Chapter 104

“I’ll let you live with your original identity.”

Lee Do-hyung’s bombshell remarks made everyone around.

Park Seong-jin.

what kind of person he is

He is the main character who cleared this B-grade dungeon.

Recently, it was also revealed that he was dispatched to Russia and made a big contribution to dealing with monsters in Siberia, and that he helped the villain Yeonhan’s counter-terrorism.

But he was hiding his true identity.

It was something anyone would be interested in.

And this was also a big blow to the police mind.

“Mr. Lee Do-hyung.”


“Do you want to be arrested for obstructing the execution of official duties?”

Jae-cheol Lee said with a smirk.

As his usual sad tone and expression hardened, a cold atmosphere blew out.

It made the surroundings tense.

“Awakened cops are a face-to-face job with villains. And as they get famous, they get a grudge against them. That’s why you have one or two fake identities. But you just exposed them.”

Initially, this policy was not implemented.

However, the increasing number of Awakened police officers who are being retaliated against by villains has led to implementation of this policy.

Except for those who became too famous like Kim Gak-hwan, most of the Awakened police had this process.

It’s not a very well known fact to the general public, but a person like Lee Do-hyung knew about it to some extent.

But knowing it and publishing it are two different things.

“You’ll be joining our guild anyway, so what does it matter?”

“I’m not going in, so it doesn’t matter.”

widely! Two people growling at each other as they get up from each other’s chairs and hit the table with their hands.

One side emphasizes the law and refutes it based on this, while the other side cautions that even if the law is violated in the process, it should be okay as a result.

He didn’t quite fit his personality.

“Let’s go to sleep. Do this all the way.”

“You too, calm down. There’s no point in fighting the police.”

Sungjin and Kanggi forced each other to sit down.

“You don’t have to be so sarcastic. Isn’t President Lee Do-hyung revealing my identity? Just because I’m hiding my identity, the Alliance of Villains won’t be able to trace back.”


“I’m not here to fight each other, so please calm down.”

At Seongjin’s words, Jaecheol bit her mouth.

And naturally, one corner of his mouth was raised at an angle where only Sungjin could be seen.

‘After all, I’m good at acting like this.’

The image he had seen in Siberia, Russia, was revealed.

Provokes opponents naturally.

Since he is not at the main table of the negotiation table, he does not have bad feelings toward Sungjin.

And then do everything you say.

Even if the opponent may be offended, he pours out whatever he can get.

Still, how good he is at facial expressions, seeing one face smiling and the other open as if angry at the same time felt bizarre enough to give you goosebumps.

If he didn’t know him well, he would have thought he had mastered a special skill.

“Now, let’s start the story again. You said you’d let me use your real identity? How would you do that?”

Lee Do-hyung took a deep breath and calmly answered.

“It’s literally. We’ll protect Mr. Seongjin. You’ve probably already seen the power of our guild. It’s hard to survive in this place, which is covered with top-level skills and attack skills, no matter how A-grade you are.”

“It seemed so.”

I felt it from the moment I came here, but the crime prevention was very good.

I had thought about breaking into this place before, but after seeing this crime prevention facility, I gave up.

So, wasn’t it Kim Gak-hwan, the police chief, who went to instead?

In addition, the attack magic and the given skills were not an ordinary grade A, but it was difficult to block even people such as Kim Gak-hwan and Choi Kang-gi.

It was truly a modern fortress.

It’s probably safer here than the Blue House.

“Isn’t it because of the villains’ retaliation for hiding their identity in the end? I’ll let you live here. I can assure you that there is no safer place in the world than this. The Alliance of Villains can’t do anything about it either.”

“is that so?”

“Yes. Considering the hunters who live here, I think it’s a reasonable evaluation.”

Lee Do-hyung said with a gentle glance at Choi Kang-gi, who was next to him.

He doesn’t always reside there, but just the fact that he is there won’t make a villain attack – he thinks.

“It’s not the answer I was looking for.”


“I’m saying this because you seem to be underestimating the Alliance of Villains.”

The reason villains do not attack this place is not because the defenses here are thorough.

It was simply because Argonaut was not very hostile to the villain.

Besides, this is Korea.

There was no way to attack a place like this in the worst place of the villain environment.

But now Sungjin was different.

Despite such circumstances, the Villains Alliance has been attacking with the means of terrorism.

It is a situation in which hostility has been built up as much as possible.

‘Besides, I couldn’t really stop it later.’

Before Return, the Villain Alliance fought a war with Korea in the guise of Japan.

The Japanese target’s attack priority became the Korean Awakened Police and Hunter Guilds, among them Argonauts.

And, of course, those who remained in the guild were annihilated.

A single guild could not defeat the power of the country.

‘Having my father here will only be a target in a surprise war someday.’

That is why Seong-jin is leaving his father as he is.

In my mind, I want to make them move to a better place to live.

However, in that case, there was a high probability that he would die in the war that might happen in the future.

Therefore, even though he tried to improve his father’s living environment, he did not move.

It was because he thought that Ansan, which was underdeveloped, was safer than the region that was given priority in the war.

Therefore, Lee’s proposal was not very attractive.

“This counter-terrorism. Can Argonaut be able to stop it without taking any damage?”

Lee Do-hyung pondered for a moment at Seong-jin’s question and then shook his head.

This time, if the magic that interferes with the space movement magic is not ready yet, and a swarm of monsters suddenly appears, there is no choice but to cause damage.

“It’s impossible. That’s right. I can protect my body too. But the reason I’m hiding my identity is to protect the people around me, typically my family. To keep them from getting involved.”


“If you protect your family here, do you think you will be able to protect it from that terror?”

“It would be impossible. Still, that terror is a special case. Wouldn’t it be a leap forward to think that such a large-scale case only happens within our guild?”

“No. It is not.”

Lee Do-hyung denied this as he was proud of the guild.

What he says is a very extreme case.

It was something that almost never existed.

But there must be a reason why it happened.

“The terror was aimed at me.”


This is a much bigger bombshell than Lee Do-hyung’s remarks.

No matter how loud it was, he couldn’t even hear the whispers around him.

Only Sungjin’s words echoed.

“I interfered a bit with their pranks in Russia. Thanks to that, I’m at odds with them. Thanks to my house, they flew away and they even launched a terrorist attack to summon me. Because I’m still hiding from house to house.”

Lee Do-hyung listened to his words and thought.

Where and how his dwelling became, and why he neglected his father.

‘You’re trying to keep it out of sight.’

Because there is no time to protect him directly, it is dangerous to be with him, so he hides himself.

This is probably the reason why I don’t buy a house even though I can buy it if I want to.

“In other words, we are lacking in ability.”

“No. Didn’t I tell you? It’s the wrong way.”

Seongjin said so and unlocked some of the items in his inventory.

Items I had before Return.

These are Class A items.

A high-end item that boasts superior performance compared to the present era, although it is not as good as the bow of Hercules shown before.(Read more @

It poured out in heaps.

“You can increase your ability. And the ability you have developed is not to protect, but to attack.”

Lee Do-hyung checked the items one by one.

Most of them had similar performance to the items that Choi Kang-ki possessed.

And I wondered why Sungjin was talking about this.

– You seem to be interested in restoring your identity.

– You seem to respect your parents.

– Lost Chuck with the Villains Alliance.

– Bringing and handing over a large number of items.

Putting all of these things together, he says:

“Are you telling us to deal with the Villains Alliance? Do you want us to deal with all the villains and make sure we can reveal their identities?”

“It’s accurate. You’re quick to judge the situation as well.”

it’s not funny Do you usually come out of this place?

Now this position was headhunting, that is, hiring him.

However, the other party said that it doesn’t matter, so get this item and be hired.

I thought that might be the reason why I came here in the first place.

‘No, maybe I was reading that I was going to come out like this.’

The reason he made contact in the first place is because he cleared the B-grade dungeon and mass-produced the A-grade hunters.

There were not enough items to supply them.

In such a situation, such high-quality items are being handed over in large quantities.

Things got so tight.

“It feels like a doll dancing on a well-made stage.”

“I struggled to make it, but it’s up to Pinocchio with an ego to decide how it’s going to move.”

“Foot. Yeah. But I really like the stage. I’ll have to move according to the script.”

After hearing Seong-jin’s words, Lee Do-hyeong, convinced of this, held out his hand.

“I’ll be hired. I’ll give you strength to capture the Villain Alliance. After that, I’ll formally invite you into the guild.”

“It’s a smart choice.”

An agreement different from the original idea was reached.

With A and B in the contract reversed.

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