The Pirate Garen

Chapter 438 The Truth of History

Under Galen's domineering performance, Robin, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't help but lose his footing.

Then, under Robin's nervous gaze, Galen unbuttoned his suit in front of her.

"You, why are you undressing?"

Robin's face froze, and the charm and ambiguity in his heart dissipated instantly.

Seeing Galen's heinous indecent behavior, Robin not only lost his entangled thoughts, but also really wanted to smash the head of this perverted dog in front of him with a punch.


Galen was slightly taken aback, and said innocently:

"Take something."

As he spoke, he reached into the large pocket of the suit lining, and took out a small notebook from it:


Robin looked a little embarrassed.

But it only took a few seconds for her to regain her calm and calm aura, and asked Galen in a business-like and serious tone:

"Galen, what is this?"

"Ha ha."

Galen pretended to smile mysteriously, and said to Robin:

"This is the historical truth that was deliberately buried by the world government, which has been blank for a hundred years."


Robin's eyes immediately changed.

Galen knew that Robin had someone who discovered the truth of history, and he had been paying attention to the movement of the historical texts for the past few months, and even seized several pieces of historical texts with rich information from the aunt at one time.

Robin has deciphered the pieces of historical text seized from the Big Mom Pirates from the images Galen sent back with the image bug, which made her research on the historical truth advance by leaps and bounds.

And now that Galen has just copied the home of another Four Emperor Pirates, he must be able to get some new historical texts from Kaido.

Could it be that Galen has discovered the truth of history from those historical texts?


Robin was not so easy to fool, and immediately woke up from the short-term excitement:

"I didn't even help you interpret the historical text. Where did you learn the historical truth?"


Galen smiled easily, and said to Robin:

"Robin, didn't I tell you that when I recruited you?"

"No one in the whole world knows about the blank hundred years, and you are the only one who knows the ancient texts. Isn't it our decision to decide the truth of this history?"

He handed the notebook in his hand to Robin, and said with some pride:

"Take it and have a look. This is a blank hundred-year history that I invented in one night."

"Read it carefully and see if there are any historical loopholes that need to be revised?"


Robin stared at the notebook in his hand with a strange expression on his face:

"You really did that?"


Galen has no sense of guilt for fabricating history, but is very proud of it:

"Since no one knows what happened in the blank hundred years, there can be countless truths in history!"

"The historical 'truth' I made up is enough to expose the reactionary nature of the world government and prove the legitimacy of our League of Legends."

"Okay, okay."

Due to the professionalism of an archaeologist, Robin is somewhat unacceptable to this kind of fabrication of history.

But she did agree to Galen's request from the very beginning, and Galen also wanted to use this to deal with her enemy, the World Government, so Robin opened the notebook half-heartedly, and carefully read what Galen had just compiled. 'Historical Truth':

"Nine hundred years ago."

"There is not a strong coalition government on the sea. There are many kingdoms in the world, warlords occupy the land as kings, pirates are rampant, thieves are rampant, the masses are overwhelmed, the people are destitute, and they live in dire straits."

When seeing the beginning, Robin's expression has not changed much.

Because the history nine hundred years ago has not been erased by the world government, everyone who has read the book knows that there was no organization similar to the world government at sea at that time, and the level of chaos was not inferior to today's era of great pirates.

Read on, though, for Garen's exclusive original history:

"Nine hundred years ago, there existed a kingdom called the Kingdom of Demacia in the waters of the New World, the great waterway."

"Jarvan IV, the prince of Demacia at the time, learned from the painful scene after witnessing the tragic scenes of that era, and took the lead in awakening the revolutionary consciousness."

"Prince Jiawen led the soldiers of the Demacia Kingdom at that time to conquer the east and west, suppressed a large number of rebellious pirates, rescued countless desperate people, conquered a vast territory, and finally persuaded a group of like-minded people with the help of Demacia theory. king of the kingdom."

"Thus, under the inspiration of the German military flag, the kings from the great waterway and the world voluntarily gave up their power as nobles, and only retained the glory and reputation of the royal family."

"At the same time, these kingdoms transformed by Demacia worked together to unite hundreds of countries and established the first Demacia righteous country."

"This country is the 'huge kingdom' researched by O'Hara's historians."

"Its full name is Demacia Justice Kingdom Alliance, referred to as 'Delian'."

"Delian is not governed by Prince Jiawen's family, but by an organization called the League of Legends, and the leaders elected by the organization collectively control the world."

"Thanks to the efforts of Delian, the pirate forces have been basically pacified, the privileges of the nobility have been strongly suppressed, the productivity level has been greatly improved, the society has been unprecedentedly prosperous, and the scientific development has advanced by leaps and bounds. So far, many staggering black technologies have been left behind."


"Because of the incomplete revolution, many old kings and royal families before the establishment of Delian obtained rich political resources in Delian, and some descendants of virtuous kings who followed Prince Jiawen to establish Delian also gradually deteriorated in their superior lives. "

"With the development of time, the regime of Delian has gradually formed a privileged class centered on the descendants of the old king's royal family such as the Don Quixote family and the Kamael family, which is the embryonic form of the twenty kings who later created the world government. "

"Corruption, theft and appropriation of state property is widespread, bribery is common and productivity is low."

"The second half of the Delian era is known as Delian's 'stagnation period' and 'ossified period', and the privileged class of Delian has already fully fledged."

"At this time, the disappeared pirates and nobles made a comeback, the society was in turmoil, and the hearts of the people were floating."

Seeing this, Robin's expression was so weird that it couldn't be any weirder.

She couldn't help but temporarily put down the notebook, and gave Galen a complicated look.


"Is there something wrong with my writing?"

Galen asked a little puzzled.


"The compilation is perfect, the details are reasonable, and it reads with a sense of history."

Robin looked at Galen curiously and said:

"I didn't expect that you still have the talent to write historical novels?"


Galen paused slightly, and said something that Robin didn't understand:

"I'm also taking history as a mirror. This story was told to me by the Mao Xiong in Beihai."

"Writing like this can not only expose the illegality of the world government, but also serve as a warning to the newly born League of Legends, lest they go down the old path of Mao Xiong."


Although Robin didn't quite understand which animal ability user the "hairy bear of the North Sea" was, Galen made up the story so well that she gradually accepted this version of the "truth" of history.

Robin then read on, reading the epilogue of the story:

"Ninety years after the founding of the country, the power of the German League has been completely stolen by the 20 old royal families who broke into the alliance."

"As their ambitions swelled, they were unwilling to dominate under the brand name of Delian, so they simply joined forces to overthrow the alliance's regime, intending to disintegrate Delian."

"Of course, the Neferutali family from Alabasta did not join forces with the other nineteen giants. Although they also have great power, they always adhere to the belief of Demacia theory."

"However, just the Neferutali family cannot stop the other nineteen evil royal families who hold the power of Delian."

"Delian finally disintegrated eight hundred years ago."

"And the nineteen original high-level Delian embezzled the legacy of Delian, claiming to be the Tianlong people who created the world, and established a world government ruled by feudal aristocrats on the ruins of Delian."

"The royal family of Neferutali, who was at odds with the nineteen giants, did not participate in this carnival that divided the flesh and blood of Delian."

"They disdain the 19 thieves, and righteously abandoned the power in their hands and the qualifications to become the world's nobles, voluntarily downgraded to ordinary kings, and stayed in Alabasta, which belongs to them, and has been trying their best to protect them for eight hundred years. the people of Alabasta."


After reading this, Robin couldn't help but looked at Galen with a strange look.

"Ha ha."

Galen laughed twice, and said without changing his face:

"Weiwei's family are all good people, and their ancestors must be written uprightly."

Robin shook his head amusedly, and read out the final supplementary setting of the story with great interest:

"The theory of Demacia is the natural enemy of the feudal aristocracy."

"Although the Nineteenth King has stolen the authority of the world, the theory of Demacia is still spreading across the sea, which makes the Tianlong people who are openly restoring it uneasy."

"Thus, under the crazy counterattack of the reactionary forces headed by the world's nobles, the existence of the Kingdom of Demacia and the German Union was completely erased, and the books recording the theory of Demacia were burned on a large scale."

"At this time, the righteous people who finally believed in the theory of Demacia were powerless to resist the atrocities of the Tianlong people. They could only use ancient texts to record the history of Demacia on a special indestructible stone."

"This kind of stone is called the historical text by later generations."

"However, the Tianlong people are extremely afraid of the vitality of Demacia's thoughts, and they are always worried about the revival of the League of Legends."

"They crazily persecuted those scholars who knew ancient texts, burned books that recorded ancient texts, and explicitly prohibited any archaeologists from studying historical texts."

"Under this kind of ignorant education that spares no effort, the only scholar who can understand ancient characters after 800 years is the survivor of the O'Hara scholar, Nicole Robin."

"Furthermore, the world government is still creating literary inquisitions all over the world."

"Anyone who mentions 'Demacia', 'Delian', 'Debang', or even just a word 'Germany', will be sentenced by the world government to a felony, ranging from enslaving the whole family to beheading the whole family. "

"People can't mention the words 'Demacia', so they can only simplify Demacia's thoughts into 'D's thoughts', and over time it evolves into 'D's will'."

"The so-called 'D's will' is the natural enemy of God—"

"Demacia Theory."

Robin's expression became weird again, and he looked at Galen again and said:

"This. Is it a little over-edited?"

"People on the sea feel that D's will is a will that can only be inherited by those with the middle surname 'D' in their names."

"Comrade Robin!"

Galen's expression became very serious:

"You are a very backward and reactionary lineage theory, and you are the dregs of thought that will be swept into the dustbin of history!"

"Princes and generals, I'd rather be kind!"

"To come out and practice justice, do you have to have someone with the surname 'D' in your ancestors?"


Robin was speechless by Galen's words, and he felt that what he said made sense.

"A blank hundred years of history is probably like this."

Galen summed up the "historical truth" he invented with some complacency, and added the last layer of settings to it:

"The cultural castration of the world government is very effective. Its high-pressure blow to Demacia's thinking lasted for hundreds of years, so that it came to the end."

"No one in the world knows the existence of Demacia, even the Tianlong people themselves have forgotten the name of that huge kingdom."

"So, when Galen, the successor of Demacia's theory, appeared, the already degenerate Tianlong people were still drowning in the wine pool and meat forest, and they didn't know that the so-called Debon company was actually their mourner."

"The power of thought is infinite."

"No matter how strict the world government is, it cannot prevent the resurrection of the holy ghost of Demacia!"

"800 years later, the end of the era of great pirates"

"Galen, the knight of justice, with the help of archaeologist Nicole Robin, learned about this advanced thought from a certain historical text that records the theory of Demacia."

"Thus, Galen, who inherited the theory of Demacia, and his companion Robin temporarily separated and devoted themselves to the cause of revolution."

"After careful investigation and research, he came alone to the East China Sea region where the world government ruled the weakest, and rekindled the spark of revolution."

"After growing up, with Robin's help, Galen translated the "Demacian Theory of Justice" recorded in the main text of history into modern language, making it widely spread in the sea."

"The end of the world government is finally here!"

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