Aokiji actually wanted to replicate Akainu's record of winning Jhin on the Island of Oni. In his opinion, if he captured Katakuri, he would basically be level with Akainu, but he tried twice. It took some time to find that it would take some time to take down Katakuri. Once the advantage of the raid was lost, the remaining two would surround the star, and the rest of the brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family would swarm him, and he would also be in trouble.

It is much harder to catch people than to defeat and kill the enemy. Aokiji was puzzled, how did Akainu catch Jhin while surrounded by a bunch of enemies? He doesn't think Akainu is much stronger than himself. There must be factors that he doesn't know about. Either the epidemic and drought were not on the island at the time, or he was led away by someone. He doesn't believe that Akainu is alone. Block the three disasters, and bring back the prisoners of Jhin in the siege.

After the navy and the pirates probed each other's truth, they withdrew.

Back at the Naval Headquarters, Vivi asked the shark Mekkaro to return to Fishman Island. She estimated that the war was about to start, and the silly shark should hurry home.

Before she could leave, she was dragged by Aokiji to attend a meeting of high-ranking naval officers.

The level of the meeting was very high. Including Weiwei, there were Marshal Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Zefa, and Lieutenant General Crane like a dry and thin old lady, as well as Garp, who was hiding and eating snacks. personal.

Even though she is the commander-in-chief of the army of the allied countries, participating in this meeting made Weiwei feel particularly uncomfortable. The strict hierarchy of the navy made her feel uncomfortable, especially in the Warring States Office. The sound of killing, after entering the door, she did not say a word.

But the green pheasant kept calling her.

"We found a fleet of pirates, about 30,000 to 40,000 people, right? Her Royal Highness."


"We played against Katakuri. That guy is really good. He discovered my three raids in advance, right? Her Royal Highness?"

"Huh? . . . ummm..."

Akainu suddenly opened his mouth and asked solemnly, "Your Highness Princess, you are standing with us, right?"

There can be no ambiguity on this big issue, Weiwei nodded and answered clearly: "Yes, I am in the same camp as everyone in the Navy."

"Remember we discussed about sacrifice a year ago? I think now is an important moment. The Navy wants to see the sacrifice of the allied troops." Akainu's words were full of blood.

Even if she knew that her troops were all cannon fodder, and even if she didn't plan to take those thorns back, Wei Wei couldn't help but ask: "What task is the Navy planning to assign to the troops of the allied countries? We won't let us resist the elites of the Pirates, right? There are all three generals over there, and there are a lot of wanted criminals in the hundreds of millions. Even if the troops of the allied countries are dead, they can't stop them."

Akainu said decisively: "The old man will resist them together with you. In the early days, we are the only ones participating in the battle. You must be mentally prepared."

Weiwei has a question mark, what's the matter? In the Whitebeard version, you are the only Akainu fighting for the battle, and now the Kaido version is also fighting for you alone? You can't fight it yourself, you have to pull me?

She looked at the other generals, meaning what were these people doing?

She not only looked at it, but also asked directly: "Why didn't the other generals join the war? For example... General Polsalino?"

Kizaru said with a very hard look: "The old man is going to the Holy Land Mary Joa to prevent Kaido from attacking the Holy Land. If Kaido decides to attack Marin Fando, the old man has to run back again, how terrible."

Aokiji said bluntly: "If Kaido comes, I have to fight him at some point?"

Warring States did not say a word, I am a dignified marshal, I can't rush to the front line when the war starts, right?

Finding that Weiwei's eyes finally fell on him, Garp, who was eating snacks, laughed: "Kaido has the ability to fly, I have to look at the execution platform, um, my old man is also very busy."

I don't think you are busy at all.

Zefa? Weiwei looked at Zefa's handicapped arm, the old man was fooled by her, and has never done the transplant operation of the Hailou Stone Crusher. Now it can only be regarded as half of the top combat power. very dangerous.

If the old man Zefa was beheaded by the Four Emperors in full view, the morale of the navy would collapse.

Weiwei asked the navy's plan carefully. The decisive battle was coming, and the navy didn't hide it from her. After repeated discussions, she reluctantly agreed to this plan, which would cause heavy losses to the troops of the allied countries. Pakistan armed a group of warships of the same type as the navy.

The Warring States Marshal agreed in principle.

Weiwei also reminded them to pay attention to advancing the security of the city prison. If Kaido sends someone to sneak in and release all the prisoners, the navy will be in danger this time.


As the island of Oni is getting closer and closer to Marine Fando, the naval headquarters also carried out the final mobilization. More than 100,000 naval elites gathered in Marine Fando, ready to fight the enemy to the death.

Smog, Dasqi, Ain, and Binz whom Weiwei knew, joined their respective battle sequences one after It is worth mentioning that the "Axe King" Monka, who once slashed the golden lion with an axe The colonel also led an elite team to Marin Vando.

Weiwei is very puzzled. Ordinary soldiers can't see it, so can't those admirals also see it? This is a parallel importer, do you still expect him to be lucky enough to kill Kaido with an axe?

Not counting the troops of the allied countries, the 100,000 elites of the navy have a great advantage against the 120,000 pirates of the alliance of Kaido and Big Mom. The strategy of "Leave the island over" completely controls the initiative on the battlefield. If he doesn't care about Jhin's life or death, and doesn't care about the execution at all, and only concentrates on attacking the Holy Land Mary Joa, then Marin Fando's side will be set up in vain.

Although he knew that dividing troops was a taboo, the Warring States Marshal still asked Kizaru to lead 30,000 elites to the Holy Land Mary Joa to protect the World Government and the Tianlong people.

If Kaido's goal is Marin Fando, Kizaru can fly back to support himself. If it is the Holy Land Mary Joa, then relying on the elite soldiers of the World Government and the elite of the navy can persist until the naval reinforcements arrive.

Now Kaido can fight wherever he wants.

The situation does not mean that the two four emperors on your side, the six generals on my side are like additions and subtractions, and the ratio is as clear as the size. Once Kaido mobilizes some of the top navy forces, he and aunt join forces to strike, It can really form a local area with more and less. No four emperors can resist two generals, and naturally no general can resist two four emperors. Once a naval general is killed, the naval advantage will be very high. It might collapse.

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