The Pirate's Bad Doctor

Pirates' bad god doctors Chapter 795

Chapter 1525, the Department: Do you have anything (two more)

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Chapter 1526 Sorry, no gift (three more)

A few minutes later, Mao Li Xiaolang and the juvenile detective group had a big bag of a small bag.

"Thank you, Li Da Ge, your gift is really much."

"Yeah, Li Da Ge, you are a good person."

"Yes wrong."

Li Mu's mouth rose, and he has accepted the praise of everyone.

This time, Li Mu, I bought a lot of things.

Mililan and Leafy Sweets have dozens of pieces, especially gray, extortion, and get the most.

And the teenager detective group, Maori Xiaogutang has five gifts, but also more economical, particularly good.

Look at steps and other people happy expressions, you can see how good this gift is.

"Wait, take the department, I will go see if there is any gift."

Although I don't have much expectations, Conan ran into the car.

"I also go to see, maybe there is me."

The two people in Custan also ran into the car and found it seriously.

Not long, Conan found his name and then opened.

A set of sports jerseys, a set of novels, there are other, in short, he is used.

"Fortunately, this 520 gift is very good."

Connasin has a breath.

He is really afraid that Li Mu gives him some mathematical questions, or physical chemical questions.

Especially the last time Li Mu took so many things from Hawaii, no one is what he needs.

"What? You found it, why don't you me?"

The part of the service is full of confused, and I am busy looking for it seriously in the truck.

Unfortunately, the truck is not with the leaves, that is, the Xiaolan Garden and others, there is no gift.

Li Mu looked at the depressed part of the department, touched the brane sound, apologize: "The department, I am really embarrassed, I don't know if you are here, so these gifts are not you."

The part is flat.

The original face is black, and now the face is more black.

Feelings Li Mu have not given him a gift, and there is no gift.

And the leaves also reacted, and quickly ran into the truck, picked up a tie, and then handed the order of the service.

"Sorry, Ping, this is a gift I have prepared to you, and some of the amenities of the uncle, you are acceptable."

The flat face is black again.

He is aware of his parents' gift, after all, it is on the outside of the truck.

But give him the gift, it is definitely not given.

He saw it with your own eyes, and the leaves from Li Mu, took out a collar brought him.

That is to say, this gift is actually Li Mu.

Similarly, that is to say, the parents and the parents of the leaves are all thought of.

Even people who even the coffee shops in Polo also have gifts.

Look at a lot of gift in the truck, there is no one.

It can bear it.

On the other, the young detective group three people looked at their own gifts, and looked at the empty-handed part of the service department, a compassion of a face.

"Hey, there is no gift in a gift."

"Yeah, the only gift seems to be Li Da Ge."


The parties have listened to the teenager detective group. The brows wrinkled, biting his teeth, and the face was unhappy.

If it is not a fight, step beauty is a child, he will be willing to play.

Li Mu looked at the unhappy clothes, and he strongly held the inner smile.

He can't say that he is deliberately not convinced the department.

And in order to envy the part of the clothes, Li Mu delibely gave Conan very good gifts, all are useful.

Not the previous exam questions.

Conan is also just like Li Mu, got a pile of gifts you want, and there was no matter what the quality of the part was.

When I thought here, Conan is balanced, and the starter Mran (BDFC) is still particularly missing.

"Hey, there is no gift without gifts, and there is nothing big."

The part of the department is proud, and the hand is still special, and I took the tie with Ye.

Anyway, this is also giving him with the leaves, and it can't be inevitably.

After receiving a gift, I took a given gift.

In fact, she is not intentional, and Li Mu play is too happy, plus the size of the department always calls harassment, I will forget it.

Connasque is nothing, and secretly ran to the ash.

"Gray original, I ask you one thing, they have anything to do."

Gray originally looked at Conan, reached a finger: "I saw a piece of clothes, five thousand yen."


Connamn bite his teeth, and finally nodded.

Clear Connone did not know, gray original is a two-way spy, but it is loyal to Li Mu's spy.

And Li Mu has so much money, I have already got a gray original, how could Conan five thousand yen.

After the gray original, after the things you want, the corner of the mouth rose, and then seriously said: "It is not necessary to go shopping together."

"What about this?" Conan excited.

"Don't you eat this? Nothing is dinner, sleeping is separated, there is nothing, even if you have bath, what happened?"

Gray originally looked at Conan, but in the hearts of Corinant.

Xiaolan has been done clean by Li Mu, and has already been done, and Conan actually doesn't know.

After Copan listened to a breath, he can accept it if he is just shopping.

Unfortunately, Conan didn't know that the gray original was not only together with Li Mu, but also deceived him.

A delicious baby.

The gray original shook his head, then turned it, he looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu suffer from the eyes of gray, twisted his eyes.

"Okay, Li Mu, let's go, let's eat, I invite guests, you have a good time."

Mao Li Xiaofeng is very happy, happy holding his own gift into the Coffee Shop of Polo.

Li Beimao is twitching.

Pollowa's coffee shop is his industry. Is it necessary to eat?

It is estimated that the donation is donated and joyful, and the drought is hot.

In fact, the gross of Maori Xiaogiro is this idea, affordable, and can also discount, then why not eat here.

Li Mu did not tangled this matter. He told it a little, and he entered the coffee shop.

The love of the big air sea is invincible, the red, the red, the beginning! .

Chapter 1527, in the middle of the night, and Ye (four more)

I finished eating a dinner, but I donated it. The gauze, the sister, ∥   

Li Mu also didn't care too much. After all, it was a meal, this point of money Li Mu is still affordable.

After the Polo's coffee shop, Maori Xiaolang looked at the dark sky.

"Li Mu, the sky is not too early, or you can stay, Osaka can also stay."

Li Mu looked at the moon in the sky, the sky was indeed too early.

"That's okay, I sent the people of the teenager detective group back, and I will come back."

Listen to Ye Li Mu left, and quickly said: "We also stay here, it's not very good so late. Anyway, tomorrow will go back, you can learn."

"Well, I will stay."

The quality of the service is not "three nine three", how can it be together with Ye and Li Mu.

"Well, you will send you home."


Li Mu opened the car and sent everyone home.

Finally, Li Mu looked at the gray, smiled: "Little mourning, your gift will be sent tomorrow."

The gray is laminated, and the cold eyes look at Li Mu.

"Remember, my gift can not be less."

Li Mu is a black line, what is this, actually doubting her.

"Don't worry, I will give you something, you don't have to worry."

After that, Li Mu drove directly.

After returning to the Maori Detective Office, Li Mu directly entered the third floor.

"Lee big brother, where are you sleeping this evening." Xiaran asked.

Li Mu thought about it, the third floor of Maori Xiao Lang's family is large, but only two rooms, plus a storage room.

A room, Mao Lang and Ye, a room, and others, there is no two rooms at all.

"This way, I am sleeping on the sofa downstairs, you just need to prepare a quilt."

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