’t a standout skill.

His role was simply to discover a monster first, gather information about it, and pass it on to him, then hide himself and mainly sneak attack.

Therefore, a battle like this now was a very unfavorable environment for him.


“Are you okay with fighting?”

Min-su was overwhelming Lee Jae-cheol.


Lee Jae-cheol’s personality changes slightly when he wears a slenn.

You feel a sense of omnipotence, and your body floats with the confidence that you can do anything.

With Slenn, there was never a time when he couldn’t deal with it, and there was never anything that went his way.

Sometimes I wondered if I could fight with Commissioner Kim Gak-hwan with this status.

So she thought she could easily win against Minsu this time too.

His languid eyes seemed unmotivated, and his magical powers were not particularly strong. He’s just an ordinary A grade.

That was it.

But his eyes changed and the mood.

people have changed

shock. His dagger passed quietly.

Tentacles strong and strong enough to tear apart and crush A-class monsters alive were cut like tofu.

He doesn’t seem to have enchanted the sword, but that tiny dagger cut the tentacles.

‘Is it a special item?’

Lee Jae-cheol thought so and pulled his body back.

Although Minsu is relatively agile, he is not as fast as himself.

The weapon he uses there is a dagger, so it seemed more advantageous to go out in a long-distance battle.

“You seem to handle the tentacles well, but where are you going to block bullets?”

The tentacles that came out of Lee Jae-cheol’s body turned into powerful firearms.

A machine gun, not a rifle like before.

When the magic was injected, the magic became a bullet and was fired immediately.

Doo doo doo doo doo-

Machine guns boasting a rate of fire of 1200 rounds per minute roared and spit fire.

Materialized magical energy flew around like a bullet.

Its power was enough to penetrate the ground, and the number was large enough to form a barrage.

If you weren’t a tank-type hunter, it would have been difficult to block or avoid this.


Minsu is taking such an attack with his sword.

It wasn’t that he swung his sword fast enough to form a sword shield.

Just swing it right.

Avoid bullets that can be avoided, and defend by swinging a sword when unavoidable.

exactly that too.


Seeing the scene, Jae-cheol Lee cursed.

One of the most absurd scenes he had ever seen was unfolding.

He was obviously a normal person, but what the heck is the ability he has shown now?

By the way, what skill is it?

“…it’s quite different.”


“It’s quite different from the Slenderman I’ve dealt with.”

Minsu shared his feelings.

Jung-an understood that the black liquid was definitely Slenderman.

But he was different from the Slenderman we saw in the dungeon.

His abilities are also far superior to this one, and he had never heard of a gun like the one he had just before.

Perhaps it was a different being from the one he was dealing with.

‘Well, it’s not that difficult.’

There was already a history of competing on an equal footing with Slenderman in the D-Class.

At that time, even monsters and hunters cooperated, but they pushed Slenderman to the brink of death.

And then I almost died.

If Sungjin had not come late, he would have died.

This was a bit traumatic.

Every night, Slender Man threatened his life, and I imagined several times that Slender Man would come out of the shadows.

And every time I imagined it.

How do you deal with Slenderman?

‘If it’s my skill now, Slender Man is relaxed.’

He was terrified every time he thought about it.

But it is also goodbye for today.

Cut the grain on the tentacles with the right eye.

Avoid the bullets that rain in the slowed time, and cut or block those that cannot be avoided with a sword.

Cheat the answer sheet you saw with Jeongan and put it into action.

It’s different from your former self.

There is no time limit for using Jungan.

Both arms were intact, and they were armed with higher stats and equipment.

Therefore, there was no answer to sacrifice the body.

“It doesn’t seem like a clumsy long-range attack.”

Chae-cheol Lee stopped the assault.

He could slow his approach with a clumsy attack, but that was all.

Throw away the clumsy attack and execute the right attack.

gurgling, gurgling-

Tentacles begin to clump together one by one.

Reduce the number and increase the quality.

Increases the concentration of Slenn surrounding the body.

The power overflows and the magic power is amplified.

“From now on, let’s go to close combat.”

“The more I look at it, the more I look different from the Slender Man I knew. What kind of transformation robot is it?”

Min-su checked what changes were happening to Lee Jae-cheol as Jeong-an.

‘The texture of the tentacles disappears.’

It’s the difference between the Slender Man I’ve faced before.

The texture of the tentacles became so blurry that it could not be cut with the current dagger. The number has decreased, but it is no longer possible to reduce the number.

strength also increased.

Even if you don’t come close, you’re emitting magical power that makes your body numb.

He cleared the dungeon, received quests in this world, and knew at once that his abilities were higher than his own, who had raised the level to the limit.


“-There is an answer.”

Formulate the equation for victory.

Gather information and rearrange variables.

It moves in the way it was derived.


It was obviously Minsu who moved first.

But Lee Jae-cheol was faster.

Jae-cheol Lee’s fist flew towards Min-soo’s face, and Min-soo bowed deeply to avoid it.

He was reading the attack in the first place, so he could dodge it even if it was slow.


It didn’t end there.

Tentacles like thorns came out of Lee Jae-cheol’s body and attacked him.

Minsu read the attack as well and ran away.

Anyway, the range wasn’t that long.

The long ones are just a few tentacles flying around.

Avoid tentacles swinging at high speed.

The shape of the tentacles is a sword.

If you make a mistake, an attack that looks like it will cut off your waist, not your arms, flew in.

The harsh sound of breaking the wind gave us an idea of ​​its mass.

At least it wasn’t an attack that could be stopped.

‘Watch out for the tentacles.’

As a tree stretches out its new branches, new tentacles grow and attack.

So it falls backwards, not up and down, left and right.

Now, widening the distance is the answer.

After all, the next action of the opponent is decided.

“Do you want to do it before approaching?”

Your opponent will approach you.

As a person who does not have a long-range attack method in the first place, he would be very pleased.

The opponent was too confident.


Jae-cheol Lee spews tentacles like thorns from his body.

However, Minsu did not avoid the attack.


He grabbed the tentacles one by one with both hands and grabbed the tentacles that came to him.

His original own stats are negligible, but his hands are not his original arms.

It is an item that has been replaced with an upgraded item as the rank goes up.

It was not only able to generate greater power than the original stats, but also its durability was so hard that it could not be compared.

“You… that arm…”

Jae-cheol Lee seemed to recognize his arm.

But now that I noticed, it was too late. Finish before the other tentacles attack.


rotate the arm

Just like a robot rotates an arm before launching a rocket punch, a mechanical arm rotates at high speed.

With this, the tentacles were wrapped around it and sucked in the body of Slender Man.

… Slenderman slowly fell off Lee Jae-cheol’s body.(Read more @

His bare body was revealed little by little.

And he did not miss the opportunity, and various weapons came out of his arm.

The arm from which the sword-like weapon protruded slowly moved toward Jae-cheol Lee’s bare skin as he rotated.


A much harsher metallic sound cut through the air, unlike when the arm just rotated.

It was like a metal cutter.

The anticipation of the tingling metal was transmitted through the air.

“Sleep… Wait, wait, surrender, stop!”

As Slender Man escaped, Jae-cheol Lee, who returned to his original personality, hurriedly shouted.

At that sound, Minsu stopped rotating.

“It’s my victory.”

Minsu smiled contentedly and put the protruding weapon back into his arm.

‘More than that, did you call me a transforming robot with that arm?’

Jae-cheol Lee suddenly became embarrassed.


“It seems that there is a conclusion over there.”

Seong-jin looked at Lee Jae-cheol and Kim Min-soo’s confrontation and said.

Minsu and Slenderman are monsters that have a special relationship.

A monster that almost died is inevitably traumatized.

He knew it well because he had been through it before.

In this case, when he saw a similar monster before catching the monster, he became nervous and hardened.

The fastest way to overcome this was to exterminate that monster in the past.

I brought in Jae-cheol Lee for that, and it seemed to work.

‘Then the problem is me.’

Gak-Hwan Kim and Gun-Woo Choi.

The struggle between the two did not seem to end.

The two seem to enjoy fighting, but more than that is a waste of time.

“Hey, it’s over now. Stop fighting.”

As mediators, he announced that the duel was over, but the two didn’t seem to hear.

Maybe it’s because you’re concentrating.

Even a slight twist in that workshop can cause a lot of damage.

It is unavoidable to focus all your attention on the situation.

Unless it’s the first time I’ve been there.

“Because it’s over. It’s okay to stop, right?”



I called a few more times, but there was still silence and a quiet battle ensued.

Sungjin looked at her and sighed.

“Yeah. I have to work.”

Why is there a mediator?

Isn’t it meant to stop and prevent this situation?

Seongjin put his body in the middle of the two of them fighting.

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